Anti-Semitism Monitor 2019

Jewish World
By | Jan 14, 2019


BY IRA N. FORMAN  |  2019  |  in Jewish World

The Anti-Semitism Monitor reports anti-Semitic incidents around the world by country and date on a weekly basis. View incidents from 2018, 2020 and 2021.

About the project

The list is compiled by using internet search engines as well as consulting a handful of news aggregation sites. The choice of linked articles is based on a number of criteria: The list largely leaves out links to insignificant incidents or false charges of anti-Semitism except in a few cases where false charges are so egregious that they illustrate the danger of misuse of charges of anti-Semitism; multiple links to the same incident are not included except where there are further developments to the story; a handful of overview stories which illustrate the nature of anti-Semitism in a specific country, region or worldwide are also included. Incidents listed are not necessarily anti-Semitic in nature, but all incidents raise questions of anti-Semitism. In compiling this list attempts have been made to use the most credible news sources and have largely avoided websites where news coverage has a strong ideological slant.

While this site is meant to serve as a resource, readers are cautioned not to use this site to assess where anti-Semitism is the most severe. For example: In 2018, there are more articles on anti-Semitism in the U.S. and UK than in other countries, even though many Jewish communities face larger threats.

—Ira N. Forman

About Ira N. Forman

Ira N. Forman is a senior fellow at the Moment Institute and a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Jewish Civilization. He is the former U.S. Special Envoy of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. He also serves as the senior advisor for combating anti-Semitism at Human Rights First.


United States, December 27: NYC steps up police patrols in three Brooklyn neighborhoods as well as for other Jewish sites in the city after eight anti-Semitic incidents in two weeks 

United States, December 27: Columbia University student files first anti-Semitism complaint since Trump’s executive order 

Canada, December 30: Jewish summer camp on British Columbia island vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti

Belgium, December 31: Jewish parliamentarian criticized for lighting a menorah near Christmas trees and nativity scene

France, December 31: Successful insanity defense in the killing of Jewish woman sparks outrage among French Jews


February 26: Physical attack on Chief Rabbi in his home raises concerns over anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

February 26: Nine grave stones vandalized in Jewish cemetery (JTA)

March 1: Judge and spy chief arrested for cover up of 1990s AMIA bombing (JTA)

March 12: Anti-Israel graffiti sprayed in subway station named for bombed Jewish Center in Jewish neighborhood (JTA)

March 14: Argentinian authorities arrested father and son who threatened Jewish institutions— and found guns and Nazi literature in home (JTA)

April 7: Man shouts anti-Semitic phrases and attacks worshipers at a Buenos Aires synagogue (Channel 7)

April 16: More gang members arrested for attack on chief rabbi that is being treated as a hate crime (JTA)

May 23: Kippah wearing man attacked on Buenos Aires street (JTA)

May 27: Swastika painted in front of iconic barbershop in Jewish neighborhood of Buenos Aires (JTA)

May 28: Neo-Nazi presidential candidate warns Jewish community “this is Argentina, not Israel” at campaign kick off (JTA)

June 10: Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns attack against a rabbi in Rosario, Argentina (Simon Wiesenthal Center)

June 12: Argentinian and international Jewish groups call for concerted action to address rising local anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

June 15: Swastika graffiti found on Holocaust memorial (Times of Israel)

July 18: Argentina’s national library inaugurates a 1,000 book section dedicated to the Holocaust and anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

July 18: Argentina designates Hezbollah as a terrorist group (JTA)

July 30: Swastika found on Jewish organizational building in Santa Fe (Jerusalem Post)

August 15: Argentinian neo-nazi candidate for President falls short of the 1.5 % of the vote needed to make general election ballot (JTA)

September 6: Former President and current VP candidate, Kirchner, attacks opponent for allowing Israeli oranges to be imported without tariff (JTA)

September 30: Jewish cemetery outside of Buenos Aires is vandalized (Times of Israel)

October 3: Incidents of anti-Semitism up 107% in 2018 compared to 2017 (Jerusalem Post)

November 10: Argentina asks Azerbaijan to arrest Iranian suspect in connection with AMIA bombing (JTA) Also see Azerbaijan

November 22: Argentinian University condemns two professors for promoting anti-Semitism (JTA) 

November 24: Argentinian history students create Nazi music video for class assignment (JTA)

December 23: Discrimination case against actress who compared Maduro supporters to Kapos is reopened (JTA)


January 4: Neo-nazi group leaves swastika stickers on Jewish nursing home (Daily Mail)

January 22: Civil rights group calls for banning anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist David Icke from entering the country (Algemeiner)

January 30: Anti-Semitic road rage against rabbi in Melbourne captured on video (ABC)

February 2: Jewish teens harassed with anti-Semitic taunts on Melbourne bus (The Age)

February 4: Israeli President, Rivlin, thanks Austrian President for fighting anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

February 10: Swastikas found spray-painted on beach near Sydney (Times of Israel)

February 17: Australian Poles protest speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand by Polish anti-Semitic ex-politician (Times of Israel)

March 3: Jewish leader confronted with a barrage of online hate (Times of Israel)

March 23: Poll finds Australian Muslims are twice as likely as non-Muslims to believe certain anti-Semitic statements (The Jerusalem Post)

March 31: Contractor involved in a debt dispute makes series of anti-Semitic remarks (Sydney Morning Herald)

April 5: Senior Liberal politician’s posters defaced with anti-Semitic, Hitler references (The Tower)

April 18: Political party figures condemn anti-Semitism after incidents in Sydney and Melbourne (The Australian)

April 22: Australian comedian joking about Jews and gas chambers is roundly criticized (JTA)

May 20: Netflix drops Australian comedian who joked about Holocaust and then doubled down when criticized (JTA)

July 14: Court employee transferred after anti-Semitic social media post (Israel National News)

July 17: On eve of anniversary of AMIA bombing, Argentina takes steps seen as leading up to declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization (JTA)

July 19: Prime Minister defends parliamentarian, Frydenberg against charges his Hungarian citizenship should disqualify him from serving, calls out anti-Semitism (Australian Jewish News)

July 29: Jewish leaders call for legislation to deal with rise of anti-Semitism (The Australian)

July 29: Overview of rising anti-Semitism in Australia (The Australian)

August 18: Former Green candidate, Julian Burnside, denies that BDS is anti-Semitic (The Australian)

August 29: Australian Arabic language news portal charged with carrying anti-Semitic stories (AIJAC)

September 11: Australian Senator describes attempts to question an MPs eligibility to sit in Parliament as disgraceful and anti-Semitic (The Australian)

October 4: Education Minister to investigate anti-Semitic incidents involving two Jewish students (Jewish Journal)

October 4: School resists calling physical harassment anti-Semitism (Australian Jewish News) 

October 5: Two incidents of harassment of Jewish students in Melbourne shocks Jewish community (Jerusalem Post)

October 10: Jewish boy who was forced to kiss the shoes of Muslim student has subsequently been sent threatening messages (JTA)

October 24: Teen who forced Jewish student to kiss his shoes is arrested (JTA)

November 25: The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) issues report on anti-Semitism (10 Daily)

November 27: The Executive Council of Australian Jewry finds serious increase in anti-Semitic incidents — including 30% increase in verbal incidents—over the last year (Jewish Journal)


January 22: Austrian Chancellor says Malaysian anti-Semitism is unacceptable (Jerusalem Post)

March 17: Two suspects arrested in attack on Argentinian chief rabbi (Times of Israel)

March 22: Austria and Poland slam Belgian carnival float at UNESCO meeting (see also Belgium and Poland) (JTA)

May 2: Chancellor Kurz says Austria has the strongest anti-Nazi laws (Times of Israel)

May 27: Pictures of Holocaust survivors vandalized again in Vienna (JTA)

September 29: Leading Austrian legislators vow to declare BDS anti-Semitic when the legislature meets next (Jerusalem Post)

November 18: City council in Austrian city bans public space or institutional support for BDS (Jerusalem Post)


November 10: Argentina asks Azerbaijan to arrest Iranian suspect in connection with AMIA bombing (JTA) Also see Argentina


January 9: Leading Belgium Imam prays for Allah to burn all Zionists in the blood of martyrs in 2009 video (JTA)

January 11: Jewish communal leader charges lawyers for defendant in Jewish Museum killings are peddling conspiracy theories as part of their defense (JTA)

February 6: Overview of recent Belgian anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

March 4: Belgian carnival float criticized for antisemitic puppets (Times of Israel)

March 14: Belgian float maker defend use of anti-Semitic puppets (Intermountain Jewish News)

March 22: Belgian carnival may lose place on UN heritage list over anti-Semitic puppets (Washington Post)

March 22: Austria and Poland slam Belgian carnival float at UNESCO meeting (see also Austria and Poland) (JTA)

May 26: Far-right party with anti-Semitic history triples its share of vote in European parliamentary elections (JTA)

June 7: Charges dropped against café owner who welcomed dogs but not Jews (JTA)

August 3: Journalist attacks Israel and claims Jews have ‘ugly noses’ (Times of Israel)

August 3: Journalist attacks Israel and claims Jews of ugly noses (Times of Israel)

August 6: Belgian editor rejects Jewish communities’ charges that the “ugly noses” column is anti-Semitic (also see Netherlands) (JTA)

August 7: Publication removes references in column to “ugly noses” but stands by attacks on chosen people stealing Palestinian land (JTA)

August 9: Continued furor over “ugly noses” column (Jerusalem Post)

September 19: Belgian sign language group defends use of hook nose sign for Jews (JTA)

September 19: Belgian politician displays his painting which includes a swastika in an art gallery window (JTA)

October 3: In Belgium, Jewish leaders worry that anti-Semitism is becoming acceptable (Jerusalem Post)

October 16: Police in Brussels arrest Muslim man who asked passersby if they were Jewish while brandishing a knife (JTA)

October 22: Organizers of parade which included an anti-Semitic float print anti-Semitic caricatures on armbands in preparation for 2020 event (JTA)

October 24: Jewish float is classified as anti-Semitic but not purposely racist by Belgian government (JTA)

November 9: Belgian parade that featured antisemitic float in 2019 is threatened with losing UNESCO sponsorship (JTA) 

November 25: Charges are dropped against soccer fans who sang about burning Jews (JTA)

November 29: Belgian officials boycott trade delegation to Israel (JTA)

December 1: Belgian town of Aalst renounces UNESCO sponsorship of its yearly carnival after demands that anti-Semitic floats not be allowed (The Republic)

December 6: Belgian teacher shares a video of Imam calling for jihad on Jews with students (JTA) 

December 9: Supporter of sanctions against Israel and who says the state’s supporters vastly inflate anti-Semitism is set to get an award at a Holocaust museum (JTA)

December 14: UNESCO removes Aaist Carnival from its Cultural Heritage list over anti-Semitic representations (CNN) 

December 23: Belgian daily accuses Jewish legislator of spying for Israel (JTA)

December 31: Jewish parliamentarian criticized for lighting a menorah near Christmas trees and nativity scene (JTA)

Bosnia Herzegovina

No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


January 21: Jewish community sues over cartoon showing Brazilian president and Netanyahu hugging and their arms forming a swastika (JTA)

February 4: Samba school dancer wears Nazi uniform in protest of new president (Times of Israel)

August 22: University of Brazil cancels lecture on Middle East peace process given by Jewish scholar because of threats by pro-Palestinian group (JTA)

November 10: Brazilian Jewish organizations criticize magazine for comparing a prominent Jewish politician to Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda (JTA)


January 20: Stones thrown into Central Synagogue in Sofia (JTA)

February 17: 2,000 nationalists and neo-Nazi march in Sofia to honor pro-Nazi general (Times of Israel)

April 19: World Jewish Congress urges Bulgarian and other European lawmakers to ban celebration of Hitler’s 130th birthday on upcoming weekend (Times of Israel)

August 18: Overview of recent anti-Semitic incidents in Bulgaria as well as account of infighting in the Jewish community (Sofia Globe)

October 15: Bulgarian soccer chief quits over Nazi salutes and racist abuse at a match with UK team (Times of Israel)


January 7: Hate crime suspect ordered to stay away from Jewish institutions as a requirement of bail (Algemeiner)

January 17: Trudeau blasts BDS movement as anti-Semitic (Times of Israel)

February 3: Jewish owned café in Winnipeg vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (Winnipeg Free Press)

February 26: Nazi flag flown over private property in Prince Edward Island (Times of Israel)

March 7: University of Toronto graduate students vote to make BDS committee permanent (JTA)

March 29: Quebec legislature moves to bar religious items worn by public employees (Times of Israel)

April 5: Police investigate anti-Semitic graffiti on Queens University campus (Global News Canada)

April 19: Assault and vandalism at Winnipeg café includes anti-Semitic graffiti (City News)

April 21: Winnipeg Christians plan vigil for Jewish community after anti-Semitic vandalism and physical attack at Jewish-owned café (CBC)

April 24: Owners of Winnipeg, Jewish café charged with staging a fake robbery and vandalism on the property (Canadian Jewish News)

April 29: B’nai B’rith finds anti-Semitic incidents rose in Canada from 2017 to 2018 (Channel 7)

June 17: Anti-semitic graffiti found at two Canadian schools (Jewish Journal)

June 17: Quebec passes law banning kippah, turbans, hijabs by certain public employees (JTA)

July 15: Hamilton School Board sets up an independent investigation of allegations of anti-Semitism (Canadian Jewish News)

July 20: City councillor wants Vancouver to adopt IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (City News 1130)

July 22: Though anti-Semitic crime down 4% in 2018, anti-Semitism now the most common hate crime, five year trend shows dramatic increases (Indo-Canadian Voice)

July 25: Vancouver city council puts brakes on endorsing the IHRA definition after claims the IHRA definition is controversial for impeding free speech (Canadian Jewish News)

August 1: Outrage over a physical attack on a Jewish man by taxi driver who used anti-Semitic threats (INN)

August 2: Taxi driver allegedly involved in anti-Semitic attack on man wearing kippah is fired (660 City News)

August 5: Two Jewish boys wearing kippahs were assaulted north of Toronto (INN)

August 7: Montreal Jewish community seeks to raise $10 million for community security (JTA)

August 7: Canadian Anglican church set to remove prayers for the conversion of Jews from its liturgy (JTA)

August 9: Edmonton paper criticized for alleged anti-Semitic cartoon (Canadian Jews News)

August 12: Paper apologizes for alleged cartoon deemed anti-Semitic (Jewish Journal)

August 19: Polish language Canadian paper criticized by B’nai B’rith for its ongoing anti-Semitic content (Jerusalem Post)

August 23: Anti-Semitic Canadian editor sentenced to one year in jail for Holocaust Denial and justifying rape (JTA)

September 6: Former Taxi driver charged in anti-Semitic assault (City News)

September 11: University of Toronto nixes lecture by Palestinian man with alleged ties to terrorist group (JTA)

October 8: Swastika’s drawn on grounds of Ontario synagogue (JTA)

October 10: B’nai B’rith intervening on the side of the government of Ontario in lawsuit brought by pro-BDS Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) over the right to withhold student fees from organizations who support issues that contervene their values (Canadian Jewish News)

October 15: Canadian imam warns not to vote in upcoming elections for filthy candidates who support Zionism and homosexuality (Times of Israel)

October 19: Vancouver private school student who was among a group spreading anti-Semitic memes claims there were no neo-Nazi ties, just “erratic teenagers” (Global News)

November 6: B’nai B’rith Canada calls upon NDP to condemn legislator who called for release of Palestinian who has been arrested in Israel on suspicion of terrorist activities (Algeneiner)

November 17: University of Toronto student union refuses to serve kosher food because it is “pro-Israel” (JTA) 

November 19: Heads of seven Israeli university outraged over University of Toronto’s Student Union’s linking kosher food with Israel (JTA)

November 20: Calgary and Vancouver face push back over adoption of the working definition of anti-Semitism (National Post) 

November 21: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIS) disrupts York University event featuring IDF veterans and physically attack Jewish students (The Post Millennial) 

December 1: Jewish student in McGill’s student government is singled out and threatened with impeachment over her trip to Israel (BBC)

December 4: McGill Student Union rejects motion for Jewish student to cancel Israel trip or be impeached (JTA)

December 30: Jewish summer camp on British Columbia island vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (CBC) 


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


November 3: Monument to Israel vandalized with a swastika in Bogata (JTA)


March 20: Jewish groups boycott government commemoration at death camp memorial because of government tolerates nostalgia for Nazi past (Times of Israel)


December 18: Cyprus adopts IHRA Working Definition of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

Czech Republic

October 22: Lower House of Czech parliament condemns all forms of anti-Semitism including boycott movements (Times of Israel)


November 10: On the anniversary of Kristallnacht, yellow “Jude” stars of David appear on Jewish sites in Denmark and Sweden (JTA) Also see Sweden

November 10: Over 80 Jewish headstones overturned and painted green (JTA)

November 14: Neo-Nazi arrested as suspect in case of vandalized Jewish cemetery (BBC)

November 18: Danish Jewish community reports 50% rise in anti-Semitic incidents in past year (Algemeiner) 


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


July 1: Twitter suspends account of Egyptian actor who tweets about killing Jews (JTA)

July 16: Egyptian scholar claims some Jews use human blood to make matzah (JTA)

European Union (EU)

January 15: European Soccer Federation opens disciplinary action against Chelsea football club over anti-Semitic chants (Times of Israel)

January 21: Eurobarometer survey on anti-Semitism in Europe and summary of activities the EU is undertaking against anti-Semitism (European Commission)

January 23: European Parliament President says anti-Semitism must be stopped (Jerusalem Post)

February 18: Jewish groups present EU with action plan to fight anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

February 24: Manfred Weber, EPP candidate for President of European Commission call for pact against anti-Semitism (Politico)

May 28: In the wake of European parliamentary elections prominent European Rabbis criticize the use of anti-Semitism for partisan purposes (Channel 7)

July 20: Survey finds nearly one half of young EU Jews experienced an anti-Semitic incident in the past year (Times of Israel)

July 22: EU Commissioner Věra Jourová holds first meeting of working group on anti-Semitism to deal with security for Jewish communities across the bloc (New Europe)

September 24: European Parliament’s President vows to fight against legislation that limits circumcision and other religious rights (Artuz Sheva)

September 26: Israeli Minister releases report on BDS and anti-Semitism at EU Parliament (Jerusalem Post) Also see Israel 

November 18: The hard left in U.S. and Europe are hurting the Palestinian cause by engaging in anti-Semitism when it comes to Israel (Foreign Policy) Also see United States


January 2: World Jewish Congress and CRIF applaud French restaurant which suspended staff members photographed doing anti-Semitic, quenelle salute (Algemeiner)

January 4: Star of ‘yellow vests’ viral video denies lyrics of her song is anti-Semitic (The Telegraph)

January 4: Jewish family’s car is filled with trash and mezuzah (stolen from their house) is glued to car (JTA)

January 10: Concern among French Jews over anti-Semitism within parts of Yellow Vest movement (JTA)

January 17: French far-right author sent to prison for anti-Semitic incitement (Times of Israel)

