At JC3, Judaism Blossoms Among the Expats of San Miguel
Much like the Mexican town in which it’s located, JC3 is freewheeling, nonconformist and unabashedly unaffiliated.
Much like the Mexican town in which it’s located, JC3 is freewheeling, nonconformist and unabashedly unaffiliated.
Some say efforts to educate children of all backgrounds about the most evil result of antisemitism may actually be fueling.
Celebrities? Social media? Video games? Antisemitic bullying and graffiti in school is nothing new, but why are these incidents on the rise?
Forget about the ‘Jew-ish’ guy. These five new members of Congress have real lives worth noting.
Let’s face it, Canada and the United States are not in conflict over the origins of the donut and which national brand is superior, Dunkin’ or Horton’s.
With the clock ticking down to midterm elections on November 8, Moment checked in with the participants in our Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP).
Helena’s synagogue was sold to the state in 1935, but now Temple Emanu-El is back in Jewish hands.
As a kid, I was fascinated by the existence of Jews in remote places.
The Montana Jewish Project hopes to purchase Temple Emanu-El—constructed in 1890 during a colorful, obscure chapter of Jewish history—from the Diocese of Helena.
Through pairing programs, many Jewish children have chosen to “share” their b’nai mitzvah ceremonies with one of the 1.5 million Jewish children who died in the Holocaust.
When my grandmother was 16, circa 1905, she journeyed alone from Smargon (in today’s Belarus) to Ellis Island