Talk of the Table | Rice and Beans for Passover?
Conservative rabbi Amy Levin always makes lentil soup on Passover—but never in her grandmother’s pots.
Conservative rabbi Amy Levin always makes lentil soup on Passover—but never in her grandmother’s pots.
The nation is shutting down, its economy is grinding to a halt, but politics, so it seems, is still showing signs of vitality, perhaps even of growth.
We constantly seek out and publish stories about powerful and inspiring women who work hard to create change and make an impact. This Women’s History Month, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorites.
“Just as Trump was there for Netanyahu when he needed a nice diplomatic gesture on the eve of Israeli elections (and then on the eve of the next one, and the next one) and just as he was willing to go further than any other American president in fulfilling the wishes of an Israeli center-right government, now Trump needs Netanyahu to do him a solid.”—Nathan Guttman
The word “challah” made its first appearance more than 2,500 years ago.
Stuart Baum (22), a Democrat from Detroit, MI, attended Jewish day school growing up and is a recent graduate of Wayne
“I think anti-Semitism goes back to Esau and Jacob. As for the last few years, this started happening as soon as Trump was nominated. Certainly, by the time he was sworn in, there was this dramatic rise in anti-Semitism.”
Israelis went to the polls yet again on March 2, for the third time in less than a year. Here are four takeaways from this week’s election.
“We have someone in the White House who believes right-wing conspiracies and tweets anti-Semitic tropes. A conservative website, TruNews, whose founder called Trump’s impeachment a ‘Jew coup’ orchestrated by a ‘Jewish Cabal,’ was credentialed by the Trump administration to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos. They were treated like a legitimate news site, but this is hate speech and should be condemned and not legitimized by the president.”
“Trump has absolutely been a source for provoking all kinds of intolerance. Everything he does is rooted in promoting divisiveness. Trump’s white nationalist allies see him as one of them, which validates and legitimizes their ugly anti-Semitic, racist views. BDS and much of the left rhetoric is really more about Israel than it is about Jews. But it gets interpreted by many as anti-Semitism. I do not like “the squad.” I don’t like their views. But none of them is president of the United States.”
“Anti-Semitism is not a right or a left issue, and neither is racism. Most of the violence against Jews is coming from people who have heard rhetoric on the right. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no anti-Semitism on the left.”
“I would say the president has done a pretty good job of addressing anti-Semitism. I think he’s been a strong supporter of the State of Israel. I think, substantively, he’s been very friendly and very good to the Jews. On the other hand, when I look at the Democratic Party, I see a party that is not only unwilling to disavow anti-Semites but openly embraces them. You have Congresswomen who are talking about being hypnotized by the State of Israel and being unwilling to walk that back. You have a caucus that’s unwilling to take them to task for blatantly anti-Semitic comments.”