January 24: Security guard stopped attack against Jewish Agency’s Herzog and other Israelis in Paris (Jerusalem Post)

February 1: Twice excommunicated ex-Catholic Bishop loses appeal of hate speech conviction (Catholic News Agency)

February 10: Paris bagel shop defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti (DW)

February 12: Registered incidents of anti-Semitism up 74% as Interior Minister says anti-Semitism is spreading like a poison (CBS News)

February 14: AJC Paris calls for increased government action on anti-Semitism (PR Newswire)

February 16: Anti-Semitic chants against well-known French, right-wing philosopher at Yellow Vest march (Washington Post)

February 17: Judicial probe opened on Yellow Vest anti-Semitism (ABC News)

February 17: Government spokesman says anti-Semitism will not be tolerated and government will respond (Bloomberg)

February 18: Anti-Semitic incidents spread in France (Wall Street Journal)

February 18: Group of French parliamentarians call for resolution to equate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

February 19: Large protests against anti-Semitism in rallies across France with participation of all but far left and far right parties (BBC)

February 19: Nearly 100 Jewish gravestones vandalized on day of marches against anti-Semitism (JTA)

February 19: French far-right magazine has Twitter account suspended for anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

February 20: Macron says France will adopt working definition of anti-Semitism (Star Tribune)

February 20: Alleged attacker of historian Alain Finkielkraut is arrested (JTA)

February 21: French Catholic Bishop’s Conference urges mobilization against rising anti-Semitism(Catholic Philly)

February 22: Kippah wearing Yellow Vest supporter shared anti-Semitic posts (JTA)

February 24: More antisemitic graffiti in Paris—synagogue is one target (Cleveland Jewish News)

February 25: Anti-Semitic graffiti in France, Poland, Spain, Greece (Ynet News)

February 26: Paris Jewish school gets hate mail about Hitler (JTA)

March 2: Strasbourg Jewish memorial vandalized (BBC)

March 4: Vandals scrawled swastikas on former synagogue in eastern France (Seattle Times)

March 4: Vandals scrawled swatstikas on former Jewish school in eastern France (Times of Israel)

March 7: Anti-Semitism on the rise in France in 2018-2019 (Religion News Services)

March 14: Far left politician cracks Holocaust jokes amid rising anti-Semitism (JTA)

March 18: Education week during which time schools, universities, sports clubs and community centers are running programs to fight anti-Semitism and racism (RFI)

March 21: Poll finds nearly 90% of French Jewish students have suffered antisemitic abuse on campus (Jerusalem Post)

March 29: Loire Valley politicians rally to support local Deputy Mayor who was targeted by anti-Semitic graffiti (Algemeiner)

April 3: Two french students film themselves urinating in offices Jewish student group (JTA)

April 15: Man in northern France stabs his neighbor because he wanted to “kill a Jew” (JTA)

April 16: French Holocaust denier sentenced to one year in prison for publishing denial material on his website (JTA)

April 21: Brother of Jewish school killer will spend 30 years in jail for complicity (JTA)

April 24: Jewish couple robbed and threatened in their Paris home (JTA)

April 25: French philosopher, Alain Finkielkraut, claims he can no longer show his face on the street because of far left anti-Semites (JTA)

May 2: Head of National Bureau for Vigilance Against Antisemitism questions French judicial system’s willingness to recognize anti-Semitism from parts of the Muslim community (Jerusalem Post)

May 17: Aide to far-right French politician pictured in Orthodox Jewish garb and claims it was just a joke (Times of Israel)

May 17: Paris Holocaust memorial to children victims is vandalized (JTA)

May 23: Yellow vest protestor who went on tirade against French philosopher Alain Finkelkraut claims he is not an anti-Semitic (Jewish Chronicle)

May 24: Paris Uber driver says he was beaten and robbed because of his Jewish name (JTA)

May 26: Murderer of Sarah Halimi is found unfit to stand trial (Jerusalem Post)

May 27: Students smash gravestones at the only Jewish cemetery in Bordeaux but police say it is not an anti-Semitic crime (Channel 7)

June 6: French University Minister announces educational sanctions targeted at college students guilty of racist or antisemitic offenses (Algemeiner)

June 11: Far right cell targeted annual Jewish groups event (JTA)

June 11: Home of mother of Muslim victim of Toulouse day school attacker, is vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (JTA)

June 13: French Imam on visit to Israel with other French and Belgian Imams says anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

June 20: Jewish woman hit in the head with metal ball in suspected antisemitism attack (Ynet)

June 21: Jewish woman hit by metal ball outside was not a victim of antisemitic attack but of accident (Times of Israel)

July 10: Anti-Semitic reaction after Jewish student and supervisor implicated in cheating scandal (Israel National News)

July 14: Attacker of Jewish philosopher, Alain Finkeilkraut, is convicted of using anti-Semitic epithets (JTA)

July 15: Killer of Jewish woman found to be not criminally liable because he smoked marijuana before the murder (JTA)

July 16: Prosecutors omit hate crime charges against burglers who said to be targeting Jews (JTA)

July 25: Israeli soccer fans are banned from coming to Strasbourg city center and carry their flags for fear of violence (JTA)

July 26: French city official celebrates his birthday with a swastika cake (Times of Israel)

August 7: French film star with Jewish sounding name talks about how she has experienced anti-Semitism though she is not Jewish (Algemeiner)

August 13: British Holocaust denier banned from entering France for 40 years (Algemeiner)

August 27: French Masons withdraw resolution attack CRIF and blaming antisemitism in France on CRIF’s support for Israel (Algemeiner)

September 12: French medical student faced intense anti-Semitic bullying and now authorities have dropped prosecution of the case (JTA)

October 16: Jewish man who was hiding his kippah under a hat was recognized as Jewish by group of five Arab men and assaulted (JTA)

October 18: Judaica shop in Lyon is spray painted with “Dirty Jew” graffiti (Jerusalem Post)

October 31: Mayor of Nice condemns anti-Semitism after attempted assault on Jewish day school (Algemeiner)

November 7: Leader of French extreme left, Jean-Luc Melanchon, claims Jewish organization plots violence against him and that Jews, not Muslims, promote sectarianism in society (JTA)

November 13: French National Assembly debate anti-Semitism resolution amid controversy over the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism and questions about the relationship between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

November 15: Lyon Jewish communities say delayed baggage claim from Tel Aviv flights is a sign of anti-Semitism among baggage handler subcontractors (The Jewish Chronicle)

November 15: Head of CRIF says anti-Semitic incidents are up 76% in the first six months of 2019 (Algemeiner)

November 18: Former LeFargo editor says anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

December 4: French National Assembly praised by Jewish groups for adopting the IHRA Working Definition of anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post) 

December 4: More than 100 Jewish graves vandalized near Strasbourg and in response, President Macron vows to fight anti-Semitism “until our dead can sleep in peace.” (BBC)

December 5: France to set up hate crime office after Jewish cemetery is vandalized (JTA)

December 10: Israeli beaten on Paris subway after he is heard speaking Hebrew (JTA)

December 13: Alsace region targeted with more than 40 incidents of anti-Semitic vandalism in one week (CNN)

December 16: Leader of French far left, Malenchon blames Corbyn defeat on “network of influence from Likud” (JTA) 

December 19: Appeals Court upholds decision not to try murderer of Sarah Halimi because he was high on marijuana when he carried out the crime (JTA) 

December 31: Successful insanity defense in the killing of Jewish woman sparks outrage among French Jews (Times of Israel)


January 2: Israeli born rapper is quitting German hip-hop scene because of increasing anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

January 3: Large increase in violent anti-Semitic attacks in Berlin in 2018 (The Local)

January 11: New far-right party adopts anti-Semitic symbol as its logo (Fox News)

January 12: German city honors cartoonist who was fired earlier in the year for allegedly anti-Semitic, Netanyahu cartoon (Jerusalem Post)

January 22: Sixty-six percent of Germans—as opposed to one half of all Europeans—see anti-Semitism as a problem in their country (Jerusalem Post)

January 24:  Jewish leader who criticized the anti-Semitic background of Germany’s far-right AfD party is threatened (i24 News)

January 26: Chancellor Merkel calls for zero tolerance for anti-Semitism and xenophobia (Reuters)

January 26: Far left socialist party withdraws grim reaper cartoon with anti-Semitic symbols (DW)

January 25: Buchenwald Memorial bans German AfD party from Holocaust ceremony (Times of Israel)

February 4: City of Frankfurt develops campaign to express solidarity with the Jewish community and fight anti-Semitism (Arutz Sheva)

February 13: Crime data release shows 10% jump in incidents related to hatred of Jews (BBC)

February 13: German bank to determine if Jewish Voices for Just Peace is anti-Semitic based on its BDS support (+972 Mag)

February 22: Student parliament at Cologne University rejects BDS over anti-Semitism (Legal Insurrection)

March 10: German police investigate anti-Semitic tweet against Israeli soccer player (Times of Israel)

March 16: German team to wear anti-racist jersey after anti-Semitic abuse of Israeli teammate (Times of Israel)

March 16: German authorities open investigation into hundreds of threats from right-wing nationalist against celebrities and German Jewish organizations (Times of Israel)

March 21: Controversial commissioner against anti-Semitism in the state of Baden-Wurttenberg compares Jewis anti-BDS activist to Nazi (Jerusalem Post)

March 27: German police report rising anti-Semitic hate crime (KAWC)

April 22: Report finds sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Berlin in 2018 (Times of Israel)

May 3: German Jews outraged by police allowing neo-Nazis calling for Israel’s destruction to march through town (Times of Israel)

May 14: Anti-Semitic crime up in Germany and far-right is blamed (New York Times)

May 15: German security officials report 20% increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 (Channel 7)

May 16: German parliament is about to pass resolution condemning BDS movement (Times of Israel)

May 17: German parliament votes to label BDS as anti-Semitic (New York Times)

May 21: The new German anti-Semitism (New York Times)

May 25: German anti-Semitism czar advises Jews not to wear kippahs in certain places in Germany (Times of Israel)

May 27: Newspaper prints cut-out kippah and urges readers to wear it in solidarity with German Jews (CNN)

May 28: Merkel says all synagogues and Jewish schools in Germany need constant police protection (Newsweek)

May 29: Neo-Nazi party repurposes a 100 year old anti-Semitic slogan (Newsweek)

May 31: German president, Steinmeier, says fighting anti-Semitism is a civic duty (Deutsche Welle)

June 10: The Commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism in the state of Hessian blasts Berlin’s Jewish Museum for being anti-Jewish after its support for BDS (Jerusalem Post)

June 11: Two hundred and forty Israeli academics sign letter asking Germany to reject ‘BDS is anti-Semitic’ law (Cleveland Jewish News)

June 12: Germany launches a web site to report and combat anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

June 14: Director of Berlin Jewish Museum quits in response to criticism regarding his views on BDS (New York Times)

June 15: Germany is accused of downplaying anti-Semitism coming from Muslim community (Times of Israel)

June 18: Two men wearing kippahs are attacked in two separate incidents (JTA)

June 20: American tourist hit in the face after saying he was Jewish (Newsweek)

June 22: Moroccan national arrested for threatening, insulting and spitting, two Jews in Hamburg (Morocco World News)

July 4: Neo-Nazi groups are sponsoring talks by Nazi veterans in Germany (Times of Israel)

July 14: German Jewish umbrella organization says magazine’s news article is fueling anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

July 15: Germany’s Jewish Council demands Amazon pull Nazi merchandise from its site (Yahoo)

July 18: German Foreign Ministry representative in Palestinian territories liked anti-Semitic posts on social media (Jerusalem Post)

July 20: Merkel urges Europeans to confront anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

July 23: Jewish community leader verbally attacked and threatened in front of Freiburg synagogue (Jerusalem Post)

July 25: Student parliament at the University of Munster passes motion condemning BDS (Jerusalem Post)

July 24: German prosecutor brings charges against former SS soldier for incitement and Holocaust denial (Times of Israel)

July 29: Jewish German wearing a kippah verbally assaulted with anti-Semitic taunts, two Syrian nationals are alleged perpetrators (Jerusalem Post)

July 31: Chief Rabbi of Berlin verbally assaulted with antisemitic taunts and spat upon (INN)

August 4: German Jewish leadership and US Ambassador call out Der Spiegel for engaging in anti-Semitic stereotypes (Jerusalem Post)

August 5: German President visits Berlin Chief Rabbi who a week earlier had been a victim of anti-Semitic incident (INN)

August 8: Two anti-Semitic incidents reported in Munich in a span of a few days (DW)

August 11: German reporter comes under fire for equating Egyptian and Israeli human rights record (Jerusalem Post)

August 14: German Foreign Minister visits Chabad Synagogue in Berlin after anti-Semitic incident (Cleveland Jewish News)

August 13: German police investigate alleged anti-Semitic abuse by check-in clerk at Berlin airport (Algemeiner)

August 13: German man who denies Holocaust at concentration camp site will face charges (Times of Israel)

August 14: Another Jewish man physically attacked in Berlin (Fox News)

August 18: The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany warns of the right-wing extremism of the AfD (DW)

August 24: German football club condemns anti-Semitism of its own fans (ESPN)

August 26: Far right surge concerns Germans who are guardians of remembrance of the Nazi horrors (Times of Israel)

August 31: AfD candidate attended a neo-Nazi rally in Greece in 2007 (Times of Israel)

 September 22: German Catholic NGO pulls plug on BDS event (Jerusalem Post)

September 25: German Commissioner files complaint against BDS group for justifying vandalism against synagogue (Israellycool)

September 26: Police in Berlin remove sign protesting anti-Semitism from the site of a pro-Palestinian rally (Jerusalem Post)

September 26: Slight drop in anti-Semitic incidents in first half of 2019 in Berlin is no cause for complacency according to City Commissioner (algemeiner)

October 2: German city withdraws an award from an artist because of support for BDS (JTA)

October 6: Syrian refugee stopped after running toward a synagogue in Berlin brandishing a knife (JTA)

October 9: Two killed in Yom Kippur shooting at Synagogue in Germany (Reuters)

October 9: After synagogue shooting on Yom Kippur German FM calls for efforts to fight anti-Semitism (National Post)

October 10: World-wide reaction to Yom Kippur synagogue attack (Jerusalem Post)

October 10: Day after attack German Jews feel under siege and frustrated that the synagogue was not, despite requests, under police protection (Wall Street Journal)

October 10: Chancellor Merkel says antisemtism has no place in Germany (Jerusalem Post)

October 10: German authorities say synagogue attacker hoped to inspire more antisemitic violence (Washington Post)

October 11: Suspect in Halle terroism and admits he attacked the synagogue because of antisemitic beliefs (Times of Israel)

October 11: Far-right AfD party under pressure after synagogue attack (Times of Israel)

October 13: Ten thousand march in Berlin against anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

October 15: Anti-Semitism commissioner in the southern German state of Baden-Württemberg likes a Facebook post which compares Nazis to Zionists (Jerusalem Post)

October 15: Budget cuts threaten the work of a German NGO which helps reform neo-Nazis (Jerusalem Post)

October 15: Visiting American professor in Bonn is assaulted by Palestinian-German man who is sentenced to jail time (JTA)

October 17: German Interior Minister announces a six-point plan to combat anti-Semitism (Algemeiner) 

October 18: Poll finds 59% of Germans believe anti-Semitism is spreading in their community (Deutsche Welle)

October 19: Germany rethinking Jewish community security after synagogue attack (Times of Israel)

October 20: Musicians hold a concert in Halle to oppose anti-Semitism and xenophobia (Jerusalem Post)

October 24: Preliminary findings of a World Jewish Congress (WJC) poll on anti-Semitic attitudes in Germany (Jewish Chronicle)

October 25: Investigation called off in case of Berlin Rabbi who was spit on upon leaving his synagogue (JTA)

October 28: German bishop says anti-Semitism is not an opinion but an attack on the dignity of people (Jerusalem Post)

October 28: Jewish groups express fear of growing strength of extreme right in Germany (Times of Israel)

November 4: Far-right politician criticized for use of anti-Semitic Judas tweet aimed at popular musician (Algemeiner)

November 4: German cardinal, head of Catholic Bishop’s Conference, declares Jews and Catholics will never be separated again and declares anti-Semitism an attack on all of us (Jerusalem Post)

November 5: German teens under investigation for singing anti-Semitic songs after a visit to concentration camp (Deutsche Welle)

November 7: Young Jewish man assaulted in a locker room by an anti-Semitic attacker while others looked on (Algemeiner)

November 8: Descendants of Nazis organize marches to condemn anti-Semitism (Times of Israel) Also see United States

November 8: Secretary Pompeo visits Halle synagogue with Jewish Agency Head and reaffirms battle against anti-Semitism (Jewish News Syndicate) Also see United States

November 13: Far right AfD parliamentarian ousted as Bundestag committee chair after comments that are widely criticized as anti-Semitic (Reuters)

November 15: Green party Bundestag Vice President is criticized for legitimizing Iranian senior politician who denies Holocaust and advocates Israel’s destruction (Jerusalem Post)

November 20: Police say attack on 76-year old in Berlin was anti-Semitic (JTA) 

November 27: German paper says government will soon ban Hezbollah outright (Algemeiner)

November 28: Parent removes son from German public school over anti-Semitic comments and the failure of the faculty or administration to take reactive measures (JTA)

November 29: Germany to make anti-Semitism a specific hate crime to help protect the Jewish community (Telegraph) 

December 6: Merkel at Auschwitz expresses “deep shame” and vows to fight rising anti-Semitism in Germany and Europe (Reuters)

December 6: As rapper who has written anti-Semitic lyrics begins a national tour, Jewish leaders raise an alarm (Algemeiner)

December 14: State anti-Semitism envoy says Merkel’s UN ambassador is facilitating anti-Semitism by his votes against Israel (Jerusalem Post)

December 16: Berlin subway posters designed to counter anti-Semitism in youth and pop culture can also be seen as problematic (Haaretz)

December 19: German parliament votes to urge government to ban Hamas (JTA)

December 22: Three Berlin students tie up and choke a fourth student in an anti-Semitic attack (Jerusalem Post)

December 31: Two men arrested for vandalizing Jewish tombstones (Times of Israel) 


January 27: Israeli Ambassador calls out Greek Orthodox church for anti-Smitism two days after Holocaus monument vandalized in Thessaloniki (Jerusalem Post)

January 28: Israeli President thanks his Greek counterpart for condemnation of vandalism of Holocaust monument in Thessaloniki at the same time condemns silence of Greek Orthodox church (Arutz Sheva)

January 25: Anti-Semitic graffiti in France, Poland, Spain, Greece (Ynet News)

March 27: Greek commentator is accused of anti-Semitism after his remarks about Israeli-American basketball coach David Blatt (San Francisco Chronicle)

April 4: Greece appoints a Special Envoy for anti-Semitism (Tornos News)

July 13: New Greek Agriculture Minister rejects charges of anti-Semitism against him (Ekathemerini)

July 15: Greek Minister renounces his association with antisemites in the past (Jerusalem Post)

