Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest: Why We Still Write Holocaust Fiction

Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest presents:

Authors Ruby Namdar (The Ruined House), Ruth Franklin (A Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction) and Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein (Elie Wiesel: An Extraordinary Life) discuss the enduring power–and perils–of Holocaust fiction.

Prior to the conversation, the 2020 Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest winners read excerpts from their stories:

1st place – Omer Friedlander, The Man Who Sold Air in the Holy Land

2nd place – Linda Brettler, Private

3rd place – Rona Arato, Polonaise

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Can Robots be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life

Amy E. Schwartz, in conversation with New York Times best-selling author Laura Blumenfeld, discusses whether robots can be Jewish and other perennial questions, such as what Judaism has to say about love, miracles, the afterlife and so much more from Amy’s new book, Can Robots Be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life , a selection of questions and answers drawn from Moment’s ever-popular Ask the Rabbis column. This smart and provocative talk is perfect for anyone interested in the rich diversity of Jewish thought on contemporary questions.

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