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Jewish Learning

Ecological Judaism with Ellen Bernstein, Natan Margalit and Noah Phillips

Join Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, founder of the first national Jewish environmental organization Shomrei Adamah, and author of the forthcoming book Toward a Holy Ecology: Reading the Song of Songs in the Age of Climate Crisis and Rabbi Natan Margalit, founder of Organic Torah, and author of The Pearl and the Flame: A Journey into Jewish Wisdom and Ecological Thinking for a conversation about “eco-theology” and the radical new ways Jewish leaders are using ancient teachings of Judaism to address today’s environmental and social problems.

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If All the Seas Were Ink with Ilana Kurshan

If All the Seas Were Ink is a memoir of a young, recently divorced American-Israeli, living in Jerusalem, whose personal struggles lead her to take on the practice of Daf Yomi, reading a page from the Talmud every day for seven years. Kurshan’s inspiring memoir about learning how to put one foot in front of the other is a winner of the Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature. In conversation with Moment book review editor Amy E. Schwartz.

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Hanukkah: The Festival of Cheese with Vered Guttman

Potato latkes aren’t the only tradition on Hanukkah, there’s actually another-cheese! Join Israeli chef and food writer Vered Guttman to learn about the bravery of Judith, how she saved the Jewish people with salty cheese and why Hanukkah has become a Jewish celebration with a feminist angle for some. Guttman  demonstrates how to make Polish syrniki cheese latkes, Moroccan sfinge doughnuts and Ukrainian pampushki (fried potato balls filled with cheese)

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Is There Such a Thing as a Bad Jew? The Confluence of American Jewish Politics and Identity with Emily Tamkin and Dan Raviv

Should Jews be considered “Good Jews” or “Bad Jews” based on their level of observance of Jewish holidays or their feelings about Israel or their political stance? Emily Tamkin, author of the new book Bad Jews: A History of American Jewish Politics and Identities, discusses how these terms have been weaponized against members of the community, what it means to be Jewish and the ever-changing American Jewish identity. In conversation with former CBS News correspondent and Moment contributor Dan Raviv.

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The Intersection of Music and Prayer with David Broza and Amy E. Schwartz

To internationally renowned Israeli singer-songwriter David Broza, music is a platform for dialogue and tolerance. Themes of social justice and peace are embedded in his music and are integral to his humanitarian work. Now Broza, known for his dynamic guitar performances, has put his prodigious talents to work creating new music for the Shabbat service. He is in conversation with Moment books and opinion editor Amy E. Schwartz about his new album, Tefila—prayer in Hebrew—which reimagines the service with genres such as pop, jazz, gospel, folk and classical for a fresh and engaging Shabbat experience.

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Anita Diamant

The Wonderful World of Anita Diamant. Period!

Anita Diamant’s latest book, Period. End of Sentence, which “explores the cultural roots of menstrual injustice,” goes boldly where no writer has gone before. The New York Times bestselling author of The Red Tent is in conversation with Amy E. Schwartz, Moment’s Book and Opinion editor, about misogyny, her books—both fiction and nonfiction, her writing process, as well as her connection to Judaism that led to her founding the Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh.

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Why 1973, 1977, 1989 & 1993 are Critical Years at the end of the 20th Century with Deborah Dash Moore and Robert Siegel

From Watergate, the assassination of Allende in Chile and the Yom Kippur War to the election of Menachem Begin, the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the march for Soviet Jewry and the signing of the Oslo Accords, a lot happened in the world in 1973, 1977, 1989 and 1993. Join American Jewish historian, Deborah Dash Moore, editor-in-chief at The Posen Library for a discussion about these events and the impact they had on the Jewish community. Moore is in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered.

This program is a continuation of Moment’s time symposium where we explored the most important years in Jewish history and is cosponsored with The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization.

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Paula Shoyer and The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook

Rosh Hashanah in an Instant with Cookbook Author Paula Shoyer

Known as the “Kosher Baker,” Paula Shoyer goes beyond desserts in her new book, The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook. Paula demonstrate how to prepare beet and quinoa salad as well as tzimmes, using an instant pot. Don’t have an instant pot? No worries! Paula also share how to make these dishes the traditional way. Perfect for prepping for the upcoming Jewish holidays.

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A Tale of a Niggun by Elie Wiesel with Elisha Wiesel and Mark Podwal

A Tale of a Niggun by Elie Wiesel with Elisha Wiesel and Mark Podwal

After Elie Wiesel died, a little-known narrative poem that he wrote in the 1970s, A Tale of a Niggun, was rediscovered. Based on an actual event during the Holocaust, the poem was so moving that it was turned into a book. Join Elie’s son Elisha—who pays tribute to his father with the book’s introduction— and Elie’s dear friend—award-winning artist Mark Podwal—who illustrated the book, as they discuss how the poem was discovered, why it is so important and the power of wordless Jewish melodies. With Moment Editor-in-Chief Nadine Epstein, editor of Elie Wiesel: An Extraordinary Life.

Held in observance of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

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Zoominar: Charoset Around the World and other Passover Specialties with Chef Vered Guttman 

Charoset From Around the World

There’s more to charoset than just apples, walnuts and sweet red wine. Chef Vered Guttman demonstrates how this symbolic Passover food is prepared around the world. She also makes homemade horseradish and other Passover specialties.

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Yiddish storytelling

Yiddish Storytelling for a New Generation

Yiddish has a rich legacy of storytelling for children, including both global classics and works that originated in the mother tongue of Ashkenazi Jewry. Join Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone translator Arun Viswanath and Miriam Udel, editor and translator of Honey on the Page: A Treasury of Yiddish Children’s Literature for a wide-ranging conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger about how they are helping to bring the legacy of Yiddish into the twentieth century, their work in relation to broad developments in Jewish history and how it intersects with their own family narratives.

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The Great Latke Topping Debate: Oral Arguments on Behalf of Applesauce, Sour Cream, Ketchup and More!

When it comes to celebrating the Festival of Lights, eating latkes (fried pancakes) is almost as important as lighting the menorah. The hard question is: Which topping belongs on them? Whether you are Team Applesauce, Team Sour Cream, Team Ketchup or on some other team, join us as our great thinkers weigh in on why their favorite topping is best—in the spirit of the popular Latke-Hamantash Debate.
Moderated by C-SPAN Director of Communications Howard Mortman.
* Sarah Breger, Moment deputy editor
* Barry Friedman, comedian, author
* Dahlia Lithwick, writer, journalist
* Rabbi Douglas Sagal, Congregation B’nai Israel, Rumson, NJ
* Alan Silberberg, author, cartoonist, screenwriter

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Can Robots be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life

Amy E. Schwartz, in conversation with New York Times best-selling author Laura Blumenfeld, discusses whether robots can be Jewish and other perennial questions, such as what Judaism has to say about love, miracles, the afterlife and so much more from Amy’s new book, Can Robots Be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life , a selection of questions and answers drawn from Moment’s ever-popular Ask the Rabbis column. This smart and provocative talk is perfect for anyone interested in the rich diversity of Jewish thought on contemporary questions.

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Explore Passover seder readings and meditations. Discuss and download Moment’s new virtual Haggadah supplement.

Virtual Passover Seder with Amy E. Schwartz

Join Moment’s Ask the Rabbis, Opinion and Book editor, Amy E. Schwartz, as she explores readings and meditations to accompany your Passover seder–whether virtual or in-person. She’ll also be discussing Moment’s new virtual Haggadah supplement.

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