November 9: Greek Prime Minister discusses initiatives to fight anti-Semitism and endorses IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (The National Herald) 

December 31: Newly renovated historic synagogue in northern Greece is vandalized (JTA) 


January 29: The dispute over Holocaust distortion and the House of Fates in Budapest (Moment Magazine)

January 28: Head of Yesh Atid party, Lapid, criticizes antisemitism of governments of Hungary and Poland and calls out Netanyahu for his relationship with these governments (Times of IsraelAlso see Israel and Poland

February 13: Hungary’s Ambassador to UK tells Board of Deputies to mind their own business when it comes to anti-Semitism in Hungary (see also UK) (The Guardian)

February 25: In press roundup, government and opposition figures trade accusations of anti-Semitism (Hungary Today)

March 5: Orban claims billboard of EU commission president Juncker and Soros is not anti-Semitic because Hungary treats its Jews as Hungarians— unlike how Germans treated their Jews (EuroNews)

March 14: Hungarian government honors two anti-Semitic literary figures (Hungarian Spectrum)

March 30: Jews are scared to speak out as anti-Semitism spreads in Hungary (The Times)

May 13: Viktor Orban has anti-Semitism problem (opinion) (Politico)

May 29: Budapest Jewish group establishes a Jewish security service (Times of Israel)

August 31: Cantor and his wife are harassed by five youths with cries of “filthy Jews” who “belong in the gas chamber” (Times of Israel)

September 6: Human Rights First condemns Hungarian government for its support of memorial statue honoring from WII-era anti-Semite (Human Rights First)

September 5: Hungarian government officials unveil statue to WW II era monk/politician who advocated for discrimination against Hungarian Jews (!!444!!!) Use Chrome browser to read in English

October 24: Hungarian extreme right attacks Budapest Jewish community center (Vice)

October 31: Yair Netanyahu addresses an event sponsored by Holocaust distorter Maria Schmidt in Budapest (Times of Israel) Also see Israel

November 11: Head of Mazsihis, Andras Heisler, disappointed that former Chancellor and Fidez leader, Jonas Lazar, laid flowers on grave of Regent “Horthy and praised the wartime leader, a self-professed anti-Semite (Klub Rádió)

November 18: Hungarian government bestows special status on Chabad in Budapest (EMIH) which has been supportive of the government when it has been criticized by other Jewish groups for anti-Semitic behavior or Holocaust distortion (JTA) 

November 24: Fidez supporters and new far-right party, Our Homeland, come together in anti-Semitic attack on Jewish journalists (Hungarian Spectrum)

December 1: Jewish community is shaken as an Orban deputy delivers an absurd anti-Semitic rant about Jews enjoying voting for an “Arrow Cross”/fascist candidate in an electoral district where there are hardly any Jews (Hungarian Spectrum)

December 29: Hungarian diplomat posts on Facebook that critics in the United States should stop criticizing Hungary for anti-Semitism when what is happening in the United States is much worse than anything in Hungary (Facebook)


February 6: Popular singer in Iceland compares Jews to Nazis (JTA)


October 6: Security increased at Jewish and Israeli sites after terrorist alert (JTA)

November 12: Indian intelligence warns Israel of threats of terrorist attacks on Jewish institutions and Jewish tourists in India (JTA)


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


February 6: Iran pushes back on Trump’s charge of anti-Semitism (Ynet News)

February 15: Vice President Pence accuses Iran of Nazi-like anti-Semitism (see also United States) (Reuters)

February 16: Iran rejects Pence’s charge of anti-Semitism (Reuters)

April 5: Iranian news site spreads articles across Latin America claiming Israel performs medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners (JTA)

April 21: Google blocs Iranian Spanish language site that said Israel uses Palestinian prisoners for medical experiments (JTA)

July 22: Former president Ahmadinejad denies that he is an anti-Semite (Times of Israel)

November 6: Two plead guilty of spying for Iran which included evidence of surveilling Chicago synagogue (JTA)

December 16: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei derides France for prosecuting a leading Holocaust denier in the 1990s (Times of Israel)


January 4: Swastika painted on Irish synagogue (JTA)

August 14: Israeli Ambassador accuses Irish party’s foreign affairs spokesman of anti-Semitic rhetoric in remarks about power of American Jews to stifle criticism of Israel (Independent)


January 27: Diaspora Ministry issues report on global anti-Semitism that finds 70% of anti-Semitic attacks tied to anti-Israel sentiment (Ynet)

January 27: Prime Minister plays down right-wing anti-Semitism in Europe and argues left-wing and Islamic anti-Semitism more pertinent, only hours after government report highlights threat from extreme right (Times of Israel)

January 28: Head of Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid criticizes anti-Semitism of governments of Hungary and Poland and calls out Netanyahu for his relationship with these governments (see also Poland and Hungary) (Times of Israel)

January 30: Amnesty International reacting to charges that they support anti-Semitism say Israel uses anti-Semitism to deflect from the country’s war crimes (Jerusalem Post)

January 31: Israel’s UN envoy calls on Eastern European leaders to confront anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

February 3: Israeli government report links terrorist organizations and 13 NGOs supporting BDS (JTA)

February 21: Likud MK, Anat Berko, responding to charges that the government is working with Eastern Europe leaders who might engage in anti-Semitism, says “They might be anti-Semites but they are on our side” (Haaretz)

June 21: Poll finds one half of Israelis are fearful of facing anti-Semitism when traveling abroad (Israel Hayom)

July 16: Israeli official close to Netanyahu speaks of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism (see also UK) (Jerusalem Post)

July 20: Israeli Foreign Minister warns of growing world-wide anti-Semitism (Israel Hayom)

July 21: “Slaughter the Jews” is painted on a portion of the Western Wall in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem (JTA)

August 6: Yair Lapid is accused of anti-Semitism over anti-Haredi election video (Haaretz)

September 26: Israeli Minister releases report on BDS and antisemitism at EU Parliament (Jerusalem Post) Also see EU

October 7: Interior Minister takes steps to deport BDS founder Omar Barghouti (Jerusalem Post)

October 9: With support from a U.S. Embassy in Warsaw grant, Israel Embassy sponsors a hackathon at Polin Museum to develop apps to fight anti-Semitism (U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Poland) Also see U.S. and Poland

October 13: Swastikas left on graves of WWI British Commenwealth soldiers in Haifa (JTA)

October 27: Jewish Agency’s new ten-year plan prioritizes fighting anti-Semitism in the Jewish diaspora (Haaretz)

October 31: Yair Netanyahu addresses an event sponsored by Holocaust distorter, Maria Schmidt in Budapest (Times of Israel) Also see Hungary

November 5: Jewish Agency announces it is upgrading security measures for 50 Jewish institutions worldwide in the wake of a surge of anti-Semitic concerns (Jerusalem Post)

December 2: Israel bars Malaysian officials from Ramallah to open embassy because of Malaysian President’s anti-Semitic remarks (Jerusalem Post) Also see Malaysia 

December 22: PM Netanyahu charges International Criminal Court with anti-Semitism in relation to possible war crimes probe (WSAU)

December 25: Defense Minister, Bennett, claims International Criminal Court is a “breeding ground” for anti-Semitism (i24 News)


January 10: Italian police probe anti-Semitic posters aimed at soccer clubs (Times of Israel)

January 16: Stumbling stones in Rome honoring victims of the Holocaust vandalized in December are now replaced (JTA)

January 22: Italian Senator apologizes for antisemitic tweet referencing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Star Tribune)

March 15: Italian boy celebrates 15th birthday with Hitler cake and Holocaust jokes (JTA)

May 9: Italian Prime Minister declares anti-Semitism is a suicide of European man at Great Synagogue of Rome (Jerusalem Post)

August 12: Anti-Semitic marking carved into door of Venice synagogue (Jewish Journal)

October 31: Vatican and Jewish community criticize Italian right-wing parties for blocking a parliamentary commission to study racism and anti-Semitism (Haaretz)

November 7: Senator for life and 89-year-old Auschwitz survivor is subject to 200 anti-Semitic attacks on social media each day (New York Times)

November 29: Italian police uncover plot to form new Nazi party (Algemeiner) 

December 3: Professor to be disciplined for tweeting praise for Hitler (Times of Israel)


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


January 22: Only 14% of Latvians see anti-Semitism as a problem in Latvia (LSM.LV)

March 17: Latvians march to honor Latvians who fought with Nazis (Times of Israel)


January 16: Judge postpones trial where government is defending the inclusion of an alleged Nazi collaborator in Museum (JTA)

January 24: Lithuanian church removes Jewish headstones used to construct church stairs (Times of Israel)

January 29: Lithuanian PM in Israel calls for zero tolerance of anti-Semitism (Baltic Times)

March 27: Lithuanian court dismisses lawsuit against a state museum for honoring a Nazi collaborator (JTA)

April 3: Local Jews say state sponsored genocide study center is engaging in Holocaust denial (JTA)

April 8: Lawyer smashes plaque honoring Nazi collaborator (JTA)

April 25: Lithuania bans Holocaust denier David Irving from entering country for next five years (JTA)

May 31: Lithuanian town honors chaplain of unit involved with mass killings of Jews in 1941 (JTA)

July 26: After years of protest Vilnius renames a street that had been named after antisemitic nationalist who collaborated with Nazis (Times of Israel)

July 27: Vilnius Mayor orders plaque removed honoring WWII era, alleged, war criminal (JTA)

August 4: Lithuania’s checkered past in dealing with its Jewish community and anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

August 7: Only operating synagogue is closed after phone-in threats but some in Jewish community call the closing unnecessary (JTA)

August 13: As plaques come down Lithuania starts to confront the role of Lithuanians in the Holocaust (Politico)

September 8: Nationalist hang plaque to Nazi collaborator without government approval (JTA)

September 15: Swastika of dirt and flowers placed outside Jewish community building in Vilnius (JTA)

October 17: Analysis of recent anti-Semitism in Lithuania (Besa Center)

October 18: Exhibition of Jewish life in pre-war Lithuania vandalized with spray paint (Cleveland Jewish News)

October 29: Israeli Ambassador to Lithuania tells teachers in Vilnius that Holocaust history is an open wound in Europe and patriots have to be honest about their country’s history (JTA)

November 22: Lithuania places a symbol that some associate with anti-Semitic right on coin celebrating Jewish heritage (JTA)


October 15: Man on trial for online anti-Semitic comments aimed at Jewish government minister (RTL Today)

November 8: Local Holocaust Museum scraps plan for a program which appeared to be aimed at discrediting IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (JTA) 


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


January 18: Malaysia will ban Israeli athletes from 2020 Paralympics and vow to not let Israelis enter the country for any athletic competition (The Guardian)

January 19: Prime Minister of Malaysia says his country has a right to ban Israelis and denies his anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

January 27: Malaysia loses right to hold 2019 World Para Swimming Championship over Israeli participation (JTA)

June 18: Audience at Cambridge University laughs at anti-Semitic remarks made by the Prime Minister of Malyasia (see also UK) (JTA)

September 21: Columbia University hosts anti-Semitic Malaysian Prime Minister (Jerusalem Post) Also see United States

September 25: Malaysian PM questions the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust at Columbia University event (Times of Israel)

December 2: Israel bars Malaysian officials from Ramallah to open embassy because of Malaysian President’s anti-Semitic remarks (Jerusalem Post) Also see Israel


January 18: Moldova adopts IHRA working definition of antisemitism (Cleveland Jewish News)

August 29: Corrupt local politician with Jewish background flees to Israel and Jewish community experiences anti-Semitic backlash (JTA)


February 5: Football fans chant “Jews burn best” against rival Ajax club (Times of Israel)

February 22: Swastikas painted and statue vandalized in Amsterdam (Jerusalem Post)

March 5: Identification of the Ajax football club with “Jews” is cause for concern for Jewish community of Netherlands (CNN)

March 10: Dutch Green party walks back boycott Israel resolution (JTA)

March 11: Anti-Semitic incidents in Netherlands rise to a record number (JTA)

March 17: Participants holding Palestinian flags at memorial rally for victims of New Zealand terrorist attack turn their back on rabbi’s eulogy (JTA)

March 18: Heightened security for Dutch Jewish institutions after terrorist attack in Utrecht (JTA)

March 22: Senator elect says past Holocaust related jokes were not meant to be anti-Semitic but sarcasm (JTA

April 5: Pro-Israel activist assaulted by men shouting “Jew” near anti-Israel rally in Amsterdam (JTA)

May 2: Anti-Semitic, anti-LGBT, Arizona Preacher is banned from Netherlands (see also United States) (

May 16: Dutch animal rights party again introduces legislation to ban slaughter without stunning despite high court ruling (JTA)

May 31: Dutch government allocates funds and makes fighting anti-Semitism a national priority (JTA)

May 31: Two well-known mohels are cited by health ministry for breaking the law (Times of Israel)

July 12: Jewish leader is tortured and robbed in his apartment, though existence of anti-Semitic motive unclear (JTA)

July 17: Celebrity tour guide advises left wing parties to kick out three Jews because they may weaponize anti-Semitism (JTA)

September 6: Neo-nazi group to protest Zionism outside the Israeli Embassy in the Hague (JTA)

September 25: Dutch radio station which has public funding allows call-in to rant for four minutes about Jewish greed and the need to annihilate it (JTA)

November 20: Dutch parliament passes resolution saying EU labeling of West Bank settlement products is discriminatory (JTA) 

November 25: Fox Sports suspends former soccer star forward after his “Sieg Heil” comment on air (Reuters)

November 29: Major Dutch paper runs cartoon implying Netanyahu is behind the Labour scandals in order to hide his own corruption (JTA)

December 2: Muslim man who stabbed a Jewish man and son in an Amsterdam market is found not mentally fit to stand trial— follows a pattern in other western European countries where Muslims assaulting Jews not found mentally competent to stand trial (JTA

December 26: Synagogue in Groningen operates on an invitation-only basis in the current environment of violent anti-Semitism (Politico)

New Zealand

February 17: Australian Poles protest speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand by Polish antisemitic ex-politician (see also Australia) (Times of Israel)

March 15: NZ alleged Mosque shooter says anti-Semitic figure, Oswald Mosley, is his role model (JTA)

March 17: Synagogues and Jewish community centers closed over weekend in response to security concerns after terror attack by white nationalist (JTA)

March 26: Chairman of an Auckland, New Zealand mosque claims Mossad is likely behind attack on mosque in Christchurch (Algemeiner)

July 12: Green party MP criticized for referring to Jesus and his family as Palestinian refugees (Stuff)


January 11: Anti-Semitic hate speech case against rapper is dismissed (Jerusalem Post)

March 12: Norwegian rapper who cursed “Jews” at a concert is not charged because authorities speculate his language was meant to criticize Israel (JTA)

July 19: Norwegian state broadcaster airs cartoon referencing “Jewish Swine” (JTA)

July 26: UN Economic and Social Council chaired by Norway singles Israel out for violation of women’s and human rights (JTA)

September 23: Norwegian government minister pledges to continue and accelerate government plan to fight anti-Semitism (Artuz Sheva)

November 29: Citing Israel, a Norwegian Mayor asks a church to remove its Star of David ornament (JTA) 

Palestinian Territories

March 6: Palestinian Authority posts supposed story of how evil Jews were willing to bury Russian civilians alive during WWII (Times of Israel)

April 15: Gaza rapper spouts anti-Semitic comments at conference on Gaza at University of North Carolina (also see United States) (Forbes)

May 21: Fatah posts antisemitic video and denounces Al Jazeera for taking it down (Algemeiner)

May 22: Palestinian FM denounces vote of German parliament equating BDS and anti-Semitism (IMEM News)

July 15: Senior Hamas officials instructs Palestinians abroad to kill ‘every Jew in the world’ (JTA)

November 3: Twitter suspends accounts associated with Hamas and Hezbollah (JTA)


January 2: Former ADL head Foxman says appointment of new extreme right-wing parliamentarian to Polish cabinet is a new low (Algemeiner)

January 27: Far right activists demonstrate at Auschwitz decrying emphasis on Jewish suffering and not Polish suffering at Auschwitz (JTA)

January 28: Polish government investigating incident of anti-Semitism by far-right nationalists at Auschwitz (ABC News)

January 28: Head of Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid criticizes anti-Semitism of governments of Hungary and Poland and calls out Netanyahu for his relationship with these governments (see also Israel and Hungary) (Times of Israel)

February 14: Prime Minister of Israel sparks row over comments about Polish collaboration during WW II (Times of Israel)

February 15: Polish President rejects notion that there is any type of crisis between Poland and Israel over Netanyahu’s quote on Poles who collaborated with Nazis (JTA)

February 18: Poland pulls out of Visegard meeting in Israel after remarks about Polish antisemitism by Israel’s Foreign Minister (NBC News)

February18: Polish rabbis react to anti-Semitism in the wake of Israel-Poland tension (Jerusalem Post)

February 18: Right-wing groups condemn Paris conference for exploring Polish anti-Semitism during World War II (JTA)

February 18: Polish Jewish leaders say Israeli FM remarks damages their community (Times of Israel)

February 19: Two Jewish cemeteries vandalized in wake of Poland-Israel tension (JTA)

February 20: Reports of a cemetery being vandalized are false per Polish official and Jewish community leader (JTA)

February 24: Polish Holocaust researchers verbally attacked at Shoah conference in Paris (JTA)

February 20: US Ambassador to Poland calls upon acting Israeli Foreign Minister to apologize for his remark about Poles suckling on anti-Semitism (JTA)

January 25: Anti-Semitic graffiti in France, Poland, Spain, Greece (Ynet News)

March 13: Front page of Polish newspaper shows ‘how to to recognize a Jew’ (JTA)

March 13: Opposition lawmaker questions why anti-Semitic paper allowed on Parliament grounds (Washington Post)

March 19: Poland calls off exhumation of Jewish bodies from site of 1941 Jedwabne pogrom carried out by Poles (Times of Israel)

March 22: Austria and Poland slam Belgian carnival float at UNESCO meeting (see also Austria and Belgium) (JTA)

March 24: Holocaust denier, David Irving, is not welcome in Poland (JTA)

April 1: Polish Nationalists protest in NYC against restitution legislation while spreading antisemitic and Holocaust denial messages (NewsweekAlso see United States

April 7: Monument in central Poland to mass grave of 2,000 Jews is vandalized (JTA)

April 21: US Ambassador gets anti-Semitic response to her Passover greetings (Times of Israel)

April 21: Polish crowd beats and burns Judas effigy that is made with hooked nose and hassidic dress (Times of Israel)

April 22: Catholic church decries burning of Jewish effigy on Easter Weekend (JTA)

April 24: Far right politician says antisemitic effigy incident shows that Jews or Freemasons are spying on Poland (JTA)

May 2: Report highlights anti-Semitism promoted by government officials in Venezuela, Ukraine, Poland and Turkey (see also Venezuela, Turkey and Ukraine) (Jerusalem Post)

May 2: Far right party proposes bill to limit Holocaust restitution (Times of Israel)

May 2: Anti-Semitic activist hangs effigy of late Communist Jewish leader in front of Lodz ghetto (Times of Israel)

