Chickens and Sheep and Goats, Oy Vey! The New Jewish Farmer with Wendy Rhein, Adrienne Krone and Noah Phillips
All over the country Jews are reconnecting with the land, and some would say the Jewish farming movement is stronger than ever. Wendy Rhein, who bought a 10-acre farm she named Chutzpah Hollow in North Carolina and moved there with her sons in 2021, is one of them. Wendy shares why and how she created a thriving and growing Jewish farm and Adrienne Krone, who has studied Jewish American farms, discusses the movement today and the history of Jewish farming. In conversation with Moment digital editor Noah Phillips, an alum of Urban Adamah, a Jewish farm community in Berkeley, CA.
The Little-Known Story of Jewish Refugee Professors at Historically Black Colleges & Universities with Lillie J. Edwards and Nadine Epstein
When German Jewish scholars were expelled from universities after the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s, many hoped to flee to the United States. But it wasn’t easy to find educational institutions to sponsor them due to rampant antisemitism in academia. Some of the lucky ones found homes at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Join Dr. Lillie J. Edwards, Professor Emerita of History and African American studies at Drew University, for a conversation about why HBCUs offered Jewish scholars positions, the influence these teachers had on their students and the impact the students and schools had on the lives of these refugees. In conversation with Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein.
This conversation is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation. The program is also a part of The Wide River Project, a yearlong, joint initiative of Western States Center and Moment Magazine, that takes a deep dive—and fresh look—into the art, history and issues that both unite and divide the Black and Jewish communities.
Does the Government of Hungary Really Have a “Zero Tolerance” Policy When it Comes to Antisemitism? with Ira Forman, Kati Marton and Amy E. Schwartz
His supporters in Europe and the U.S. insist that the government of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban is not antisemitic. But others point to his rhetoric, including a speech he made in Romania that his critics have called “pure Nazi,” and his policies in Hungary. Join Moment Senior Fellow Ira Forman, former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and Hungarian-American journalist Kati Marton, founding advisory council chair of Action for Democracy, for a discussion about why we should be very concerned about antisemitism in Hungary. In conversation with Moment Book & Opinion editor Amy E. Schwartz.
This program is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.
From Undocumented Child to Successful American Jewish Lawyer and Writer with Qian Julie Wang and Sarah Breger
Qian Julie Wang came to America with her parents when she was seven years old, living in the shadows and always looking over her shoulder throughout her childhood. Learning English and surviving the harsh realities of being undocumented, Qian Julie eventually made her way to Swarthmore College and Yale Law School, marrying and converting to Judaism. Wang is in conversation with Moment editor Sarah Breger about her family’s search for the American dream, her connection to Judaism and the struggles and antisemitism faced by Jews of Color from within the Jewish community.
This program is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.
The Road to Gender Equity with Ting Ting Cheng and Nadine Epstein
Women still do not have equal rights to men in the United States, leaving them vulnerable to changing political winds. What needs to be done to finally achieve this critical goal? Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein is hosting a series of informal “dinner party” conversations, exploring long-term strategies that could lead to true gender equity. The focus is not on politics but on big picture legal, organizational and cultural change. In this inaugural conversation, Epstein talks with civil rights attorney Ting Ting Cheng, Director of the Equal Rights Amendment Project at Columbia Law School.
“The Road to Gender Equity” series is in memory of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose legal strategies, based on the 14th Amendment, helped strengthen the rights of American women.
The U.S. Senate: America’s First and Last Lines of Defense with Ira Shapiro and Rabbi Eric Yoffie
Today’s Senate looks very different from the Senate of the 1960s and 1970s, a time when those serving in Congress put “country over party.” Ira Shapiro, a former longtime Senate staffer and author of the new book The Betrayal: How Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans Abandoned America, discusses the many functions of the Senate, how it’s failed to provide leadership and what lies ahead of the 2022 elections and beyond. Shapiro is in conversation with Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President Emeritus of the Union of Reform Judaism about how we can return to a time when Senators worked across the aisle.
The Politics of Being Gay with Congressman Barney Frank, Eric Orner and Ann F. Lewis
Barney Frank was the first member of Congress to voluntarily acknowledge being gay in 1987. Frank joins his former congressional aide, Eric Orner, author of the new graphic novel Smahtguy: The Life and Times of Barney Frank, in conversation about growing up Jewish, his lifelong crusade for civil rights and his 30+ years in the U.S. House of Representatives. With Ann F. Lewis, a champion for women’s rights, a former White House Director of Communications, and the congressman’s sister.
Zionophobia: A Wide Open Conversation with Judea Pearl
What is Zionophobia and how is it different from Antisemitism—and what can be done about it? Is Israel key to the survival of the Jewish people? Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein speaks with Judea Pearl, who grew up in Israel and is the father of journalist Daniel Pearl who was killed by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002.
This program is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.
Let’s Get “Nosh-talgic” with Rachel Packer
Jewish traditions and food have always gone hand-in-hand. From celebrating the holidays to mourning the passing of a loved one, food not only provides nourishment but comforts us as well. Join Rachel Packer, founder of MatzoBall Fitness, for a conversation about the love language of Jewish food and food as an expression of the Jewish soul. She also discusses “poverty cuisine” and how many of the traditional dishes we enjoy today were created out of the meager staples available to Jews at the time.
Every Child is Our Child: Foster Care and Adoption with Rabbi Susan Silverman, Rob Scheer and Rita Soronen
Jews have always been called upon to protect the most vulnerable. Today, the need is greater than ever, with approximately 700 children entering foster care every day and over 20,000 teens aging out of foster care each year. Rabbi Susan Silverman, founder of Second Nurture, which seeks to encourage and support those fostering and adopting children and teens, and Rob Scheer, founder of Comfort Cases, an organization whose mission is to bring dignity and hope to youth in foster care, speak about the challenges and struggles facing children in search of their forever families. Silverman and Scheer also share their own moving stories of foster care and adoption. In conversation with Rita Soronen, President and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
South Africa: Triumphs and Troubles Since the End of Apartheid with Eve Fairbanks, Steve Friedman and Glenn Frankel
What really happens when a country resolves to end white supremacy? Eve Fairbanks, former Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative Fellow and author of the new book, The Inheritors: An Intimate Portrait of South Africa’s Racial Reckoning and Steve Friedman, political scientist at the University of Johannesburg and author of Race, Class and Power: Harold Wolpe and the Radical Critique of Apartheid, speak about the tumultuous three decades since the end of Apartheid, the role Jews played in ending Apartheid and the nation’s triumphs and ongoing troubles. In conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Frankel, author of Rivonia’s Children: Three Families and the Cost of Conscience in White South Africa.