Prove Your Comedy Chops with Moment’s Cartoon Caption Contest

Welcome to the Moment Magazine Cartoon Caption Contest, founded with the help of New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff, and drawn by New Yorker cartoonist Ben Schwartz.

Do you have a way with words and humor? If so, look at the cartoon below and send us a caption—or two or three! Plus scroll down to vote for your favorite caption. It’s free and fun!

Winners may claim a free Moment subscription for a friend of family member. Contest open to U.S. residents 18 and above.

Plus: Read interviews with some of our most prolific caption contest contributors here.

Submit a caption for this cartoon by August 10 by writing it in as a comment at the bottom of this page!

Vote for your favorite caption by filling out the form immediately below!

Cartoon of a pharaoh sitting in a doctor's office.

“Overall, you’re not doing bad for an old Giza.”
— Phil Wilson, Mobile, AL

“I’m going to refer you to a carbon dating expert.”
—Pete Critelli, Red Lodge, MT

“No recommended treatment today, but at some point we will be picking your brains out through your nose.”
—Jim Gorman, Thousand Oaks, CA

Vote for your favorite! The winner will receive a free subscription to Moment to give to a friend. Any U.S. resident age 18 or older can enter.

Vote for your favorite caption

Chuckle at the Spring 2024 winning caption—and see who wrote it!


“I was hoping for a necklace.”
—Harold Sanger, St. Louis, MO

How to Submit Your Caption(s)

Submit as a comment below by August 10, 2024. Finalists will appear in the upcoming issue. To vote for the winner of the Summer 2024 contest (see finalists above), use the vote form.

Note:  By submitting a caption, voting or leaving a reply, you are agreeing to receive Moment‘s award-winning newsletters.

219 thoughts on “Cartoon Caption Contest

  1. Marv Sager says:

    “Shall I call you Moses?”

  2. Marv Sager says:

    “Your Mediterranean diet isn’t working!”

  3. Marv Sager says:

    “Take two dates and call me in the morning!”

  4. Marv Sager says:

    “Your insurance policy does not cover a burial in a pyramid!”

  5. Marv Sager says:

    “Would you like your medical report written down on papyrus?”

  6. Marv Sager says:

    “Your chariot is parked illegally in front of the hospital!”

  7. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Sorry,but I don’t want to be buried with you.”

  8. Michael Lomazow says:

    “If you want to be helpful,leave a good review on Yelp.”

  9. Rich Wolf says:

    My forever worthy opponent. 🙂

  10. Mark S. says:

    “Tut, tut.”

  11. D R Hopkins says:

    Okay, that about wraps it up. Schedule a check-up for 3,000 years from next Thursday.

  12. Marv Sager says:

    “Our cafeteria menu for Passover doesn’t serve CAMEL SOUP with MATZO BALLS!”

    1. Dale Stout says:

      Ewww, my dyslexia told me at first it was going to be ‘matzo soup and camel b@lls’

      1. Marv Sager says:


        Try it, you’ll like it!

  13. Michael Lomazow says:

    “I’m honored you’re here but who is paying the bill?”

  14. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Your wife says that you are an electrician.”

  15. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Have some Cobra Juice and call me in the morning.”

    1. Dale Stout says:

      Michael, I love a shot of cobra venom in the morning :^)

      1. Dale,
        My wife’s coffee jolts me every morning…..It could start or stop a heart.

  16. Marv Sager says:

    “Perhaps in Luxor, your medical condition would be described as a BAD CASE of NILE FEVER!”

  17. “And no carbohydrates for the next forty years.” — Adrian Storisteanu, Toronto (who is unable to access the comments)

  18. “You’ll have to fix your food pyramid.”

  19. Marv Sager says:

    “Sorry, none of our nurses are related to Nefertiti as you requested!”

  20. Michael Lomazow says:

    To Marv Sager,

    Can you tell me what happened to Gerald Lebowitz….I haven’t been on as much…Did I miss something?

    1. Marv Sager says:


      Everyone on this site misses Gerald Lebowitz! We have not heard from him in over 5 months which has never happened before.

      Perhaps he is writing an important book or is traveling on a long cruise. I don’t know of his absence or the absence of others.

  21. Michael Lomazow says:

    To Gerald lebowitz,

    If you see this post,let us know your situation.