May 4: Polish bishop delivers sermon with thinly veiled anti-Semitic message (Jewish News)

May 11: Polish nationalist hold anti-Jewish rally at US Embassy in Warsaw protesting US policy of calling for Holocaust restitution (see also United States) (Fox News)

May 19: Polish candidate put kippah on rivals head in debate and said ruling party “kneels before the Jews” (Times of Israel)

May 20: Polish PM says paying property restitution would be a victory for Hitler (Times of Israel)

May 30: Restitution debate sparks anti-Semitic statements by right wing politicians (IJN)

June 17: Stonemason who restored vandalized Jewish Holocaust memorial has workshop destroyed and defaced with anti-Semitic message (JTA)

July 17: Funders suspend contribution to Polin Museum after government suspends reappointment of director was critical of government’s legislation criminalizing criticism of Polish behavior during the Holocaust (JTA)

August 7: Chief Rabbi spurns invite of Polish government to event honoring WWII ultra nationalist group that killed Jews (JTA)

August 7: Poland bans neo-nazi group filmed celebrating Hitler’s birthday (Times of Israel)

September 1: Polish prosecutor closes case on antisemitic graffiti in the case of demolished workshop (JTA)

September 8: Israelis brutally beaten in Warsaw club by Arabic speakers who curse Israel and shouted “Free Gaza” (Times of Israel)

September 8: Daughter of survivor wins her case to ownership of her family’s land that was illegal sold and purchased by Catholic Church but Polish Justice Ministry is trying to reverse court rulings while family is trolled on social media (Haaretz)

September 12: Polish judge calls Jews “despicable, filthy nation” (JTA)

September 12: Two Dutch men arrested for assault against Israelis in club (JTA)

September 25: Well respected Director of the Polin Jewish Museum is accused of politicizing the museum by Minister of Culture reflecting government’s displeasure with an exhibit on the anti-Semitic campaign of 1968 (The New Yorker)

September 27: Polish President denies blaming Israel for rising Polish anti-Semitism (Haaretz)

September 29: Anti-Semitic flyers protesting Jewish demands for property restitution appear in Warsaw (Times of Israel)

October 2: Anti-Semitic graffiti painted on wall of Krakow ghetto (JTA)

October 9: With support from a U.S. Embassy in Warsaw grant, Israel Embassy sponsors a hackathon at Polin Museum to develop apps to fight anti-Semitism (U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Poland) Also see U.S. and Israel

October 24: Polish prime minister says Poland is dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism and protecting Jewish sites (Israel National News)

October 27: Polish President holds up the appointment at University of Warsaw of a scholar who has been criticized by right-wing nationalists for his work on anti-Semitism (JTA)

November 10: Far-right activist appointed head of Institute of National Remembrance branch (JTA)

November 26: Case dropped against American professor who claimed Poles killed more Jews than Germans in WWII (JTA)

December 2: Far-right activists are calling for the criminalization of restitution of Jewish property (LA Times)

December 13: Polish government arrests far-right leader for anti-Semitic incitement (Boston Globe)

December 23: Polish city refuses to install memorial stones for Holocaust victims (JTA)

December 25: Reacting to criticism by the European Parliament of Soviet-Nazi non-aggression deal of 1939, Putin calls Poland’s Ambassador to Germany in the late 1930s “an anti-Semitic pig.” (The Moscow Times) Also see Russia


November 2: Al-Jazeera youth audio channel claims Jews created and control the porn industry as a means to pollute Christianity (Jerusalem Post)


January 26: Elie Wiesel Institute of Holocaust Studies asks Romanian authorities not to rehabilitate war criminal who killed Jews and Roma (Times of Israel)

April 4: Dozens of headstones smashed at Jewish cemetery (JTA)

April 15: Jewish cemetery vandalized as anti-Semitism threatens the small Jewish community of Romania (BBC)

April 23: Romanian state museum director pens op-ed that advances Jewish conspiracy theories (JTA)

May 22: Six former US envoys warn of rising anti-Semitism in Romania (Jerusalem Post)

June 17: World Jewish Congress and Romania hold a conference hosting anti-Semitism envoys (JTA)


March 19: Putin makes joke about Jews and money in Crimea visit (JTA)

April 19: Arsonist burns Moscow yeshiva and leaves antisemitic graffiti (Channel 7)

May 8: Putin advisor denies that op-ed which suggested newly elected Jewish president of Ukraine was going to replace Russians in eastern Ukraine with Jews from Israel, was anti-Semitic (JTA)

May 30: Russian social media network takes down content for a Miss Hitler beauty pageant (Times of Israel)

June 6: Moscow has used charges and fears of anti-Semitsm to attack Ukraine (see also Ukraine) (Mosaic Magazine)

June 8: Russian Court sentence man to two and half years in prison for anti-Semitic graffiti (Times of Israel)

July 19: A study finds nearly one half of Jews of the former Soviet Union who live in rural areas have experienced “antisemitic attacks” (also see Belarus and Ukraine) (Jerusalem Post)

August 15: Russian Housing Firm removes anti-Semitic billboard (JTA)

November 22: Russian state bank sends client with promotional code which includes phrase “kill Jews” (JTA) 

December 25: Reacting to criticism by the European Parliament of Soviet-Nazi non-aggression deal of 1939, Putin calls Poland’s Ambassador to Germany in the late 1930s “an anti-Semitic pig.” (The Moswcow Times) Also see Poland


January 6: Two Scottish legislators speak out against anti-Semitism in response to Jewish community comments that they are considering emigrating (Times of Israel)

March 26: Scottish Council of Jewish communities warns of rising anti-Semitism in Scottish universities (Algemeiner)

March 30: Ken Livingston tells pro-Corbyn group he was being victimized for his remarks about Hitler and Zionism, says it is not anti-Semitic to hate the Jews of Israel (Daily Mail)

March 31: Corbyn aide blocked suspension for anti-Semitism of Labour member who has subsequently been arrested for anti-Semitic incitement (The Times)

May 22: Church of Scotland adopts IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (The Herald)

June 2: ‘Al Quds Day’ speaker says Israeli embassy runs workshops on how to use false claims of anti-Semitism to smear pro-Palestinian activists (Times of Israel)

June 25: Aberdeen City Council adopts IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (also see UK) (Jewish News)

August 10: Scottish Labour blasts BBC for bias against UK Labour (see also UK) (Scotland Herald)

September 15: Senior figure in Scotland’s parliament calls out Labour and Corbyn for tolerating antisemitism (Scotland Herald)

September 16: Teenager with a Hitler mustache filmed making a Nazi salute outside Scottish synagogue (JTA)

October 18: Former chairman of Scotland Labour party will not vote Labour until the anti-Semitism question is adequately addressed (The Times) Also see United Kingdom

October 19: Labour MP candidate in Dundee criticized for backing Chris Williamson’s attempt to be reinstated in Labour after charges of anti-Semitism (The Courier) Also see United Kingdom

November 28: Scottish Labour drops candidate when anti-Semitic posts are found in old Facebook account (The Guardian) Also see United Kingdom 

November 29: Scottish National Party (SNP) drops a candidate after anti-Semitic posts are uncovered (BBC)

November 30: Scottish Labour candidate is urged to step down after past anti-Semitic statements are uncovered (The Courier) Also see United Kingdom

December 4: Scottish National Party (SNP) member who was tasked with investigating charges of anti-Semitism against an SNP candidate quits the party after it is found she defended equating Israel with Nazis (BBC) Also see United Kingdom

December 9: Labour candidate for Scottish seat sees bias in a journalist who moderated debate because he had a Jewish mother (Times of Israel) Also see United Kingdom


December 17: Nearly 60 Jewish graves vandalized in northern Slovakia (Jewish Journal)

December 26: Second Jewish cemetery vandalized in Slovakia (Times of Israel) 

South Africa

June 23: Jewish cemeteries vandalized in South Africa (Times of Israel)

August 7: Academic who was denied tenure in US for anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic posts calls for boycott of Israel when giving a lecture on academic freedom at South African university (Algemeiner)

November 28: South Africa’s Jewish Board of Delegates disputes ADL’s findings of high levels of anti-Semitic attitudes in the country (Haaretz)


February 4: Spanish priest blames “powerful Jews” for cancelation of his film on Gaza (Times of Israel)

February 12: Award winning film maker calls Israel apartheid state during acceptance acceptance speech (JTA)

January 25: Anti-Semitic graffiti in France, Poland, Spain, Greece (Ynet News)

March 22: Holocaust revisionist drops out of parliamentary election race (JTA)

June 11: Penguin defends Spanish author of How they Rule the World from charges of anti-Semitism because of focus on Rothschild (The Guardian) Also see United Kingdom

September 6: “Free Palestine” spray painted on Barcelona synagogue (JTA)


February 7: Government plan to combat anti-Semitism and increase security (Government Offices of Sweden)

May 15: Stabbing of Jewish woman is being investigated a potential hate crime (JTA)

May 22: Swedish PM promises to try to outlaw neo-nazi group and increase security for Jewish community (Times of Israel)

May 23: Swedish PM reacts to “crushing Zionism” chants by Social Democratic party activists by announcing visit to Malmo to correct the party’s policies (JTA)

May 24: Malmo, Sweden will host an anti-Semitism conference in 2020 (Times of Israel)

June 21: Two philanthropists donate $4 million to keep Jews in Malmo safe (JTA)

September 3: Imam fined for hate speech after calling Jews offspring of apes and pigs (JTA)

September 13: Swedish YouTube star who has been associated with antisemitism, PewDiePie, offers $50,000 gift to ADL, receives negative reaction, then reverses himself (CNN)

October 3: A Swedish political party comes out in support of a ban on circumcision (JTA)

November 5: Anti-Semitic hate crimes jumped 53% to an all-time high in 2018 (Times of Israel) 

November 10: On anniversary of Kristallnacht yellow “Jude” stars of David appear on Jewish sites in Denmark and Sweden (JTA) Also see Denmark

November 29: Malmo municipality donates two million dollars to protect the local Jewish community (Jerusalem Post)


September 12: Switzerland undertaking review with eye to adopting IHRA working defintion of anti-Seitism (SwissInfo)

November 26: Man shouts heil Hitler and gives a Nazi salute in front of group of Rabbis attending a conference in Geneva (JTA)


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.


April 4: Synagogue firebombed in Izmir (JTA)

May 2: Report highlights antisemitism promoted by government officials in Venezuela, Ukraine, Poland and Turkey (see also Venezuela, Poland and Ukraine) (Jerusalem Post)

July 23: Islamist newspaper publishes charges that Jews have trained dogs to bite Muslims and blood libel charges against Jews of Spain during the Middle Ages (Ahval News)

November 17: Turkish opposition member of parliament lashes out at Jewish journalist who criticized his anti-Semitic tweet (Times of Israel)


January 19: Analysis of the level of antisemitism in Ukraine (Jerusalem Post)

February 15: Jewish memorial at site of destroyed cemeteries is vandalized (JTA)

February 18: Kiev shopping mall displays large swastika on staircase (JTA)

April 21: Jewish comedian elected president in a landslide, Ukraine to have Jewish president and prime minister (JTA)

May 2: Report highlights anti-Semitism promoted by government officials in Venezuela, Ukraine, Poland and Turkey (see also Venezuela, Poland and Turkey) (Jerusalem Post)

May 27: Kiev synagogue evacuated after bomb threat (JTA)

June 6: Moscow used charges and fears of anti-Semitism to attack Ukraine (see also Russia) (Mosaic Magazine)

June 6: Ukrainian ultra-nationalists protest outside Jewish community building with smoke grenades (JTA)

June 6: Israel and Poland send joint protest over planned Ukrainian monument honoring Nazi collaborator (Times of Israel)

June 15: State historian honors Nazi collaborators and calls Israeli/Polish protest ‘Russian propaganda’ (Times of Israel)

July 19: A study finds nearly one half of Jews of the former Soviet Union who live in rural areas have experienced “antisemitic attacks” (also see Russia and Belarus) (Jerusalem Post)

July 22: Head of institute that has led efforts to honor anti-Semitic nationalists of the WW II era is elected to parliament as opponent of the new president (Times of Israel)

August 7: Nationalist group wins defamation battle with a publication which called them “neo-nazis” (JTA)

August 27: Jewish community split over Rabbi Bleich’s participation in a memorial event for Ukrainian nationalists who collaborated with Nazis (Times of Israel)

September 16: Flyer threatening genocide posted on vandalized Holocaust memorial (JTA)

September 19: Series of recent anti-Semitic incidents in Ukraine (Jerusalem Post)

October 14: Hitler graffiti found near Jewish pilgrimage site in Uman (Times of Israel)

October 19: Ukrainian rabbi speaks out for rapid police action to find those responsible for leaving blood-stained effigy of Jewish oligarch on steps of Kiev’s main synagogue (Times of Israel)

November 10:  Four arrested for fatal beating of French-Israeli in 2016 (Times of Israel)

November 13: Jewish leaders criticizes Kyiv legislature for naming street after Nazi collaborator (Times of Israel)

November 25: Statue of Sholem Aleichem is vandalized with swastikas in Kiev (JTA) 

December 18: Court orders reinstatement of Ukranian diplomat who blamed Jews for WW II (JTA)

United Arab Emirates

September 11: UAE collaborating on a plan with Conference of European Rabbis to combat anti-Semitism (Y Net)

November 9: UNESCO sponsored book fair in the UAE includes Mein Kampf and the Protocols (Jerusalem Post) 

November 10: Four arrested for fatal beating of French-Israeli in 2016 (JTA)

United Kingdom

January 4: Long standing anti-Zionist sues Jewish organization over charge of antisemitism (The JC)

January 4: Corbyn filmed in 2011 applauding speaker who calls for dismantling Israel (JTA)

January 5: Jewish groups ask Tottenham Hotspurs to take action to stop fans from using the Y-word in support of the club (BBC)

January 9: Three fans arrested for alleged anti-Semitism at Tottenham-Chelsea match (The JC)

January 9: Local Labour organization considers barring the long-recognized organization representing Jewish community in Labour Party, the Jewish Labour Movement, from running anti-Semitism training (Times of Israel)

January 9: Internal party dispute over whether referring to the “Jewish Lobby” is anti-Semitic (Times of Israel)

January 9: Gameshow co-host, Rachel Riley, in social media tiff with anti-Israel former MP Galloway over charges of antis-Semitism (Times of Israel)

January 9: Suspended Scottish councilor who accused Mossad of colluding with Jewish papers to attack Corbyn is readmitted to the Labour party (The JC)

January 10: J.K. Rowling fires back on Twitter against apparent anti-Semitic comment (Jerusalem Post)

January 11: Britons make 170,000 antisemitic Google searches a year (The Guardian)

January 13: Labour branch suggests that Israel is behind funding IHRA definition campaign and charge it with attempting to stop all criticism of Israel (The JC)

January 15: London Mosque secretly agrees to host exhibition on Albanian protection of Jews in WW II after another Mosque backs out of hosting the exhibit (JTA)

January 22: Antisemitic graffiti turns up in Norwich (Bristol Herald Courier)

January 23: TV presenter says attacks on critics of Labour anti-Semitism is a national scandal (The JC)

January 25: Former Labour MP reinstated in party after investigation for comments made about the Jewish community (BBC)

January 25: Deputy Green Party leader apologizes for sharing anti-Semitic cartoon she thought was merely anti-imperialist (The JC)

January 27: Jewish Agency Head Herzog extremely distraught by Labour’s and Corbyn’s anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

January 28: Former Archbishop of Canterbury attacks Corbyn’s handling of antisemitism in Labour party (Express)

January 31: Fear of a perfect storm as radical right anti-Semitism and radical left anti-Semitism threatens Jewish community (Times of Israel)

February 1: Labour MPs will debate a motion to give Corbyn seven days to explain how he will deal with endemic anti-Semitism in the Labour party (The Independent)

February 2: Wales has highest proportion of anti-Semitic Google search in UK (BBC)

February 4: Labour accused of ignoring the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism in dismissing complaints against two party members (The JC)

February 5: Labour MPs pass resolution demanding Labour leadership produce written details on how they are handling complaints of antisemitism in the party (Jerusalem Post)

February 7: Community Security Trust finds record levels of anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 (CNN)

February 7: Another Labour MP faces no-confidence vote from Labour party members for criticism of Corbyn policy on anti-Semitism (Daily Mail)

December 10: Vandals damage Manchester Jewish cemetery (JTA)

February 10: Tony Blair says Labour not doing enough to confront anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

February 10: Corbyn ally says must go further and faster in combatting antisemitism in its own ranks (Times of Israel)

February 11: Labour party receives 673 complaints of anti-Semitism in 10 months (BBC)

February 12: Seven Labour MKs say report of hundreds of incidents of anti-Semitism, dozens of expulsions still don’t adequately cover extent of party’s anti-Semitism problem (Times of Israel)

February 13: Hungary’s Ambassador to UK tells Boare of Deputies to mind their own business when it comes to antisemitism in Hungary (see also Hungary) (The Guardian)

February 13: Conviction upheld for blogger who wrote and broadcasted grossly anti-Semitic songs (BBC)

February 15: Anti-Zionist activist sues non-profit for libel and case will hinge on the working definition of anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

February 16: Long-time Labour leader quits party over failure to address anti-Semitism (The Sun)

February 16: Survey of 27,000 left-wing Twitter accounts finds nearly a fifth have anti-Semitic engage or promote anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

February 17: Student association at Oxford calls for a ban on kosher meat (JTA)

February 17: Poll reveals one third of British voters believes Corbyn is anti-Semitic (Algemeiner)

February 18: Seven MPs quite Labour over Brexit and anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

February 19: Eighth Labour MP quits party over Brexit and anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

February 20: Labour MK attacks Israel for Labour party riff and then apologizes (JTA)

February 20: Brighton Councilor quits Labour over anti-Semitism (BBC)

February 22: Ninth Labour party MP leaves over ”culture of anti-Semitism” (The Guardian)

February 22: University of Essex suspends lecturer who posted anti-Semitic messages on Facebook (The Guardian)

February 24: Labour Deputy Leader, Tom Watson, calls upon Corbyn to take direct leadership in ferreting out anti-Semitism in Labour (BBC)

February 25: Deputy Labour Leader, Tom Watson, will personally monitor accusation of anti-Semitism against party members (The Guardian)

February 27: Corbyn and Labour’s Deputy Leader set to clash over PM’s refusal to remove MP Williamson from party (The Guardian)

February 27: Jewish Voice for Labour secretary says charges of anti-Semitism are “made up” to damage Corbyn (Jewish Chronicle)

February 27: Labour suspends MP Williamson over anti-Semitism row (BBC)

February 27: Elderly Jewish man in London punched in face in suspected hate crime (JTA)

February 27: Congressional legislators relaunch bi-partisan Anti-Semitism Task Force (Rep. Marc Veasey)

February 28: Nearly 500 Labour supporters of Corbyn apologize to Jewish community for anti-Semitism in the party (The Guardian)

