The Art of Diplomacy in a Fragile World with Stuart E. Eizenstat and Amy E. Schwartz

Stuart Eizenstat discusses what led to U.S. diplomatic agreements, what Eizenstat learned in his long career as a negotiator and what today’s negotiators can learn from the diplomatic successes and failures of the past to broker new treaties and bring peace to regions worldwide.

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Israel, Iran and the Dangers of a Wider War with Aaron David Miller, Robin Wright, and Robert Siegel

Join Middle East Analyst Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy Analyst and Journalist Robin Wright and Moment Contributor Robert Siegel for a conversation about Iran’s long-term motives, Israel’s options, U.S. strategy, Arab reactions, the geopolitical ramifications and more.

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Is a Two-State Solution for Israelis and Palestinians Still Possible? with Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari and Robert Siegel

Once the Israel-Hamas War ends, is a two-state solution with Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully side by side in two countries still possible? What would it take now for both sides to agree to two states?

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Michael Knights and Nadine Epstein

Red Sea Rebels: Yemen and the Houthis with Michael Knights and Nadine Epstein

Join Michael Knights from The Washington Institute for Near East Policy for a conversation about Yemen, the Houthi rebels and the threat they pose for a wider war in the Middle East.

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A View from the Gulf States with Bahraini journalist Ahdeya Al Sayed and Nadine Epstein

Bahraini journalist Ahdeya Al Sayed, editor-in-chief of the Times of Bahrain discusses the history and importance of Bahraini-Israeli relations, antisemitism in the Arab world and how the Israel-Hamas War is viewed in various Gulf States.

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An Inside Look at What’s Happening in the Palestinian Authority Today: A Wide-Ranging Conversation with Ghaith al-Omari and Nadine Epstein

What are the repercussions of the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel and the resulting Israel-Hamas war for the Palestinian Authority? How are PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Party dealing with issues from settler violence to pro Hamas demonstrations, and a populace that only gets its news from Al Jazeera and doesn’t know what really happened on October 7? Why do ties between Israeli and Palestinian security forces remain strong? Will the crisis push the dysfunctional PA to reform? How are Palestinians within Israel reacting? And who should oversee Gaza after the war? Join Ghaith al-Omari

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Danger on Israel’s Northern Border: Hezbollah and the Failed State of Lebanon with Hanin Ghaddar and Nadine Epstein

Join former Lebanese journalist Hanin Ghaddar, Friedmann Senior Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy in the Linda and Tony Rubin Program on Arab Politics, for a deep dive into the inner workings of Hezbollah, including its leaders and weapons arsenal, its domination of the Lebanese government and economy, Iran’s role, and what we can expect. In conversation with Moment editor Nadine Epstein.

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