  22. Dale Stout says:

    Congratulations, Howie!

  23. Dale Stout says:

    We all miss Gerald

  24. Dale Stout says:

    Tut, tut, looks like a sprain.

    …Mark, I didn’t steal this one, this time :^)

  25. Marv Sager says:

    “Those SCARAB BEETLES in your headdress shouldn’t be moving!”

  26. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Your emergency contact is Nefertiti?”

  27. “I’m sorry but we ask everyone if they want a Do Not Resusitate Order.”

  28. “I’m sorry but we ask everyone if they want a Do Not Resuscitate Order.”

  29. Marv Sager says:

    “In the AFTERLIFE, you could be a MOMMY!”

  30. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Your ‘Pyramid Schemes’ finally caught up to you Mr. Tut.”

  31. Lee Lacewell says:

    “So you can’t sleep since your last pyramid scheme fell apart?”

  32. D R Hopkins says:

    “Okay, that about wraps it up. Schedule a check-up for three thousand years from next Thursday. “

    “I’m putting you on a strict natron regime. “

  33. D R Hopkins says:

    “I’m putting you on a strict natron regime. “

  34. D R Hopkins says:

    “Okay, that about wraps it up. Schedule a check-up for three thousand years from next Thursday. “

  35. “It’s just one of my fingers.”

  36. Marv Sager says:

    “Payment may be in the combination of 20 goats, sheep, and chickens, but no BULL!”

  37. Lee Lacewell says:

    “So you haven’t traveled outside the country?…?…?”

  38. Lee Lacewell says:

    “So you have not traveled outside the U.S.?”

  39. Marv Sager says:

    “You remind me of a Sphinx: Thick-headed & smell like a lion!”

  40. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I didn’t say get extra-fries, I said, get more exercise!”

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      I didn’t say eat extra-fried, I said get more exer-cise!”

  41. Lee Lacewell says:

    “If you are going to continue eating a dozen bagels with cream cheese every day you may need to enlarge the door to your tomb.”

  42. “So you paid $125.00 for the outfit at the museum gift shop?”

  43. Marv Sager says:

    “I didn’t recognize your importance without your CROOK & FLAIL!”

  44. Jennifer L says:

    Considering your straw innards go back 3000 years ago, you’re doing just fine.

  45. Lee Lacewell says:

    Hope and Pray Gerald is well. Has not been the same here without him.

  46. Marv Sager says:

    “Your scheduled meal will be late as your ESCAPED PET CROCODILE ate the cook!”

  47. Jordana Perman says:

    Sorry it took so long to get this appointment – we are short staffed.

  48. Rich Wolf says:

    “Allow me to explain everything about carbohydrates.”

  49. Rich Wolf says:

    “Have you tried climbing the pyramids after building them?”

  50. Rich Wolf says:

    “It’s called the ‘Yul Brynner Diet’.”

  51. Rich Wolf says:

    “Trust me: noone is looking at your nemes.”

  52. Marv Sager says:

    “May I recommend Cleopatra makeup for your PALE COMPLEXION?”

  53. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I didn’t say extra-fries, I said exercise!”

  54. Pete Critelli says:

    I’m going to refer you to a carbon dating expert.

  55. Pete Critelli says:

    It’s just a scratch, I’ll forward this to workman’s comp over at the Luxor?

  56. Pete Critelli says:

    I bet you make their day over at TSA.

  57. Lawrence Lesser says:

    Looks like you’re plagued by boils!

  58. Lawrence Lesser says:

    You’ve got a skin disease known as a midrash!

  59. Lawrence Lesser says:

    Your health insurance administrator — he gypped ya!

  60. Marv Sager says:

    “Besides eating camels, do you smoke them too?”

  61. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You weren’t serious when you said you’re having your favorite physician buried with you…. were you?”

  62. Marv Sager says:

    “We removed a LARGE STONE from your kidney and named it ROSETTA!”

  63. Randy Getz says:

    “I told you you’d be fine once the bandages were removed.”

  64. Randy Getz says:

    “No boils, no lice–and looking much less stressed this year.”

  65. Kirk Steptoe says:

    I think you have a problem with your Pharoahmones.

    1. Marv Sager says:

      Maybe he needs a CHIROpractor also!