March 1: Labour activists in two constituencies say anti-Semitism charges slander the party (BBC)

March 2: Labour general secretary and deputy leader clash over handling of anti-Semitism (Sky News)

March 5: Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, says Corbyn misled her (or else he was misled by his staff) over his commitment to attack anti-Semitism in the party (Financial Times)

March 6: Chelsea and Boston soccer clubs to play charity match to support “Say No to Anti-Semitism” campaign (see also US) (Jerusalem Post)

March 6: UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission is considering launching an investigation on Labour anti-Semitism (The Guardian)

March 8: Labour mayoral candidate suspended from party pending party investigation of charges of anti-Semitism (BBC)

March 8: Chair of Labour group in the House of Lords says anti-Semitism is destroying the party’s moral authority and is undermining the party’s anti-racism credentials (BBC)

March 10: Corbyn aides intervened to stop suspension of left-wing activist accused of anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

March 10: Student expelled from NJ school after racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found in bathroom (Times of Israel)

March 11: Labour activist who posts picture of alien parasite with Star of David on its back covering the face of the Statue of Liberty, is not suspended from party (Jewish Chronicle)

March 12: Leeds University Student Union fails to pass motion to fight anti-Semitism on campus (Jewish Chronicle)

March 13: Corbyn sends letter of support to meeting of leftist activists who decry charges of anti-Semitism against Labour (Jewish Chronicle)

March 15: BBC hosts implies anti-Semitism is not as bad as other forms of racism (Times of Israel)

March 15: Senior Labour lawmaker apologizes for posting anti-Semitic caricature (JTA)

March 15: Less than one half of UK adults understand the meaning of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

March 18: Holocaust denier, David Irving, running a tour of Nazi death camps (JTA)

March 20: Labour member backed by John McDonald for MP said the only anti-Semitism she has seen in the Labour party is when one Jews has attacked another for having a wrong position on Israel (Jewish Chronicle)

March 25: Funder of Brexit referendum, Aaron Banks, runs a web site which has circulated Soros as puppet master cartoon (New Yorker)

March 21: Report of 130 anti-Semitic incidents and denials in Labour (Times of Israel)

March 21: Anti-Semitism is the most important issue for Jewish voters in Britain while Brexit is a distant second (Jewish Chronicle)

March 25: Watch dog group finds that George Galloway’s talk radio show breached impartiality rules in discussion of anti-Semitism in Labour and attacks on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (BBC)

March 25: U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo says Labour’s record on anti-Semitism is a disgrace (also see US) (France24)

March 27: Key Corbyn ally, Jackie Walker, kicked out of Labour party over anti-Semitism (JTA)

March 28: Police arrest three in Labour anti-Semitism case (The Guardian)

March 28: Local Labour party chapter advised to cancel meeting at which a resolution criticizing what are characterized as hysterical claims of anti-Semitism against individuals associated with Labour (Times of Israel)

April 1: Former Labour PM joins Jewish Labour Movement to protest anti-Semitism in his party (Jerusalem Post)

April 1: Jewish Labour Movement leader called a “fifth column” for denouncing anti-Semitism within the party (Times of Israel)

April 1: Middle East correspondent for the Independent charges that Israel controls the United States and the media (Jewish National News)

April 4: Anti-Semitic hate victim told to move by police (BBC)

April 4: Uber drops London driver who would not pick up Jews (JTA)

April 7: Times of London publishes antisemitic incidents in Labour party and charges Corbyn’s staff interfered in efforts to investigate these hate-filled posts (Jerusalem Post)

April 7: Labour picks candidate for local election with long record of anti-Semitic social media messages (Jewish Chronicle)

April 7: Jewish Labour Movement passes motion of no confidence in Corbyn (Reuters)

April 8: Momentum official who said anti-Semitism dispute stirred up to attack Corbyn is ousted (Times of Israel)

April 9: London Mayor Sadiq Khan, says Labour must expel its anti-Semitic members (Jerusalem Post)

April 9: Lord Falconer becomes most senior Labour official to express concern over Labour anti-Semitism in wake of Times of London report (Times of Israel)

April 10: National Union of Students (NUS) disqualifies candidate for its Executive Committee over anti-Semitic tweets (Jewish Chronicle)

April 13: West Ham football club says it will ban for life any fans identified on video chanting anti-Semitic words (Herald Courier)

April 15: Corbyn says he is dismayed that Labour has ignored cases of anti-Semitism (BBC)

April 15: Labour council candidate kicked out of party after claiming Israel is stirring up charges of anti-Semitism against Jeremy Corbyn (Daily Mail)

April 16: Anti-Semitic tirade filmed by documentarian in Northern Ireland pub (JTA)

April 17: Majority in Britain believe anti-Semitism in Labour makes Corbyn unfit for Prime Minister (Jewish News)

April 17: Labour councillor tweeted anti-Semitic statements when she was a teenager and has since deleted the tweets (Metro News)

April 17: Jewish Labour Council accuses Jeremy Corbyn for not caring about incidents of racism when its in Labour (Jewish News)

April 21: Labour activist who claimed Israel lobby was manufacturing claims of anti-Semitism in Labour has been picked as a Labour candidate for European parliamentary elections (The Telegraph)

April 21: UK watchdog commission is expected to open investigation on anti-Semitism in Labour party (The Times)

April 21: Britian’s Equality Commission will launch a full investigation over Labour’s failure to counter anti-Semitism (The Tower)

April 22: London Mayor, Sadiq Kahn, joins Jewish Labour Movement (JTA)

April 22: Over 50,000 sign petition calling for Corbyn to step down as Labour leader (The Tower)

April 23: Campus minority officer tells Jewish student to “be like Israel and cease to exist” (JTA)

April 23: Labour lawmaker blames Israeli soldiers for beating of imprisoned Guatemalan boy and then apologizes (JTA)

April 25: Labour candidate for local office, Neil Ploughman, apologizes for anti-Semitic posts after being suspended by the party (BBC)

April 25: Labour appoints controversial ex-Corbyn aide to oversee complaints (The Guardian)

April 30: Labour party suspends activist who urged march on synagogue to protest discipline against another party member who posted that Rothschilds were responsible for nearly every war (Times of Israel)

May 1: Corbyn wrote forward to book that charged Jews control the banks and the press (JTA)

May 1: A fourth person arrested as police probe LBC radio’s dossier on Labour party anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

May 3: Newly elected Labour councillor under investigation for anti-Semitic posts (Jewish Chronicle)

May 3: Prominent actor and TV personality leaves Labour after 45 years of activism, because of antisemitism, Brexit and leadership of the party (Jewish News)

May 5: Government’s anti-extremism commission head, Sara Khan, condemns tweets on anti-Semitism and Labour by two advisors to the commission (Jewish Chronicle)

May 6: Labour party hit with dossier of 15,000 alleged incidents of anti-Semitism in the party submitted by the group Labour Against Antisemitism to the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (Jerusalem Post)

May 7: Tony Blair decries the return of the poison of anti-Semitism into mainstream UK politics (The Times)

May 7: Jewish family sues Spirit airlines over alleged anti-Semitic abuse (The Forward)

May 8: Corbyn urged to drop his patronage of pro-Palestinian group after article on anti-Semitism on social media (Times of Israel)

May 12: Nigel Farage is criticized for using anti-Semitic themes in attack Soros (The Guardian)

May 14: BBC is accused of covering up Gaza related anti-Semitism by mistranslation of remarks (Cleveland Jewish News)

May 14: Former Cabinet Minister quits Labour party over its inadequate response to anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

May 15: New England Revolution and Chelsea FC to play London match with proceeds going to fight against anti-Semitism (see also United States) (CBS Local)

May 15: Labour parliamentarian candidate is exonerated by Labour disciplinary committee over remarks speaking about a Jewish MP’s “Zionist sympathies” (Jewish Chronicle)

May 15: Labour reportedly to be hit by leaked revelations of internal reactions to anti-Semitism in the party (Times of Israel)

May 16: Reading Labour leadership distances the local party from speaker who claimed Jews are in the gutter with the ultra-right (Jewish Chronicle)

May 16: Police investigating alleged anti-Semitic abuse and assault near synagogue (Times of Israel)

May 17: UK government and Jewish student groups urge UK universities to adopt IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (The Guardian)

May 17: Former Labour Shadow Chancellor is ashamed of how Labour is handling anti-Semitism and criticizes Corbyn (Jewish Chronicle)

May 19: Corbyn decries anti-Semitism and Islamophobia by far-right in Europe (Times of Israel)

May 20: Jewish groups concerned with use “globalist” tropes and attacks on Soros by Nigel Farage, Brexit leader (Times of Israel)

May 23: Local council vice chair to meet with local synagogue after anti-Semitic posts (Times of Israel)

May 23: Fifty percent of UK voters believe that Labour has an anti-Semitism problem and nearly 60% believe Corbyn will never be able to end Labour anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

May 24: Cornwell councilor offers up a dossier of alleged anti-Semitic material shared by 24 members of local Labour party (Times of Israel)

May 28: UK’s government watchdog group announce unprecedented probe of anti-Semitism in the Labour party (Canadian Jewish News)

May 28: One British university is a safe haven for Jewish students amid rising campus anti-Semitism (JTA)

May 28: Ex communications director for PM Tony Blair criticizes Labour’s handling of anti-Semitism after he is kicked out of Labour for admitting he voted for another party in European parliamentary elections (Jewish Chronicle)

May 29: University of Essex lecturer dismissed after he posts Holocaust denial and Zionist conspiracies on social media (Times of Israel)

May 29: Ex-Labour cabinet member claims that anyone who is sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians is labeled an antisemite (Jewish Chronicle)

May 31: Senior Labour party leader is suspended after he claims that it is the Israeli embassy that is conspiring to charge Labour with anti-Semitism (Fox News)

June 2: Labour MP candidate for Peterborough condemned by Jewish organizations for liking a post describing PM May as having a “Zionist slave master agenda” (Jewish Chronicle)

June 3: Labour MP candidate for Peterborough signed letter including opposition to IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism and talk of Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing (Jewish Chronicle)

June 3: Ex Labour MP George Galloway sacked by his talk radio program for anti-Semitic comment that there would be no Israeli flag on championship Cup since Liverpool defeated Tottenham (Daily Mail)

June 4: In Israel, ex-PM Tony Blair says Corbyn is an antisemite but he does not know it (Times of Israel)

June 6: As YouTube cracks down on Holocaust denial it deletes (then restores) account of a researcher who studies anti-Semitism (The Forward)

June 6: Tory Health Minister who is a candidate to replace Prime Minister May says that if Corbyn becomes Prime Minister he will be the first anti-Semitic head of state in the West since Hitler (Times of Israel)

June 7: Corbyn aide uses non-official email to interfere in Labour anti-Semitism case (The Sun)

June 7: Labour MP says anti-Semitism becoming normal in Labour after the Lisa Forbes by-election win (Times of Israel)

June 7: Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, asks for widening of EHRC probe of Labour after it is revealed that Corbyn aid has interfered in Labour’s process of disciplining members for anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

June 8: Secretary of State, Pompeo, vows to push back against Corbyn and anti-Semitism even before elections in Britain (see also United States) (Washington Post)

June 10: Corbyn is criticized by Labour MPs over anti-Semitism and Brexit (BBC)

June 10: Labour MP is accused of taunting a staffer over a Star of David on his satchel (Times of Israel)

June 11: Penguin defends Spanish author of How they Rule the World from charges of anti-semitism because of focus on Rothschild (also see Spain) (The Guardian)

June 11: Temper flare at Labour MPs meeting with Corbyn as concerns over his stance on Labour anti-Semitism investigation, Brexit rise (Jewish Chronicle)

June 13: Labour grandee, Lord Hain, is criticized for linking the party’s anti-Semitism crisis to Palestinian rights (Jewish Chronicle)

June 14: Ex-Labour Minister says party’s ‘undeniable anti-Semitism’ may be tied to a anti-western sentiment (Times of Israel)

June 17: Penguin orders review of book alleged to be anti-Semitic (The Guardian)

June 17: British Board of Deputies praise Anglican Church of Wales for adopting IHRA definition (Algemeiner)

June 18: Audience at Cambridge University laughs at anti-Semitic remarks made by the Prime Minister of Malaysia (see also Malaysia) (JTA)

June 20: In House of Lords Debate Baroness Tonge says Israel to blame for anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

June 20: New party, Change UK, adopts IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

June 21: Senior Reform Rabbi calls on Corbyn to apologize for anti-Semitism row in UK (Times of Israel)

July 6: Labour trying to crack down on whistleblowers who have spoken to BBC about anti-Semitism in the party (Country Press)

July 6: Anti-Semitic arsonist who attempted to burn down synagogue is sentenced to indefinite hospitalization (Times of Israel)

July 7: Labour councillor quits over party’s stand on Brexit and antisemitism row (BBC)

July 7: Corbyn is urged by party leaders to sack top aides over handling of antisemitism (Politics Home)

July 8: Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party criticizes party over its weak response to anti-Semitism in its ranks (Standard)

July 9: Guardian newspaper retracts pro-Corbyn letter coverage over misleading and inaccurate description (JTA)

July 9: Three Labour peers quit the Labour group in the House of Lords over Corbyn and the party’s handling of anti-Semitism (BBC)

July 10: Labour rejects BBC report that claims Corbyn top aides interfered with Labour’s internal anti-Semitism deliberations (Reuters)

July 11: Council of Christians and Jews say solving antisemitism is a “huge educational piece of work” (Premier)

July 11: Tom Watson backs automatic exclusion of any anti-Semitism in Labour (The Guardian)

July 11: Tom Watson, Labour deputy leader, demands the party publish its submission on anti-Semitism allegations (BBC)

July 12: Over 30 more whistleblowers will testify on Labour anti-Semitism (The Sun)

July 12: Calls for Tom Watson to step down over anti-Semitism row (ITV)

July 12: Labour anti-Semitism roots lie in populist left (The Guardian)

July 12: Essex University praised for strong reaction to campaign for student votes to block the establishment of a Jewish society (Jewish Chronicle)

July 12: Jewish Agency’s Herzog says UK Labour is riddled with anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

July 13: Winner at 1956 Wimbledon says anti-Semitism kept her out of leading tennis club for decades (Times of Israel)

July 13: Corbyn says there were many inaccuracies in BBC’s Panorama account of anti-Semitism in Labour (The Independent)

July 14: Scottish Labour activist who claimed the Holocaust was exaggerated set up an anti-Zionist organization in London (Herald Scotland)

July 15: Labour peers call for investigation of anti-Semitism in the party (BBC)

July 15: Special shadow cabinet meeting called as Corbyn under fire from peers, Labour staff and MPs over anti-Semitism row (The Guardian)

July 15: Boris Johnson accuses Corbyn of anti-Semitism (Reuters)

July 16: A BBC guide to claims of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party (BBC)

July 16: Corbyn aides sat on a panel where former Muslim Brotherhood spokesman rants that Israeli Jews are not real Jews (The Times)

July 16: Israeli official close to Netanyahu speaks of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism (see also Israel) (Jerusalem Post)

July 18: Labour party demotes Labour peer who charges Corbyn with having a bunker mentality of not wanting to know the facts (and cites Hitler in his bunker) when dealing with anti-Semitism (JTA)

July 18: Labour shadow minister sacked after talking about party’s “bunker mentality” and comparing the unwillingness of its leadership to listen to criticism to the last days of Hitler (The Independent)

July 18: Leader of Al Quds march is investigated for anti-Semitic remarks blaming Israel supporters for Grenfell Tower fire (Times of Israel)

July 17: Guardian cartoonist criticizes paper’s censorship of a cartoon over charges of anti-Semitism (The Jewish Chronicle)

July 19: Corbyn warned that Labour will pay an electoral cost in municipal elections unless it deals with anti-Semitism problems (The Evening Standard)

July 19: Westminster Abbey urged not to honor P.G. Wodehouse because of his anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

July 19: British Jewish leadership accuses Labour of failure to punish supporters who engage in anti-Semitism (The Guardian)

July 20: Newly leaked emails show Corbyn aides planning to influence independent internal party panel looking at Labour anti-Semitism (Sky News)

July 21: Corbyn ally refused to suspend a Labour member who claimed MPs were taking orders from Israel (Times of Israel)

July 21: Corbyn admits there is a real problem with anti-Semitism in Labour, but claims charges are overstated by Labour opponents (Times of Israel)

July 21: Labour develops web site and other tools to explain and target anti-Semitism (Irish Examiner)

July 21: Labour backbenchers criticize Labour shadow ministers who smeared party staff who were whistle blowers over the party’s shortcomings in sanctioning anti-Semitism in the party (Politics Home)

July 21: Jewish Labour Movement writes to all Labour shadow ministers to urge an end to the party’s institutional anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

July 21: Labour Deputy Leader, Tom Watson, condemns local Labour party’s mob mentality in expelling Labour peer, Hilary Armstrong, for saying Corbyn has failed to meet challenge of leadership on the anti-Semitism issue (The Independent)

July 22: Corbyn losing ground in poll of Labour supporters and 70% believe the party has a genuine anti-Semitism problem (Times of Israel)

July 22: Former Labour PM Blair says he wants to vote Labour in the next election but that anti-Semitism is a real problem for him (Evening Standard)

July 22: Corbyn ally to recommend that Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) be empowered to act on clear cases of anti-Semitism as a means to streamline the process (Times of Israel)

July 23: Labour approves Corbyn plan to fast track some cases of anti-Semitism (BBC)

July 23: Prime Minister May appoints Labour MP John Mann as adviser on anti-Semitism (The Guardian)

July 23: Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement criticizes Corbyn’s new proposal for speeding up sanctioning of anti-Semitism cases and calls for an independent process (Times of Israel)

July 24: MPs and Jewish organization see Labour’s plan to fast track anti-Semitism investigations as inadequate and call for independent process (Jewish Chronicle)

July 24: YouTube admits it again mistakenly designated material explaining anti-Semitism as hate speech (Jewish Chronicle)

July 25: Manchester Labour council member suspended from party during anti-Semitism investigation (JNS)

July 26: Labour shadow minister apologizes for anti-Semitic post (BBC)

July 26: New Communities Secretary in Boris Johnson’s government visits Goulder’s Green and pledges increased efforts to combat anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

July 27: New UK anti-Semitism advisor says Jews are the ‘canary in the coal mine for humanity’ (Times of Israel)

July 28: Corbyn refuses to deny that he or his office intervened in anti-Semitism investigations (New York Post)

July 29: Corbyn admits that the left can sometimes engage in anti-Semitsim (Washington Examiner)

July 29: Labour candidate for Boris Johnson’s constituency had been quoted in the past saying that armed struggle and BDS are not neccesarily mutually exclusive (Jewish Chronicle)

August 1: CST finds anti-Semitic incidents in the first six months of 2019 are the highest ever for a comparable period (Jewish Chronicle)

August 2: Pro-Corbyn website denies that it is anti-Semitic and then blames “political Zionists” for its loss of ad revenue (Jewish Chronicle)

August 3: UK local council refuses to host Palestinian charitable event over fears of statements labeled antisemitic by IHRA working definition (The Guardian)

