Opinion Interview | Now is the Time to Fix The Climate
Zero Hour, the anti-climate-change group that Jamie S. Margolin founded two years ago when she was 16, calls itself “a movement of unstoppable youth.”
Zero Hour, the anti-climate-change group that Jamie S. Margolin founded two years ago when she was 16, calls itself “a movement of unstoppable youth.”
In the previous issue, Moment asked David Dayen and Stuart M. Butler to debate whether there should be Medicare for All. Dayen said yes; Butler said no. Here, they respond to each other’s arguments.
We asked Russell Roberts and Harold Meyerson.
What do President Donald Trump and the religious right see in each other?
Like a first-rate burglar breaking into every apartment in a condominium, the COVID-19 pandemic has breached almost every country in the world, catching each one in its own incidental moment of current affairs.
“It galls me when Mrs. America keeps underscoring the friction among feminists rather than grappling with the complexity of our challenges.”
Stanley, who is a participant in Moment’s Jewish Political Voices Project, had planned on attending the 50th-anniversary observances on the Kent State campus. All her friends would be there; she booked a hotel reservation a year in advance. But Covid-19 ended all that. A nation on the edge 50 years ago is facing upheaval of a different order.
Estee Rieder-Indursky is fighting for women’s rights in Haredi community.
The word “challah” made its first appearance more than 2,500 years ago.
Rabbi Menachem Bombach is the founder and head of the “Netzach” Haredi educational network, which combines religious and secular studies and aims to educate students to become observant Haredim who are also prepared for practical living.
The larger-than-life figure of Wonder Woman strode back into popular culture in 2017 in the person of Gal Gadot, her red, white and blue costume