Yiddish storytelling

Yiddish Storytelling for a New Generation

Yiddish has a rich legacy of storytelling for children, including both global classics and works that originated in the mother tongue of Ashkenazi Jewry. Join Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone translator Arun Viswanath and Miriam Udel, editor and translator of Honey on the Page: A Treasury of Yiddish Children’s Literature for a wide-ranging conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger about how they are helping to bring the legacy of Yiddish into the twentieth century, their work in relation to broad developments in Jewish history and how it intersects with their own family narratives.

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The Great Latke Topping Debate: Oral Arguments on Behalf of Applesauce, Sour Cream, Ketchup and More!

When it comes to celebrating the Festival of Lights, eating latkes (fried pancakes) is almost as important as lighting the menorah. The hard question is: Which topping belongs on them? Whether you are Team Applesauce, Team Sour Cream, Team Ketchup or on some other team, join us as our great thinkers weigh in on why their favorite topping is best—in the spirit of the popular Latke-Hamantash Debate.
Moderated by C-SPAN Director of Communications Howard Mortman.
* Sarah Breger, Moment deputy editor
* Barry Friedman, comedian, author
* Dahlia Lithwick, writer, journalist
* Rabbi Douglas Sagal, Congregation B’nai Israel, Rumson, NJ
* Alan Silberberg, author, cartoonist, screenwriter

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Can Robots be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life

Amy E. Schwartz, in conversation with New York Times best-selling author Laura Blumenfeld, discusses whether robots can be Jewish and other perennial questions, such as what Judaism has to say about love, miracles, the afterlife and so much more from Amy’s new book, Can Robots Be Jewish? And Other Pressing Questions of Modern Life , a selection of questions and answers drawn from Moment’s ever-popular Ask the Rabbis column. This smart and provocative talk is perfect for anyone interested in the rich diversity of Jewish thought on contemporary questions.

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The State of Jewish Journalism with Andrés Spokoiny, Philissa Cramer and Sarah Breger

President and CEO of the Jewish Funders Network Andrés Spokoiny, Editor in Chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Philissa Cramer and Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger discuss the role Jewish journalism plays inside and outside the Jewish community, how COVID-19 has changed the media landscape and the future of Jewish media.

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A Wide-Open Conversation with Activist Natan Sharansky and Historian Gil Troy about Prison, Politics and the Jewish People

Prison, Politics and the Jewish People with Activist Natan Sharansky and Historian Gil Troy

Natan Sharansky and Gil Troy, coauthors of their recently released book Never Alone: Prison, Politics and My People are in conversation with Moment Deputy Editor Sarah Breger. Sharansky is a former political prisoner in the Soviet Union who went on to become an Israeli politician. Troy is an American presidential historian and leading Zionist activist.

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