  66. George Cohn, MD says:

    Rabbi, you have an identity problem and i am referring you to a psychiatric hospital

  67. Marv Sager says:

    “A sarcophagus coffin can be built for you. Would you like it to be sent to Memphis, TN, or Cairo, IL?”

  68. Jane Smalley says:

    You have PTSD. No wonder, after all those plagues and your army loss in the Reed Sea!

  69. Sarah Oaks says:

    You’re in remarkable shape for someone who has been dead as long as you.

  70. david weissman says:

    No boils, but…

  71. Marv Sager says:

    “If you need a job apply at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. You would make a realistic bell hop!”

  72. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Please tell me I didn’t say ‘you’re a joke’ out loud.”

  73. Stuart Krigel says:

    So what seems to be plaguing you?

  74. Stuart Krigel says:

    What seems to be plaguing you?

  75. Marv Sager says:

    “Your hospital bill must be paid in greenbacks, not sand dollars! ‘SO LET IT BE WRITTEN — SO LET IT BE DONE!”‘

  76. Michele Paskow says:

    “….nightmares about frogs and fear of the dark, hmm, who have you been talking to?”

  77. Menachem Rosensaft says:

    “It’s better than having to look at your orange hair, but you still make me want to barf!”

  78. Michael Lomazow says:

    “No shoes,no shirt,no service.”

  79. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Your asp is loose.”

  80. Marv Sager says:

    “We will save your organs at the time of death to donate to others. No CANOPIC JARS need be utilized!”

  81. Michael Krause says:

    Mazel Tov! You’re going to be a mummy!

  82. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Let me see you walk like an epyptian.”

  83. Lee Lacewell says:

    “My nurse says, you want to be a dictator on your first day back, but an old man named ‘Sleepy Joe’ is keeping you awake at night?”

  84. Marv Sager says:

    “Your tapeworm on the brain is the second recent case in this country. Don’t worry, it will die soon eating only a small portion!”

  85. Jim Gorman says:

    “No recommended treatment today, but at some point we will be picking your brains out through your nose.”

  86. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Mr.Trump,this will not delay your trials.”

  87. “Spend more time walking like an Egyptian.”

  88. Marv Sager says:

    “We need to WRAP UP your presence at this lab, and keep it TIGHTLY BANDAGED so it never gets out!”

  89. “I never thought YOU would overindulge in matzo.”

  90. “Rebuild that food pyramid.”

  91. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Good news….its nothing to stay awake worrying about…. its just insomnia.”

  92. Tut Tut, my good man, no sphinx will ever replace you.

  93. Marv Sager says:

    “By the way, I said ‘Enjoy LOTS OF LOX in the future, not Enjoy LOTS OF LUCK in the future!”‘

  94. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You need to take a brisk 30 minute walk daily or a 10 minute walk if you walk like an Egyptian.”

  95. Marv Sager says:

    For the MOMENT, the American Psychiatric Association at this hospital has a TWO-STATE SOLUTION for your kingdom as follows:

    “You will rule an imaginary portion of Egypt, and another portion of Egypt will be the State of Confusion!”

  96. Michael Lomazow says:

    “We don’t have a hieroglyphic eye chart.”

  97. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Your wife flushed the little blue pills I gave you and now she’s upset because the the toilet seat is up all the time?”

  98. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Eat two Cream Cheese Bagels and call me in the morning.”

  99. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You never pay your bill so would it kill you just one time to bring me a few bagels with cream cheese?”

  100. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I assure you Tut, my practice is not as much of a sham as your crazy pyramid schemes.”

  101. Marv Sager says:

    “I’m prescribing an Egyptian cartouche to keep your EVIL SPIRITS away from the hospital staff and administrators!”

  102. Phil Wilson says:

    “Overall, you’re not doing bad for an old Giza”.

  103. Marv Sager says:

    “You have funny bones, a funny sense of humor, and wear funny clothes. Have you considered a CIRCUS CLOWN CAREER?”

  104. Gerald Lebowitz says:

    “Why do I get the feeling that YOU’RE interviewing ME?”

    1. Michael Lomazow says:

      Gerald,Are you ok?Missed you!

    2. Marv Sager says:

      “It doesn’t matter what I think, your imaginary friends think you are special!” 🙂

      Welcome back GERALD!