August 4: Report finds a number of Labour party members began posting antisemitic material only after Corbyn became party head but Labour party source disputes the report’s findings (Jerusalem Post)

August 4: BBC aired documentary about a man who taught his dog to do Nazi salute (JTA)

August 4: CST identifies 36 pro-Corbyn social media accounts behind rise of anti-Semitic rhetoric within Labour (Times of Israel)

August 4: Suspended Labour MP, Chris Williamson, calls attacks on pro-Corbyn website as being orchestrated by sinister forces after the site said that said it was downsizing because of political Zionists (Jewish Chronicle)

August 5: Jewish familyn subjected to anti-Semitic abuse in St. Albans (The Standard)

August 5: Labour’s Jewish liaison’s twitter account was part of a pro-Crobyn campaign to discredit charges of anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

August 6: Elected local Labour secretary is suspended after comparing Israel to ISIS (Jewish Chronicle)

August 7: Pro-Corbyn Jewish Voice for Labour tells commission studying anti-Semitism in the party to ignore merely insulting or abusive anti-Semitism and only report on illegal anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

August 9: Green Party councilor apologies for calling accusations of Labour anti-Semitism right-wing smears (Jewish Chronicle)

August 9: Catholic Bishop opposes sainthood for C.K. Chesterton because of anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

August 10: Scottish Labour blasts BBC for bias against UK Labour (Scotland Herald) Also see Scotland

August 10: NY Judge voids Fordham’s banning of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) over free speech in the university’s internal policies (WSWS)

August 13: Chris Williamson suing Labour party over his suspension from membership for anti-Semitic remarks (Telegraph)

August 13: Spokesperson representing the group Labour Against Antisemitism is target of apparent bomb threat on Twitter (Times of Israel)

August 14: Neo-nazi earned over $8,000 in revenue from YouTube videos featuring racists and anti-Semites (JTA)

August 15: Former MP and party leader who has been critical of Labour’s response to anti-Semitism now feels the party has largely gotten rid of anti-Semitism (The National)

August 19: Twenty-one year old Labour Councilor is attacked and threatened in his local Labour party for speaking out against anti-Semitism (Jewish Chronicle)

August 20: Barrister alleged to have been behind twitter account harrassing individuals campaigning against anti-Semitism in Labour, resigns (Jewish Chronicle)

August 25: Jewish Labour Movement reveals the level and intensity of anti-Semitic attacks from Corbyn supporters it faces on all its social media platforms (Jerusalem Post)

August 26: Despite suspension from the party, Labour activist continues to spread anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

August 28: New study says Labour membership anti-Semitism grew significantly subsequent to Corbyn’s selection as party leader (Times of Israel)

August 28: UK new Home Secretary pledges to fight anti-Smitism (Jerusalem Post)

August 29: Far right group, UK Generation Identity has anti-Semitic ties says infiltrator (Times of Israel)

August 29: Chelsea vs. Revolution match raises $4 million to oppose anti-Semitsm (see also US) (Jewish Chronicle)

September 2: Hasidic couple harassed on train for Israel’s treatment of Gaza (JTA)

September 5: MP criticizes his Labour opponent for saying that weaponizing anti-Semitism hinders the real fight against it (Times of Israel)

September 6: Swastika painted on Jewish owned factory but owner claims it was painted because of his pro-Brexit advocacy not because of anti-Semitism (JTA)

September 10: Bristol University criticized for lukewarm response to professor claiming zionism is one of the five pillars of anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

September 10: Former Labour MP attacks Corbyn for turning Labour into a party of “institutional anti-Semitism” (Jewish Current)

September 10: Labour MP candidate steps down after claiming anti-Semitism is being weaponized (WCNC)

September 10: Orthodox Jews harassed by anti-Semitic “preachers” in London neighborhood (Algemeiner)

September 15: UK Communities Secretaries puts pressure on Councils and Universities to adopt the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (Express)

September 17: Labour Party initiative to reform its process for expelling members who engage in anti-Semitism is criticized for not bothering to consult the Jewish community on the reforms (Jewish News)

September 18: Jewish Labour Movement denounces Labour for holding discussion on battling internal anti-Semitism on the Jewish Sabbath (Jewish News)

September 21: Anti-Semitic banner removed from outside Labour party conference (Mirror)

September 21: Corbyn signed 2002 document accusing Israel of genocide (The Telegraph)

September 22: Five ex-Labour party employees are suing the party for libel over anti-Semitism whistleblowing (The Telegraph)

September 22: Labour party adopts anti-Israel agenda at party conference (Times of Israel)

September 24: Labour Deputy Leader, Tom Watson, was going to speak at Labour conference about the party’s failure to confront anti-Semitism under Corbyn’s leadership (The Jewish Chronicle)

September 24: London’s mayor Sadiq Kahn, confronted over his support of “Zionists” (The Jewish Chronicle)

September 25: Controversial speakers at a Labour Against the Witch Hunt event decry charges of anti-Semitism against the party and criticize the IHRA definition (algemeiner)

September 28: BDS leader, Barghouti, speaks at a Labour fringe meeting as Israeli cabinet member charges BDS spreading anti-Semitism (Daily Mail)

September 28: MP Hodge faces opposition to her standing again as Labour candidate in reaction to her criticism of Corbyn’s handling of anti-Semitism issue (New Statesman)

September 29: Government’s new anti-Semitism tsar vows that Jew-haters will face “most robust consequences” (The Jewish Chronicle)

September 29: Individual defended Labour members who have supported left-wing party members with a history of anti-Semitism is re-elected to internal party disciplinary panel (The Jewish Chronicle)

September 30: Ally of Boris Johnson apologizes to former Minister for accusing him of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

October 4: Tory Minister is accused of anti-Semitism after Soros comments (indy100)

October 7: University of Nottingham criticized for inviting MP Chris Williamson, who has said the Labour party is too apologetic about anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post) 

October 10: Motion passes at National Education Union to adopt IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (The Jewish Chronicle)

October 11: Row over MP Chris Williamson exposes divisions in Labour over anti-Semitism in the party (Yorkshire Post)

October 12: Drawing the line between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel (The Economist) Also see U.S.

October 12: Labour risks bankruptcy as a result of anti-Semitism investigation (Independent)

October 13: At university event MP Chris Williamson shouts at student, “Don’t accuse me of being an antisemite.” (Jewish Chronicle)

October 14: Jewish student verbally assaulted with anti-Semitic curses at her Nottingham school (The Nottingham Tab)

October 17: MP Dame Louise Ellman quits Labour party saying Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to be Prime Minister (BBC)

October 17: Private school teacher fired for threatening to send jewish students to gas chamber (JTA)

October 17: Corbyn defends his record on anti-Semitism after Labour quits (Politico)

October 18: Former chairman of Scotland Labour party will not vote Labour until the anti-Semitism question is adequately addressed (The Times) Also see Scotland

October 18: Pro-Corbyn candidate for Labour nomination for a parliamentary seat accused Tony Blair of spreading “Zionist propaganda” (Jewish Chronicle)

October 18: Orthodox man mocked and threatened in London suburb (JTA)

October 19: Anti-Semitic hate crimes nearly doubled in 2018 (Jerusalem Post)

October 19: Labour MP candidate in Dundee criticized for backing Chris Williamson’s attempt to be reinstated in Labour after charges of anti-Semitism (The Courier) Also see Scotland

October 19: Community Security Trust (CST) urges UK synagogues to lock their doors in wake of the attack on synagogue in Germany (Jewish News)

October 21: Labour member who has been twice reported for anti-Semitism is shortlisted to stand as the Labour candidate for a parliamentary seat (BuzzFeed.News)

October 22: Headstones smashed at Jewish cemetery near London (JTA)

October 23: Candidate who defended anti-Semitic mural is shortlisted by Labour party for a parliamentary seat (BuzzFeed.News)

October 26: Corbyn involved in another anti-Semitism row by defending a Labour candidate who has called Israel a “pig” and has ranted against Zionists on social media (Daily Mail)

October 29: Nottingham Trent University expels student for posting picture of a sleeping Orthodox man with a Palestinian flag superimposed over his mouth (Jewish News Syndicate)

October 30: Former MP, John Mann, takes a seat in the House of Lords and will serve as an independent advisor to the government on anti-Semitism (Jewish News)

October 31: Senior Rabbi warns his congregants that a victory by Corbyn led Labour would pose a danger to the UK Jewish community and urges Jews to vote strategically to defeat Labour (The Jewish Chronicle) 

October 31: Two major Labour groups urge a vote against a Corbyn-led Labour party in the upcoming general election (Algemeiner) 

October 31: Nearly one half of British Jews would seriously consider emigration if Corbyn becomes Prime Minister (National Review) 

October 31: The BBC rejects Labour party complaint over Panorama program’s episode on anti-Semitism in Labour (The Guardian)

October 31: Church cancels room booking for Palestinian conference after protests over speakers’ anti-Semitism (Jewish News)

November 1: Jewish organizations criticize commentator for Islamophobia and for sarcastic comments about Orthodox Jews and money (The Jewish Chronicle)

November 2: Leading art critic is dropped as a Labour parliamentary candidate after saying allegations of anti-Semitism against Labour are a witch hunt (Telegraph)

November 3: Aide to former PM, Harold Wilson, quits Labour and attacks the Corbyn-led party for being anti-Semitic, anti-American and anti-business (Daily Mail)

November 3: Jewish organizations criticize Shadow Chancellor, McDonald, after he claims Labour is doing all it can to confront anti-Semitism (The Jewish Chronicle) 

November 4: A Labour candidate for a seat in Parliament said she would celebrate deaths of Blair, Bush and Netanyahu, also linked Israel to apartheid, ethnic cleansing and war crimes (Algemeiner)

November 4: Corbyn says UK Jews have nothing to fear from a Labour government (Times of Israel)

November 4: Labour student activist who spoke out against the party’s anti-Semitism contemplated suicide after severe backlash by Corbyn supporters (The Jewish Chronicle)

November 4: Labour candidate challenging Prime Minister Boris Johnson for his parliamentary seat apologizes for anti-Semitic material he posted as a teenager (Daily Mail)

November 4: Community Center comes under criticism after hosting an interfaith event by a group supporting Palestinian rights that is accused of employing anti-Semitic social media posts and inviting speaker accused of anti-Semitism (Jewish News)

November 5: Tony Blair tells Board of Deputies that anti-Semitism is killing the Labour party (Algemeiner)

November 5: Liberal Democratic leader attacks Labour party for “total dereliction of duty” on anti-Semitism (Jewish News) 

November 6: Labour drops Chris Williamson as a candidate for parliament in the wake of his downplaying charges of anti-Semitism in the party (The Guardian)

November 7: Labour parliamentary candidate was told by the party that she can continue to run as a Labour candidate if she deleted a post where she compares Israel to a child abuser (The Jewish Chronicle)

November 7: Jewish Labour Committee criticizes lawyer who is Labour pick for Westminster parliamentary seat because of his quitting role in clearing out a backlog of anti-Semitism complaints against Labour members (Jewish News)

November 8: Another Labour candidate withdraws after his use of the term Shylock (Labour List)

November 8: Labour activist concerned over pogroms against Palestinians and says Palestinians face a final solution (JTA)

November 9: Labour Shadow Minister denies using anti-Semitic lyric while singing “Hey Jude” (BBC)

November 11: Cars spraypainted with hate messages and swastikas in London (JTA)

November 14: Twenty-four prominent actors, television presenters, authors and public figures denounce Corbyn for the anti-Semitism in his party and reject supporting Labour in the coming general election (The Guardian)

November 14: Police sergeant faces disciplinary action after dangling and dropping pepperoni pizza on the kosher meal of fellow officer (The Guardian)

November 15: Warwick University lecturer says claims of anti-Semitism in Labour is “very much like an Israel Lobby kind of thing” (Jewish News)

November 17: Labour candidate who co-founded a Facebook group which advised Labour activists how to counter charges of anti-Semitism (i24 News)

November 17: Party of Wales suspends member over anti-Semitism charge (BBC)

November 17: Former actress quits Labour party over anti-Semitism of Corbyn supporters (The Sun)

November 17: Boris Johnson says his government will expand efforts to protect the Jewish community from anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

November 17: Labour will not investigate a candidate for a parliamentary seat in Wales for her involvement with a Facebook page with anti-Semitic content (BBC) 

November 18: Tory candidate for parliament is criticized for saying that British Jews who go to Israel come back as brainwashed extremists (JTA)

November 18: Anti-Israel protestors in London hurl death threats and anti-Semitic insults at counter-protestors (Algemeiner) 

November 18: Comedian and actor who is campaigner against anti-Semitism harassed in kebab shop in Manchester by two men who declare “Jews are the scourge of the earth” (Jewish Chronicle) 

November 18: Labour candidate brands anti-Semitism criticism by her Conservative rival a smear campaign (Jewish News) 

November 20: Corbyn criticized for saying ever incident of anti-Semitism in Labour has been investigated (The Telegraph)

November 20: Tory candidate suspended over anti-Semitism (BBC)

November 20: Convicted neo-Nazi teenager had planned to target synagogues for attack (Algemeiner)

November 21: Church of England says Christians must repent for past anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust, recognizes the connection of most Jews to Israel and supports Israel’s legitimacy (The Guardian

November 21: Nigel Farage criticized for attacking “globalists” and engaging in conspiracy theories associated with anti-Semitic extreme right (The Guardian

November 21: Liberal Democrats of UK drop candidate for social media posts on Jews and Israel and Zionists (Times of Israel) 

November 22: Former Labour MP criticizes Corbyn’s Labour party as institutaionaly anti-Semitic (Algemeiner) 

November 22: Jewish community in Leeds North East constituency has problems with past statements of Conservative candidate and anger with Jewish, Labour incumbent over his failure to criticize anti-Semitism in his own party (BBC) 

November 23: Man sought for harassing two Jewish children with anti-Semitic rant on London Underground (BBC)

November 23: Hard left, pro-Corbyn, Jewish Voice for Labour blames mainstream media for false perception that Labour has an anti-Semitism problem (Daily Mail) 

November 24: Per CST, Wales has the highest proportion in the UK of anti-Semitic google searches (Stock Daily Dish) 

November 26: UK Chief Rabbi asks what will be the fate of the Jewish community of Labour “poison” comes to power (Times of Israel) 

November 26: Corbyn will not apologize for anti-Semitism associated with Labour and his leadership of the party (Daily Mail)

November 27: Labour MP running for re-election is bombarded with death threats— one half of which are anti-Semitic in nature (JTA)

November 27: Three Orthodox Jewish boys assaulted on London bus (Algemeiner)

November 28: Scottish Labour drops candidate when anti-Semitic posts are found in old Facebook account (The Guardian) Also see Scotland 

November 29: London man jailed for vile harassment of Jewish women (Algemeiner)

November 29: Statue to first woman MP, Lady Astor, erected despite her anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi views (Jewish News)

November 30: Strong supporters of Jeremy Corbyn are more likely to hold some anti-Semitic attitudes then supporter of the three leaders of the Conservative, Liberal Democrats and Brexit parties (Telegraph)

November 30: Scottish Labour candidate is urged to step down after past anti-Semitic statements are uncovered (The Courier) Also see Scotland

December 1: Senior Rabbi in London is attacked and bloodied by two teenagers allegedly screaming anti-Semitic rants (Jerusalem Post)

December 1: YouGov poll in UK finds that those on far-left have more anti-Semitic views than those on the far-right (Jewish Chronicle) 

December 2: Nearly 100 prominent Liverpool citizens sign a statement regretting the resignation of two Jewish women Liverpool MPs because of anti-Semitism in Labour (Jewish Chronicle) 

December 2: Labour party campaign video promoting rights for all leaves out any mention of the Jewish community (JTA)

November 29: Video surfaces of Corbyn on Iranian outlet saying BBC is biased toward saying Israel has the right to exist and a timeline of Labour’s anti-Semitism problems under Corbyn’s leadership (Daily Mail)

December 3: Corbyn says he is very sorry for anti-Semitic incidents in the Labour party after refusing to say so in an earlier BBC interview (JTA)

December 4: London police are not classifying attack on three clearly identifiable Jewish children on a bus as anti-Semitic (Jerusalem Post)

December 4: Hugh Grant calls out anti-Semitism and campaigns for a Jewish MP who left Labour (Algemeiner)

December 4: Scottish National Party (SNP) member who was tasked with investigating charges of anti-Semitism against a SNP candidate quits party after it is found she defended equating Israel with Nazis (BBC) Also see Scotland

December 5: Officials from Jewish Labour Movement release their submissions to the UK equality watchdog outlining incidents of anti-Semitism in Labour (Reuters)

December 5: Bristol University adopts IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

December 5: The Independent newspaper edits an op-ed by Slovenian philosopher to remove the opening phrase “the trouble with Jews today…” after facing criticism for anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

December 6: Tories investigating three Conservative candidates over alleged anti-Semitism— two for dealing with Soros conspiracy theories (Jewish Week)

December 8: Shadow Chancellor says charges of anti-Semitism may damage Labour in this week’s elections (The Guardian) 

December 9: Labour candidate for Scottish seat sees bias in a journalist who moderated debate because he had a Jewish mother (Times of Israel) Also see Scotland

December 13: UK Chief Rabbi says election is over but anti-Semitism and racism remain concerns (Times of Israel)

December 13: Baroness Jenny Tonge, former Liberal Democratic MP and severe critic of Israel, says UK’s Chief Rabbi “must be dancing in the street” after the “pro-Israel lobby won” the election (Jewish News)

December 16: Actor, Ewen MacIntosh posts “some rich Jews play the ‘anti-semitism’ card to protect themselves” (Jewish Chronicle)

December 16: Ken Livingston denies that Labour has an anti-Semitism problem and says lies and smears contributed to Corbyn defeat (Jewish News)

December 17: Ex-MP, Chris Williamson, says Israel is a hostile foreign government and that it mobilized its assets to defeat Corbyn (Jewish Chronicle)

December 17: British Board of Deputies call for all parties to take action against newly elected MPs who have been accused of anti-Semitic comments (Algemeiner)

December 18: Labour MP confronted at U.S. Embassy Chanukah party posting an anti-Semitic Rothschilds article (Jewish Chronicle)

December 18: UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reports Turkey allows Hamas to plan terror attacks on Israel from its territory (JTA)

December 19: Conservative MP saddened that he faced anti-Semitism during his campaign (Times Local News)

December 24: Labour leadership candidate, Emily Thornberry, calls for sacking any Labour employee who mishandled anti-Semitism complaints (Independent)

December 25: PM Johnson says every decent person will help fight anti-Semitism and that Britain would not be Britan without its Jewish community (Algemeiner)

December 27: A senior employee of a Jewish organization in London was physically assaulted in what is being categorized by police as a hate crime (JTA) 

December 29: Anti-Semitic graffiti linking Jews to 9/11 is found on numerous sites in north London neighborhoods (CNN)

December 29: President Trump, Democratic hopefuls, Governor Cuomo and congressional leaders decry anti-Semitism and Monsey attack (The Hill)

