Invite people of other faiths to join your seder

Go Forth and Invite: Passover Message to Jewish Community From Moment

In an April 6 press release, Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein called on the Jewish community to tackle anti-Semitism and the coronavirus at the same time by using the unexpected freedom of virtual seders to invite people of other faiths to join. She shared a similar message in The Washington Post’s just-published opinion piece on Passover.

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Will America Ease Sanctions on Iran to Alleviate COVID-19 Concerns?

Iran also faces an additional complicating factor in battling the virus’s spread: A comprehensive set of U.S.-led international sanctions, which have crippled Iran’s economy, limited many services in the country, and imposed tough restrictions on the nation’s ties with the world and its ability to trade and import goods.

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