  105. Lee Lacewell says:

    Great day! Gerald is back!

  106. Michael Lomazow says:

    Presidential debate tonight…..Song that the candidate walks into…….Biden…..old man River……Trump….fool on the hill

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      “Older Than Dirt VS. Dumb as a Rock in a Cow Chip.

      “I still prefer Older than Dirt.”

    2. Marv Sager says:

      “Sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me (unless it’s during a debate)!” 🙂

  107. Michael Lomazow says:

    Disaster of a debate for us democrats.Joe Biden looked really old and infirm.He also looked like he hasn’t been in the sun for a long time,kind of like a vampire waking up from a long sleep.I am actually really sick about this debate because I like Joe and hate Trump,but the reality of the situation is that we can’t win with Joe.We need a new candidate and Joe,a very proud man,would have to agree to step aside.How about George Clooney and Hakeem Jeffries.Just kidding,I think!

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      Most likely any two people picked randomly from a phone book would be better than Trump and whatever he comes up with.

  108. Lee Lacewell says:

    Very discouraging situation last night. Noticed right away that Biden’s voice was sounding like he had over used or strained it. Later it was said he has a cold. Bill Clinton often had (losing his voice) issues from over using his voice.

    I know many people older than Biden that have sharp minds. Ronald Reagan stayed in office when he was mentally impaired to a greater degree than Biden is now.

    It is a shame that our country may soon be in the tiny hands of a lying convicted felon that wants to be a dictator.

    1. Michael Lomazow says:

      Lee,I completely agree with you.The thought of Trump running our country,with the help of the worst this country has to offer,is scary.We are in such dangerous times with North Korea,Iran,Russia,China,etc.,we don’t need a dangerous psychopath representing us.Nixon was a crook but he at least had a brain and Bush Jr.had a lot of advisors to help him along.Without being too hysterical about this,can we really survive four years of Trump.

      1. Lee Lacewell says:

        If he gets back in he will stay in office for whatever number of years his health will allow. Then the U.S. like other third world countries will be subjected to continuous one sided dictator style elections that will be reportedly won by landslides. The hoodwinked voters that put him back in office will have to remain silent because their right to free speech will no longer exist. The fear of retribution will haunt them and they won’t dare speak against him.

  109. Lee Lacewell says:

    His supporters think he is the answer to everything they perceive to be wrong with our country and they feel that they will be on the winning team. Just like Hitlers supporters.

    To them it’s all like winning a superbowl game but they don’t realize that winning will result in loss of freedom and much more.

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      My comments above may seem extreme and I hope I have not offened others but the loss of freedom is so important to protect. Many have died or been mamed defending our freedom. It would be so tragic to lose our freedom. It has been said that the U.S. will fall without a shot being fired. Pay attention everyone this may be that time.

      1. Michael Lomazow says:

        Lee,Again I completely agree.Trump is a disaster waiting to happen.It seems inconceivable that we could elect him again but unfortunately our country is made up with IQ deficient voters who think their lives will get a jolt of prosperity if he is elected.The original signers of the Declaration of Independence and the constitution must be turning over in their graves.

        1. Lee Lacewell says:

          “I have heard (supposedly educated) fans of ‘Fox Views’ say that truth is not important to them, the reason they watch Fox is that it is number one in the ratings and it ‘smokes’ the competition. Obviously they apply the same logic in deciding which Presidential Canidate to vote for.”

  110. Lee Lacewell says:

    Trump said in debate that other countries are laughing at the U.S. ….. The biggest laugh they had so far was probably when he was elected president despite the fact that he received nearly 3 million less votes than Hillary.”

  111. Michael Lomazow says:

    I know she said won’t run,but if we want a democratic win,Michelle Obama would be the closest to a sure thing.I’ll pledge some dough if she runs.

  112. Lee Lacewell says:

    I agree.

  113. Rhonda Lomazow says:

    “They claim they have a lease.”

  114. Rhonda Lomazow says:

    “They say they have a lease.”

  115. Rhonda Lomazow says:

    “New pool cleaners.”

  116. Michael says:

    “They claim they have a lease.”

  117. Michael Lomazow says:

    “The new neighbors want to know if they can join you?”