December 30: Man threatens patrons in a Kosher butcher shop in London (JTA) 

December 31: Jewish, ex-Labour MP calls out front-runners to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, cowards on anti-Semitism (Times of Israel) 

United States

January 1: Beverly Hills police chief accused of anti-Semitism and racism amid $2.3 million settlement (Fox News)

January 1: Two swastikas drawn outside apartment of elderly Jewish woman in Brooklyn (JTA)

January 2: New Orleans chapter quits Women’s March and cites anti-Semitism charges against national leadership as one of the reasons (JTA)

January 2: Simon Wiesenthal Center calls for sanctions against Ohio doctor who threatened online to give Jews “wrong meds” (Algemeiner)

January 3: SF Café protested because of Zionist owner is hit with graffiti (The Forward)

January 3: DeKalb, Georgia teacher accused of anti-Semitism a year ago is still employed by the school system (Atlanta Jewish Times)

January 4: Bi-partisan bill reintroduced in Congress to upgrade status of State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism (Cleveland Jewish News)

January 4: Arizona synagogue vandalized (JTA)

January 5: University of North Carolina Asheville defends decision to invite Mallory as MLK speaker despite antisemitism controversy (Citizens Times)

January 5: Swastika painted on door of Catholic church in Bridgeport draws condemnation of anti-Semitism by local bishop (CTPost)

January 6: Fake bomb with anti-Semitic message left at UC Berkeley (JTA)

January 6: Swastika on Ventura, CA, Reform Synagogue (JTA)

January 7: Michigan synagogue vandalized for the second time in two months (JTA)

January 8: US Jewish groups denounce new Palestinian-American congresswoman for allegedly implying supporters of anti-BDS legislation have dual loyalties (Haaretz)

January 10: Former porn star and convert to Judaism, Jenna Jameson, quits Twitter over anti-Semitic content (Times of Israel)

January 10: Passengers accuse Spirit Airlines of anti-Semitic harassment by crew members (Fox News)

January 10: Local Brooklyn officials denounce anti-Semitic stickers (Greenpoint Post)

January 11: US House passes bill elevating status of anti-Semitism envoy position (Times of Israel)

January 11: Vanderbilt University investigating anti-Semitic vandalism in classroom (WKRN)

January 11: Birmingham Mayor partially retracts his charge that Jews were responsible for the rescinding Angela Davis award (JTA)

January 12: Fairfax, VA police investigating swastika vandalism in local park (Local DVM)

January 13: Jewish man assaulted in Crown Heights and police investigating as a hate crime (Algemeiner)

January 13: Newton police investigating anti-Semitic flyers (Boston Globe)

January 14: Tamika Mallory refuses to criticize Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism (JTA)

January 15: Newsweek reporter says that Israel, Mossad, Chabad are among the third rails of American journalism (JTA)

January 15: Democratic National Committee pulls out of sponsoring Women’s March over anti-Semitism controversy (USA Today)

January 17: Anti-Semitic literature left in Little Free Library box (Toledo Blade)

January 17: FBI arrests man who wanted to attack White House and blow up a synagogue (JTA)

January 18: DC Police investigate anti-Semitic graffiti outside an auto shop as possible hate crime (WJLA)

January 18: Swastika found inside bathroom in Maryland school (WJLA)

January 18: Minnesota School superintendent promises more Holocaust education after social media post of students with Nazi salutes and references to Hitler (Kare 11)

January 18: Tamika Mallory refuses to state whether Israel has a right to exist (JTA)

January 21: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says Jewish community must be protected from antisemitism coming from White House (JTA)

January 22: Congresswoman admits to unknowingly using anti-Semitic trope (Haaretz)

January 23: Republican representatives introduce resolution condemning anti-Semitism and BDS and at the same time singling out two Democratic congresswomen and Louis Farrakhan (Daily Caller)

January 23: Seattle private school teacher is fired for allegedly distributing anti-Semitic letters (770 KTTH)

January 24: Republican state legislator introduces bill adding working definition of antisemitism language to law on discrimination in state educational system (Forward)

January 25: College professor fired for giving Nazi salute to his colleagues in the days after Pittsburgh shooting (JTA)

January 28: Church members on walk to remember Holocaust are interrupted by a driver shouting anti-Semitic slogans (JTA)

January 30: Los Angeles synagogue defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti (CBS Local)

January 31: Jewish family sues Colorado school district over charges that reporting of anti-Semitic incidents led to retaliation (Denver Post)

February 1: Two new Muslim-American women elected to Congress are target of GOP attacks and partisan split over what can be considered anti-Semitic remarks (New York Times)

February 1: Dearborn Museum protests firing editor over article covering Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism (Detroit News)

February 3: Another Orthodox man in Crown Heights hospitalized from vicious beating (The JC)

February 4: After praising UK’s Corbyn, Ocasio-Cortez notes concerns over anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

February 5: Trump administration appoints new Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Elan Carr (Jerusalem Post)

February 6: Trump condemns anti-Semitism and calls out Iran for threatening genocide of Jewish people in State of the Union (Times of Israel)

February 6: US Embassy in Cairo closes booth at International Book Fair over anti-Semitic material (Jerusalem Post)

February 6: Bipartisan group of House members introduce legislation to fund Holocaust Education in schools (Times of Israel)

February 7: Daily Caller White House correspondent apologizes for 2012 anti-Semitic tweets (Daily Beast)

February 8: House Minority Leader McCarthy challenges Democratic leadership to denounce alleged anti-Semitism (San Francisco Gate)

February 8: Anti-Semitic flyers found in University of Montana student parking lot (KPAX)

February 10: Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations and Jewish Federations of North America developing hotline for students to report incidents of anti-Semitism on college campuses (Jerusalem Post)

February 10: Congresswoman Omar criticized for associating AIPAC with anti-Semtic trope of Jewish buying political support (Daily Beast)

February 11: Congresswoman Omar criticized by fellow Democrats over anti-Semitic tweet (Haaretz)

February 11: Community forum held after Atlanta area high school defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti (Fox 5)

February 11: Lima, Ohio synagogue reports dozens of bullet holes (JTA)

February 12: Rep. Omar apologizes for anti-Semitic posts (Star Tribune)

February 12: Human Rights Network finds antisemitism more common in Missoula than other parts of Montana (Missoulian)

February 12: Minority Leader, McCarthy rebuffs charges of anti-Semitism in since-deleted attack on Soros, Bloomberg and Steyer (Politico)

February 13: Democratic candidate for open Virginia legislative seat apologizes for anti-Semitic social media posts earlier this decade (Haaretz)

February 13: Anti-Semitic flyers found at Tufts Hillel (Jewish Journal)

February 15: NY Mayor calls BDS unacceptable at rally against anti-Semitism (JTA)

February 15: Vice President Pence accuses Iran of Nazi-like anti-Semitism (Reuters)

February 15: Missoula hit with third round of anti-Semitic flyers (NBC Montana)

February 17: Brooklyn Chabad synagogue vandalized during Shabbat meal (Haaretz)

February 18: Trump signs bill which include more money for synagogue security (JTA)

February 19: Ilhan Omar apologizes for twitter remarks to Jewish organizations (JTA)

Februay 19: Farrakhan blames wicked Jews for attempting to break-up the Women’s March (JTA)

February 21: Congresswoman Omar Ilhan apologizes to Jewish groups for her tweet and says it is up to the Jewish community to define anti-Semitism (The Hill)

February 21: For fourth time this month anti-Semitic flyers spread in Missoula (Washington Examiner)

February 21: New Special Envoy says President Trump is committed to protecting Jewish community (JTA)

February 21: Sen. Schumer and Sen. Blumenthal on hit list of arrested Coast Guard officer. Blumenthal referred to as “bluemen Jew” (JTA)

February 22: Connecticut State Senate candidate fires his campaign manager after she tweeted an alleged anti-Semitic message about their opponent (WFSB)

February 23: Anti-Semitic graffiti drawn on Queens playground (CBS New York)

February 25: IfNotNow chapter at University of Texas protest IDF speaker at Chabad and argue IDF should not be allowed to speak (JTA)

February 26: Downtown LA mural raises anti-Semitism concerns (Jewish Journal)

February 26: After incidents United Airlines meets with Orthodox Chamber of Commerce and vows to fight antisemitism (Channel 7)

February 27: Resolution against anti-Semitism passes Stanford University Student Senate after removal of reference to IHRA definition (Stanford Daily)

February 27: Pittsburgh Presbyterian Seminary conference on racial justice includes anti-Israel presentations and antisemitic tropes (JTA)

March 1: Representative Omar claims she is called anti-Semitic because she is Muslim (Jerusalem Post)

March 1: City University of New York is alleged to have played down issues of anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

March 1: Four years after settling a lawsuit an upstate school district still struggling to counter anti-Semitism (New York Times)

March 1: Representative Omar charged again with anti-Semitism after speaking about the foreign allegiances of supporters of Israel (MPR News)

March 4: Rep. Omar refuses to apologize for foreign allegiance comment and Democrats plan to rebuke her with resolution (Roll Call)

March 4: Rep. Nadler condemns Rep. Jordan for email with dollar sign used for the “S” in Tom Steyer’s name (CNBC)

March 5: Newport Beach students build swastika out of red plastic cups and salute it (Washington Post)

March 5: White Alabama teens slur Jews and blacks in video (JTA)

March 5: ADL says white nationalists have upped their activity in neighborhoods and college campuses (JTA)

March 5: Eight staffers fired by US government over Radio/TV Marti broadcast calling George Soros a “multimillionaire Jew” who was the architect of the 2009 recession (JTA)

March 5: Chairman Nadler calls Congressman Jordan’s use of “$teyer” as a both an anti-Semitic and an inane attack (Haaretz)

March 5: Democrats delay anti-Semitism resolution to broaden it to include condemnation of other bias as Republicans call for tougher action against Representative Omer (Roll Call)

March 5: Anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin on the rise per Jewish Federation of Milwaukee (WISN)

March 6: Chelsea and Boston soccer clubs to play charity match to support “Say No to Anti-Semitism” campaign (Jerusalem Post)

March 6: House Democratic Caucus Chair, Jeffries, calls out Senate Majority Leader, McConnell, for accusing freshman Democrats of anti-Semitism when he never criticizes President Trump for alleged anti-Semitic behavior (The Hill)

March 7: Two swastikas drawn in blood found in Los Angeles park (JTA)

March 7: US House votes to condemn multiple forms of hatred after initial resolution condemning anti-Semitism alone split House Democratic caucus (New York Times)

March 8: Trump says Democratic party is anti-Israel and anti-Jewish (Washington Post)

March 10: Liz Cheney says Democrats are enabling anti-Semitism (The Hill)

March 10: Philadelphia mosque apologizes for antisemitic remarks made by guest imam (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

March 11: Rep. Wasserman Schultz condemns Trump for saying Democrats “hate Jewish people” (South Florida Sun Sentinel)

March 11: Nebraska Governor Ricketts horrified that a former campaign staffer posted anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic material (KETV Omaha)

March 12: Florida legislature bill would define anti-Semitism and prohibit religious discrimination in public schools (Washington Post)

March 13: Sanders spokesman apologizes for dual loyalty comments about American Jewish community (New York Post)

March 13: Swarthmore student government approves boycott Israel resolution (JTA)

March 13: Anti-Semitic graffiti found in Philadelphia subway station (Jewish Exponent)

March 14: Ruth Bader Ginsburg poster defaced with anti-Semitic graffit (Washington Post)

March 15: Pitzer College president says he will ignore faculty vote to end University of Haifa study program (JTA)

March 15: After New Zealand terror attack President Trump says white nationalism is not a widespread threat (Times of Israel)

March 17: Chelsea Clinton told she is responsible for the New Zealand attack by two NYU students because she criticized Rep. Omar (JTA)

Marc 18: Fall River, Massachusetts Jewish Cemetery vandalized with swastikas and other anti-Semitic graffiti (Herald News)

March 19: Little-known presidential candidate, Andrew Yang, campaigns against circumcision (Daily Beast)

March 19: Anti-Semitic flyers found near San Fernando Valley school (Jewish Journal)

March 20: Health food store in Ulster, NY fires employee over anti-Semitic remarks to a Jewish co-worker (JTA)

March 20: Secretary Pompeo decries dark wave of anti-Semitism in Europe and the US (CNN)

March 20: Nazi time capsule assignment sets off charges of anti-Semitism in California high school (ABC7)

March 21: SF State settles anti-Semitism lawsuit (San Francisco Examiner)

March 22: Local highway superintendent accused of anti-Semitic remarks (Hudson Valley One)

March 24: Senate Republicans push bills to react to anti-Semitism and at the same time fracture Democrats on the issue (New York Times)

March 24: Women’s March leader shares posts blaming American Jewish establishment criticisms of Sarsour and Omar as a factor behind Mosque shooting in New Zealand (JTA)

March 24: Brown students pass resolution demanding University divest from Israel (JTA)

March 25: VP Pence at AIPAC says Democratic Party captured by purveyors of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

March 25: Pompeo says Labour’s record on anti-Semitism is a disgrace (France24) (also see UK)

March 26: Congressman quotes Mein Kampf to attack alleged lies of Trump adversaries (Washington Post)

March 27: Ilhan Omer communications aide claims anti-Semitism is just a right-wing problem (Algemeiner)

March 27: Chabad House in Flagstaff vandalized with swastikas (Algemeiner)

March 27: Democratic speakers at AIPAC decry GOP failure to call out anti-Semitism on the right as well as on the left (Haaretz)

March 28: Facebook and Instagram will ban white nationalist and white supremacist posts (JTA)

March 28: State Department to fund new programs to counter anti-Semitism abroad (Jerusalem Post)

March 28: Anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic graffiti found outside office building housing Oklahoma Democratic party (SF Gate)

March 29: Pitzer College students call for College president to be removed for his decision to refuse to cut ties with Haifa University (Algemeiner)

April 1: Fairfax County schools apologizes for showing contest-winning art seen as anti-Semitic (Times of Israel)

April 1: Polish Nationalists protest in NYC against restitution legislation while spreading antisemitic and Holocaust denial messages (see also Poland) (Newsweek)

April 1: Columbia Professor says Zionists are beneficiaries of anti-Semitism and claims Israel carrying out incremental genocide against Palestinians (Jewish Journal)

April 1: Los Angeles youth hockey players and coaches suspended over anti-Semitic video and remarks (Sports Illustrated)

April 2: Jewish groups tracking anti-religious violence as US Justice Department has disbanded group tracking domestic terrorism (JTA)

April 2: Seven liberal Jewish groups join centrist groups in backing new compromise anti-BDS legislation (JTA)

April 2: Anti-Semitic graffiti found in three locations including the Democratic HQ in Norman Oklahoma (New York Times)

April 3: Ohio GOP congressional delegation asks Justice Department to monitor anti-Semitism—something the Department already does (JTA)

April 3: Anti-Semitism charges roil Kingsborough Community College (New York Jewish Week)

April 3: Anti-Semitic flyers found in UC Santa Barbara neighborhood (Jewish Journal)

April 4: Knoxville news anchor makes anti-Semitic slur on air and then apologizes (Knox News)

April 5: Pro-Israel student group decries Columbia Professor comparison of Israel to ISIS (Fox News)

April 6: Trump tells Republican Jews that Democrats are pushing an extreme anti-Semitic agenda (Politico)

April 7: Man in Montana arrested after threatening synagogue and other locations (JTA)

April 8: Former Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, says fighting anti-Semitism is more important than casting blame (Times of Israel)

April 8: Washington state man charged with anti-Semitic bomb plot (The Hill)

April 9: Ilhan Omar calls Stephen Miller a “White Nationalist” and is criticized by GOP critics as anti-Semitic (Washington Post)

April 9: Democratic leader in Florida State Senate takes heat for opposing anti-Semitism bill (Politico)

April 9: Denver school vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (KDVR)

April 9: ADL finds anti-Semitic posts on two social media platforms associated with the extreme right spike since Trump’s elections (The Daily Beast)

April 10: New Mexico café owner faces backlash from alleged anti-Semitic post (KOB)

April 10: Anti-Semitic posters found at University of North Carolina library (News Observer)

April 11: Donald Trump Jr. calls out Rep. Omar and Democratic leadership for supporting anti-Semitism (Newsweek)

April 11: More than twenty religious groups call upon Congress to stop weaponizing anti-Semitism (Cleveland Jewish News)

April 11: Donald Trump Jr. calls out Rep. Omar and Democratic leadership for supporting anti-Semitism (Newsweek)

April 12: Twenty religious groups call for ending the weaponization of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

April 13: Orthodox man accuses jailers of anti-Semitic taunts and threats (New York Post)

April 15: Gaza rapper spouts antisemitic comments at conference on Gaza at University of North Carolina (Forbes)

April 15: Trump says Ilhan Omar controls Pelosi (JTA)

April 15: Pelosi makes anti-Semitism on the left the centerpiece of visit to London (JTA)

April 17: Anti-Semitic graffiti found on Vanderbilt University library wall (News Channel 9)

April 17: Pelosi says no taint of anti-Semitism in Democratic party and defends Rep. Omar (JTA)

April 18: NJ school district hit with sixth swastika incident in five months (JTA)

April 20: Anti-Semitic comments at University of California at Berkley sparks backlash from Jewish community (Daily Californian)

April 20: Arkansas university accused of honoring holocaust denier with new scholarship (Times of Israel)

April 21: NYU President skips President’s Service Award ceremony, rumored to be due to Students for Justice in Palestine’s pick as one of the honorees (JTA)

April 22: Washington state man who had been arrested for posting threats against Jews on Facebook is rearrested after posting more anti-Semitic threats online (JTA)

April 24: Two Alabama legislators compare abortion to the Holocaust in two pieces of legislation (JTA)

April 26: FBI and police investigate twitter threat against NJ Mayor facing backlash over his response to anti-Semitic tweet (

April 26: Pro-Israel students at NYU file a complaint with the US Department of Education over alleged extreme anti-Semitism at the university (Newsweek)

April 26: Southern Indiana councilman apologizes for using the term “Jewed them down” when discussing negotiating a price on a new city truck (Washington Post)

April 26: Jewish student intern at Michigan State Hillel is threatened and police file “ethnic intimidation” charges against 19 year old (Jewish News)

April 26: Trump defends his Charlottesville remarks by praising Robert E. Lee (Times of Israel)

April 27: NY Times apologizes for publishing cartoon in international edition that included antisemitic tropes (The Hill)

April 27: Gunman with assault rifle who opened fire in Chabad Synagogue near San Diego and killed one and wounded three others wrote anti-Semitic manifesto (LA Times)

April 28: In second statement, NYT fully apologizes for anti-Semitic cartoon in international edition (JTA)

April 28: President Trump calls Poway rabbi to offer his condolences for attack at the CA synagogue (Washington Post)

April 29: Two days after Poway shooting, Florida legislature passes legislation requiring public schools to treat anti-Semitic behavior in a similar manner to treatment of racial discrimination (Miami Herald)