  118. Michael Lomazow says:

    “They claim they have a lease.”

  119. Michael Lomazow says:

    “New pool cleaners.”

  120. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Do we need Deejays for the party?”

  121. Marv Sager says:

    “I will gladly say a barucha if it’s time for food!”

    “Would you like to play with my rubber ducky?”

    “You would do well floating in the Dead Sea!”

    “We could be your designated drivers!”

  122. Lee Lacewell says:

    “The new neighbors are here to ask ‘the Schmuck on the giant bagel’ to turn his Jimmy Buffett CD down.”

  123. Lee Lacewell says:

    “They said they don’t care if there’s a woman to blame or not; You and your Margaritaville CD need to waist away somewhere else.”

  124. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Your parents are insisting on In-N-Out Burgers for lunch.”

  125. Marv Sager says:

    “Your wife said she inadvertently put a DIURETIC in your cocktail!”

  126. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Georgie, you’re in the wrong pool again!”

  127. Lee Lacewell says:

    “The neighbors did say come over anytime but they assumed you would know that 6:00 in the morning is not anytime.”

  128. Lee Lacewell says:

    “We know it’s past 5:00 but 5:00 a.m. is not part of the good neighbor equation Georgie!”

  129. Marv Sager says:

    “You missed your Bar Mitzvah lesson today!”

  130. Anne says:

    Honey, can you please tell our new neighbors to find somewhere else to exist.

  131. Marv Sager says:

    “The New York Stock Market crashed, our daughter crashed the car, and now my family needs to crash in our house!”

  132. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Our new neighbor’s pet alligator seems to have wandered off. He’s about twelve feet long and hasn’t eaten in a week.”

  133. Marv Sager says:

    “About your car warranty concerning today’s accident, it expired yesterday!”

  134. Jim Gorman says:

    “He just keeps singing . . . ‘If I were a rich man,
    Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum”

  135. Lee Lacewell says:

    “As the Rizchecks legal counsel is a dip in their pool really a necessary part of the appraisal process?”

  136. Lee Lacewell says:

    “My clients and I were just wondering when taking a dip in homeowner’s pools became a job requirement for county appraisers?”

  137. Michael Lomazow says:

    “They want to race you across the pool.”

  138. Marv Sager says:

    “Don’t worry about your water bill. It has been disconnected for excessive illegal overuse!”

  139. Rich Wolf says:

    “They’re from the Lotion Town Watch.”

  140. Rich Wolf says:

    “They want to know if that beer is kosher.”

  141. “They’re from”

  142. “The shtetl claims you owe back taxes.”

  143. “They just made it here from Anatevka.”

  144. “Do we have any kopeks?”

  145. “I found your birth parents.”

  146. “You’re gonna need a bigger float.”

  147. Marv Sager says:

    “They’re looking for the FIDDLER IN THE POOL!”

  148. Marv Sager says:

    “The Rabbi said, ‘Shofar you haven’t gotten wet!'”

  149. “Can they stay until Tashlich?”

  150. “It’s finally happened—our past has caught up with us.”

  151. Marv Sager says:

    “For a few shekels more, you could own a boat!”

  152. “So how do you like their canned slivovitz?”

  153. Marv Sager says:

    “Your family said the strong chlorine smell from the pool should open your clogged sinuses!'”

  154. Marv Sager says:

    “You’re not SEASICK, but you look WATERLOGGED!”

  155. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I told you the homeowners might return today.”

  156. Marv Sager says:

    “My Mishpocha wants to talk to you about WATER BORNE DISEASES!”

  157. Lee Lacewell says:

    “You need come out of the pool Georgi, the new homeowners would like to say hello before the police arrive.”

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      “You need to come out of the pool Georgi, the new homeowners would like to say hello before the police arrive.”

  158. Lee Lacewell says:

    “The realtor says you need to wait until our offer is accepted before using the pool.”

  159. Marv Sager says:

    “We think that smelly cologne you use sure keeps the flies away!”

  160. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Did your floatation device spring an air leak or did you just get overly excited about having unexpected weekend guest?”

  161. Marv Sager says:

    “The Rabbi and his wife want you to sit SHIVA starting today for their deceased service dog!”

  162. Lee Lacewell says:

    “I Googled it and urine detecting pool dye is a real thing!”

  163. Marv Sager says:

    “It would be a Mitzvah if you let the Rabbi & his wife take turns floating on the raft!”

  164. Michael Lomazow says:

    “Airbnb seems to like double booking.”

  165. Marv Sager says:

    “The rabbi and his wife would like to change your name from Noah (of the ark) to Snorer (of the raft).”

  166. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Bubbe warned me if I married you there’d be days like this.”

  167. Marv Sager says:

    “You have been using hair remover cream given to me by the Rabbi & his wife rather than suntan lotion!”

  168. “You’re not impressing them with our suffering.”

  169. “They assert a rightful claim to your grandmother’s samovar.”

  170. “Forget the barbecue. We’ll all have boiled chicken.”

  171. Marv Sager says:

    “Even though you possess scaly skin, the Rabbi will pray that you do not become a FISH OUT OF WATER!”

  172. Lee Lacewell says:

    “The AirB&B site didn’t mention this at all.”

  173. Marv Sager says:

    “The Rabbi says, ‘Cleanliness is next to GODliness.’ So, you have to dive into the water!”

  174. Mark S. says:

    “It’s fine really, they just want to be a burden on you.”

  175. Joe Ayella says:

    “Benjamin, you graduated a long time ago—and yet you’re still drifting.”

    1. Jim Gorman says:

      It took me some time to get the allusion to Dustin Hoffmans “Graduate”, but then it dawned on me, Duh! Great caption.

  176. Michael Lomazow says:

    Governor Walz seems like a good guy.I hope he has big boy pants.

  177. Charlie Villarroel says:

    Dude, it’s winter.

  178. “They need our help assimilating.”

  179. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Their long haired Himalayan cat is now a short haired Himalayan cat thanks to your new Lazy Man Robotic Lawnmower.”

  180. Marv Sager says:

    “My family thinks you are RETIRED, but I said that you are just TIRED of them!”

  181. Michael Holmes says:

    Your mother said your brother has a raft and he’s already docked her.

  182. “Why do they keep chanting l’dor vador?”

  183. Marv Sager says:

    “Your GOYISCHE college education at least taught you how to FLOAT YOUR BOAT!”

  184. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Your parents said your graduation service was 20 years ago but you still haven’t returned your cap and gown.”

  185. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Our neighbors just received a $400 water bill. Are you sure a mysterious cloud burst filled our pool last week?”

  186. Phil Wilson says:

    “The Cohens just dropped by to borrow a cup of meshuga”.

  187. Lee Lacewell says:

    “Have you got something you want to say to the neighbors that just received a $500 water bill? … The neighbors that also found our water hose connected to their hydrant last week?”

  188. Marv Sager says:

    “You are just a drifter going along with the flow!”

  189. Daniel Besdin says:

    Since August 10 was on a weekend I hope this will be considered to have been sent on time.

    “Morty, they want to know when the hours for mixed swimming begin.”

  190. Marv Sager says:

    “Don’t wait for me, my tubes are tied!”

  191. Michael lomazow says:

    Democratic convention going very well….Hope it gives them a bump…Crazy trump must be dying.

    1. Lee Lacewell says:

      What concerns me is the way it unfolded when Hillary received 3.5 million more votes than Trump but she was declared the loser. The rest of the World must think we are crazy.

  192. Marv Sager says:

    “The Rabbi & his wife want to know with all the hot air you exhale, why is your raft so deflated?”

  193. Marv Sager says:

    “For the MOMENT, it’s Labor Day Weekend. In your case, your mother wants you to know that she had an excruciating LABOR DAY on your behalf!”

  194. Happy Labor Day weekend, all!

  195. Marv Sager says:

    “We see you trying to get your feet wet. Are you DOUBLE DIPPING on life?”

  196. Daniel says:

    “They say they need you to turn on their oven again?”

  197. Lee Lacewell says:

    Kamala has proven she is smarter than her opponent and she is much stronger than anyone would have expected.

  198. Lori Corley says:

    “I know it’s a mikveh, but it was such a nice day!”

  199. Marv Sager says:

    “We asked Ben Schwartz is this a watershed moment for a new cartoon?
    He said, ‘I am still waiting for Gerald Lebowitz, Dale Stout, etc., to wave to you & comment!'”

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