April 29: ADL finds anti-Semitic incidents slightly less in 2018 than 2017, but assaults rose substantially (LA Times)

April 30: French nazi hunter, Serge Klarsfeld, says Jews expect stronger response to anti-Semitism (particularly from far right) from President Trump (Times of Israel)

April 30: Man harasses and lunges at Chabad rabbi in NYC’s upper east side (Times of Israel)

May 1: New York Times criticizes its own decision to run anti-Semitic cartoon in international division, warns about a growing numbness to resurgent anti-Semitism, and acknowledges its historical failure to cover anti-Semitism in the 1930s and 140s (JTA)

May 1: Survey finds 52 percent of American Jews have positive feeling toward Muslims (least Islamophobic of all non-Muslim groups) while 45 percent of American Muslims have positive view of Jews (Jerusalem Post)

May 2: Portuguese cartoonist criticized for anti-Semitic cartoon in NY Times’ International Edition disputes his work is anti-Semitic and says criticism is a result of “Jewish Propaganda Machine.” (The Forward)

May 2: Antisemitic, anti-LGBT, Arizona Preacher is banned from Netherlands (see also Netherlands) (

May 2: President Trump pledges to defeat anti-Semitism at National Day of Prayer service (CBS News)

May 2: In NYC, more than half of hate crimes in 2018 (and to date in 2019) were anti-Semitic in nature (JTA)

May 3: Facebook’s head of policy says that Holocaust denial will not be banned from the platform (Business Insider)

May 3: NYU Department votes to boycott NYU’s own program in Israel (JTA)

May 4: Facebook bans antisemites but will allow Holocaust denial (Times of Israel)

May 5: Senators Cruz and Kaine introduce bi-partisan resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism (Algemeiner)

May 5: US Envoy on anti-Semtism says US may review ties with countries deemed anti-Israel (Reuters)

May 6: Another Jewish man attacked in Williamsburg, attack possibly of anti-Semitic nature (CBS New York)

May 7: Children at center program sing about chopping off the heads of Jews to defend Al-Aqsa (JTA)

May 7: Israeli independence day celebration at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee marred by man holding large swastika sign (JTA)

May 8: Attack on Jewish man in Brooklyn caught on camera (CBS New York)

May 8: Miami bagel shop receives threatening anti-Semitic calls (Jerusalem Post)

May 8: Large Swastika painted on factory owned by pro-Brexit, Jewish politician (JTA)

May 8: Williams College president disappointed that pro-Israel group is rejected by student government as a recognized campus group (JTA)

May 9: Arkansas Holocaust commemoration is interrupted by white nationalists with Nazi flags (JTA)

May 9: Valerie Plame, previously criticized for anti-semitic tweet, announces run for open New Mexico congressional seat (CNN)

May 10: Louis Farrakhan invited to speak at Catholic church, denies he is an antisemite while speaking of Satanic Jews (Washington Post)

May 10: Poway gunman said he did it because Jews are destroying the white race (JTA)

May 10: Tennessee Judge says “Jews should get the F**k over the Holocaust (Jerusalem Post)

May 10: Jewish cartoonist, Eli Valley, sparks debate over anti-Semitsm after pro-Palestinian groups use his work on flyers at Stanford (JTA)

May 10: Imam who has likened Israeli soldiers to Nazis gives opening prayer at US House of Representatives (JTA)

May 11: Polish nationalist hold anti-Jewish rally at US Embassy in Warsaw protesting US policy of calling for Holocaust restitution (see also Poland) (Fox News)

May 12: Imam at UC Irvine says fighting and anti-Zionism are not anti-Semitism and criticizes dual loyalty (Jerusalem Post)

May 12: Pro-Palestinian rally in London on anniversary of Nakba includes support from Corbyn, speaker who asks why Jews are in the gutter with extremists, claims American rabbis are behind neo-Nazis who are responsible for anti-Semitic terrorism at Poway (Times of Israel)

May 13: Nine US House members (including five Jewish one) ask Trump to cancel Orban meeting over anti-Semitism, undermining democracy, ties to Putin (JTA)

May 13: Bucknell University poll finds Americans view anti-Semitism as a problem, but differences on what anti-Semitism is based on age and partisan allegiance (Bucknell University)

May 13: Anti-Semitic and racist graffiti found scrawled on Virginia high school (Newsweek)

May 14: US Envoy says European kosher meat bans is forced expulsion of Jews (JTA)

May 15: Eleven year old sent to principal’s office for telling her classmates to stop making Nazi salute (JTA)

May 15: Daughter of Las Vegas rabbi targeted with anti-Semitic notes at middle school (JTA)

May 15: New England Revolution and Chelsea FC to play London match with proceeds going to fight against anti-Semitism (see also United Kingdom) (CBS Local)

May 16: UCLA guest lecturer says Israel supports colonialist actions that are related to white supremacy and is accused of encouraging anti-Semitism (Daily Bruin)

May 16: Democrats accuse Republicans of turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism on the far right (JTA)

May 16: Harvard Lampoon apologizes for sexualized image of Anne Frank and condemns any and all anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

May 16: Florida man arrested for threatening and spitting on Jewish seniors (JTA)

May 17: Anti-abortion group sends email laced with Holocaust image to Jewish state legislators in Pennsylvania after the oppose anti-abortion legislation (Pennsylvania Capital-Star)

May 17: Boston area police investigating three fires set at two Chabad houses (JTA)

May 19: Two Hasidic youth in Brooklyn harassed by passengers in car yelling “Allahu Akbar” and pro-Hitler slogans (Channel 7)

May 19: Jewish student union sign vandalized with swastika at Boston-area high school (JTA)

May 19: Al Sharpton at Reform Movement event acknowledges stoking divisions between blacks and Jews during Crown Heights riots in 1991 (Channel 7)

May 19: Legislation introduced in US Senate to fund additional security measures for synagogues and other religious institutions (JTA)

May 19: Brandeis President condemns vandalism of Hillel’s Israel week art installation (JTA)

May 20: Pro-Israel group files complaint against NYU for failing to take steps against anti-Semitism coming from a pro-Palestinian group on campus (CBN)

May 20: City leaders in NYC push for programs and funding to tackle rising anti-Semitism (News12)

May 20: Chicago synagogue targeted of arson attack (JTA)

May 21: San Diego State center apologizes for using an image of a Palestinian terrorist (JTA)

May 22: Indiana white supremacist sentenced to three years in prison after vandalizing Indianapolis synagogue (JTA)

May 22: Poll finds 72% of American Jews feel less secure than two years ago (Times of Israel)

May 22: NJ man who allegedly wanted to shoot Israeli march participants is arrested (JTA)

May 22: Anti-Semitic graffiti found in bathroom at S.F. State University (Jewish News Weekly)

May 23: Coalition of Jewish organizations splits over the alleged bias of its anti-Semitism newsletter (JTA)

May 23: NYU doctoral graduate speaker praises campus organizations supporting BDS as he calls Israel an apartheid state and NYU president criticizes the remarks and boycott movements (JTA)

May 23: UCLA student government passes resolution defending SJP from anti-Semitism claim (Algemeiner)

May 24: Chicago High School pulls distribution of year book over antisemitic and white nationalists messages (JTA)

May 24: Police investigating anti-Semitic graffiti painted on Staten Island Synagogue (NY1)

May 25: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and other progressives call out Politico for illustrations about Bernie Sanders wealth that conforms to anti-Semitic stereotypes (The Hill)

May 25: Measles outbreak feeds into rising anti-Semitism against orthodox community (The Atlantic)

May 26: Hasidic woman cursed over measles outbreak by her Uber driver (JTA)

May 26: Nine KKK demonstrators drowned out by hundreds of counter demonstrators in Dayton (JTA)

May 27: NYC police announce 83% increase in hate crimes in first four and one half months of 2019, with anti-Semitism accounting for majority of the increase (Wall Street Journal)

May 28: Official leading Trump’s climate review panel is quoted as saying the demonization of carbon dioxide is like the demonization of Jews under Hitler (Haaretz)

May 30: Palestinian Uber driver kicks two jewish women out of his car after learning they attended an Israel rally (JTA)

May 31: Note reading “Hitler is coming” found on mural at Jewish Children’s Museum in Brooklyn (NY Daily News)

May 31: Resolution submitted at CA Democratic convention which would lay some of blame for Pittsburgh on Israeli government (JTA)

June 1: Surveillance video captures Brooklyn anti-Semitic incident (CBS Local)

June 2: San Francisco neighbors of Holocaust memorial receive anti-Semitic hate mail (Times of Israel)

June 3: Orange County, California man who had kill list of Jewish leaders pleads guilty of planning an attack three local houses of worship (Los Angeles Times)

June 5: NYC Mayor De Blasio criticized for saying anti-Semitism is “Right-Wing Movement” (Jewish Journal)

June 5: New Minnesota LGBTQ bar faces protests after it is found owner has posted anti-Semitic and anti-Israel material (The Forward)

June 5: YouTube will remove more video containing hate speech and racist speech—including videos glorifying Nazi ideology (JTA)

June 6: Peabody, MA organizes rally against anti-Semitism as local Chabad Rabbis are targeted with slurs on Shabbat (JTA)

June 6: DC Dyke march bans Jewish pride flags (JTA)

June 8: Secretary of State Pompeo, vows to push back against Corbyn and anti-Semitism even before elections in Britain (also see United Kingdom) (Washington Post)

June 8: LGBT and feminist groups ask DC Dyke march to apologize for banning Star of David and Israeli flags (Jerusalem Post)

June 10: White nationalist appears to urinate on Israeli flag at Detroit pride parade (JTA)

June 12: Anti-Semitic graffiti found on medical office in Harlem (CBS Local)

June 12: Congress authorizes additional security funds for non-profit institutions, including Jewish institutions (JTA)

June 13: US Senate passes resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism (CBS19 News)

June 14: US Army ROTC cadet is kicked out of program over anti-Semitic online posts (Jerusalem Post)

June 14: Man throws NYC subway rider’s phone onto tracks after he is recorded shouting anti-Semitic rants (New York Post)

June 15: FBI investigating anti-Semitic threats against Seattle City Council candidate (The Hill)

June 16: Florida man arrested after threatening to kill minorities, including Jews (JTA)

June 16: California man arrested after threatening in a chatroom to kill Jews in a synagogue attack (Times of Israel)

June 18: Actor John Cusak tweets and then apologizes for anti-Semitic image (JTA)

June 18: Department of Education launches an investigation of alleged anti-Semitism at Duke-UNC conference (Daily Caller)

June 18: Republican Rep. Doug Collins says Democratic Party has become the party of anti-Semitism (Fox News)

June 19: US Special Envoy on Antisemitism, Carr, declares all Jewish synagogues, JCCs and Jewish schools in the United States should have armed guards (Newsweek)

June 19: Trump nominee for UN Envoy vows to fight anti-Semitism (JNS)

June 20: Patriots’ owner, Robert Kraft, pledges $20 million to fight anti-Semitism (JTA)

June 22: Australian Imam of Peace says anti-Semitism in US is a threat to national security (Jerusalem Post)

June 23: Man who ran over protestor in Charlottesville partially blames his Jewish grandfather for his crime (JNS)

June 23: Hamas MP says Jews hated throughout history, including by Hitler, because of their deeds and everything people say about the Holocaust is a lie (MEMRI)

June 24: Reddit bans group of 60,000 that specializes in thinly veiled anti-Semitic themes (Times of Israel)

June 24: US Holocaust Memorial Museum rejects all analogies between other events and the Holocaust (JTA)

June 25: Man fired from Pittsburgh area restaurant after posting anti-Semitic material on Facebook (Trib Live)

June 26: Jewish leaders in southern California question Orange County Assemblyman over alleged anti-Semitic campaign tactics (LA Times)

June 26: Nearly one in five Americans believe small businesses should be able to refuse service to a Jew if it violates their religious beliefs (JTA)

June 28: ADL warns of growing white nationalist propaganda on college campuses (i24 News)

June 28: Sermon at SF Mosque claims Morsi was killed by Zionist agents working for Sataon (MEMRI)

July 1: School teacher in upstate New York praises Hitler in high school yearbook (JTA)

July 1: Facebook to expand effort to root out white nationalism (Times of Israel)

July 2: Accusations that NYU is anti-Semitic are unwarrented (Times of Israel)

July 2: Synagogues practicing active shooter drills during services (Times of Israel)

July 3: Per the California Department of Justice antisemitic hate crimes rose 21% in 2018 (Jewish Journal)

July 4: North Carolina man who threatened to lynch a Muslim candidate for State Senate posts threats on a Florida synagogue’s facebook page (JTA)

July 6: Cartoonist who drew blatently anti-Semitic cartoon with Soros and Rothschild images is invited to the Trump White House (Time)

July 8: Justice Department to convene summit on combatting anti-Semtism (JTA)

July 9: Controversy over a NJ bill that would prohibit anti-Semitism, including certain types of anti-Israel criticism, in NJ public schools (

July 9: Twitter removes 2018 tweet from Farakkhan comparing Jews to termites (JTA)

July 9: Execution date set for jewish inmate who claims sentencing judge made anti-Semitic statements (JTA)

July 9: Christian United For Israel (CUFI) pushes legislation which would codify the working definition of anti-Semitism when it comes to anti-Semitism on campus (JTA)

July 9: Charge by the Free Beacon that an Elizabeth Warren staffer was sympathetic to Hamas proves to be mistaken (Talking Points Memo)

July 10: Cartoonist who created anti-Semitic cartoon of Rothschilds and Soros as puppet master is disinvited to White House event but continues to defend his work and chargles ADL with libel (JTA)

July 10: AOC’s chief of staff is criticized for wearing a t-shirt with the picture of an extreme Indian nationalist of the 1940s who collaborated with Hitler (JTA)

July 11: Senators introduce legislation to fund Holocaust education in schools (JTA)

July 15: Oregon passes legislation to mandate Holocaust education in public schools as hate crimes spike around the country (USA Today)

July 15: Top Trump officials focus on the “new Antisemitism” at Justice Department summit (JTA)

July 15: ADL warns Trump to stop using accusations of anti-Semitism (The Hill)

July 16: Trump under attack for racism responds with charges of his own— anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

July 16: NJ bill which prohibits discrimination against public school students based on anti-Semitism is opposed by CAIR, Jewish Voice for Peace and other organizations (North Jersey News)

July 16: At Justice Department Summit on Anti-Semitism AJC says that those who call out their political opponents on anti-Semitism must also call it out among their political allies (Yahoo)

July 16: ADL condemns evangelical adoption agency in NC which receives government funds and refuses to place children in non-Christian households (JTA)

July 16: Daily Stormer publisher must pay $14 million to Montana Jewish woman who he trolled (JTA)

July 17: On Israel trip NY GOP state chair charges AOC with encouraging anti-Semitism in NY and says media sweeps antisemitism under the rug (Jerusalem Post)

July 17: Anti-Semitic flyers declaring Holocaust is fake news found around Marblehead, Massachusetts synagogue (The Hill)

July 17: In interview Congresswoman Omar argues she is not anti-Semitic (Washington Examiner)

July 18: Police in Teaneck, NJ identify three men who sprayed synagogue worshipers with a dark liquid (JTA)

July 18: Some pro-Israel organizations criticize Omar for comparing BDS to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (JNS)

July 19: House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passes resolution condemning BDS but partisan wrangling over BDS and anti-Semitism continues over other legislation (JTA)

July 19: Man gets 30 months in jail for attacking individual who he thought was Jewish (JTA)

July 19: Senator Hawley’s use of the term “cosmopolitan elites” raises concerns over dog whistle anti-Semitism but others argue it is just a political science term (JTA)

July 19: Trump administration offering $7 million award for information leading to the arrest of AMIA bombers (JTA)

July 20: President Trump falsely claims congresswomen spoke of “evil Jews” (Times of Israel)

July 20: Most Jews want no part of Trump’s feud with “the Squad” (Times of Israel)

July 21: Juvenile suspect is arrested for anti-Semitic and racist graffiti in parks in San Carlos, CA (Mercury News)

July 21: Six Montana rabbis criticize Senator Daine for supporting President’s attacks on four Democratic congresswoman and suggest he meets with them to learn about the real threat of anti-Semitism (JTA)

July 22: In interview Special Envoy Carr states it is problematic to weaponize for political purposes the issue of anti-Semitism (JNS)

July 22: Summer program provides Catholic educators tools to teach about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism (Catholic Spirit)

July 22: Ohio Medical Board to discipline doctor over anti-Semitic tweets (Jewish Journal)

July 22: Cory Booker makes it clear he will not meet with Farrakhan (JTA)

July 23: Pew Research again finds Americans have warmest feelings toward Jews among all religious groups (Times of Israel)

July 23: FBI Director says majority of domestic terrorist cases investigated in US associated with white supremacists (Talking Points Memo)

July 23: Iowa man charged with making anti-Semitic threats to a Jewish group in NYC (Newsday)

July 24: Anti-Semitic poster found at Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Cleveland (Cleveland Jewish News)

July 24: White Nationalist who wanted to kill blacks and Jews in the wake of the terrorist attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg pleads guilty to a gun charge after his family turns him in (Times of Israel)

July 24: Owner of marijuana shop and African American who is converting to Judaism in Lynn, MA stunned to find storefront vandalized with anti-Semitic and racist symbols (Boston Globe)

July 26: Anti-Semitic flyers put out by neo-Nazi terrorist group found in Detroit area (Downtown Publications)

July 26: ADL condemns Farrakahn for charge that “Talmudists” are behind sex trafficking and pedophilia (Jewish Journal)

July 28: Developers sue NY local officials and claim the officials are trying to keep Hasidic Jews out of their jurisdiction (JTA)

July 28: One CNN employee fired and one CNN Arabic guest commentator found to have written blatantly anti-Semitic social media posts (INN)

July 28: Tlaib defends BDS against charges of anti-Semitism and claims she would support boycott of Saudia Arabia or Egypt (New York Post)

July 29: Congregant shot in the leg outside of Miami-Dade synagogue (CBS Local)

July 30: Bal Harbour Synagogue receives anti-Semitic threat mailing (NBC Miami)

July 30: After users tweet “I’m Jewish” in solidarity with victim of trolling, white supremacists begin compiling a list of Jews from the tweets (The Forward)

July 31: Democratic Congresswoman Slotkin says GOP opposes anti-Semitism to influence Jewish donors (Fox News)

August 1: Locals baffled by anti-Semitic graffiti on fence by a Colorado Springs high school (Colorado Gazette)

August 1: Video released of NY State couple engaging in anti-Semitic rhetoric (INN)

August 2: Conference of Presidents organizes a consultation on anti-Semitism (JNS)

August 2: Anti-Semitic graffiti found on doors of elementary school in Minnesota (Jewish Journal)

August 2: NRCC charges Democrats with anti-Semitism (Minnesotta Post)

August 3: NRCC and Congress Emmer accused of anti-Semitism for attacking Soros, Bloomberg and Steyer for funding radicalism in a fundraising letter (Bring Me The News)

August 4: Swastika painted on Jewish owned food truck in Miami (JTA)

August 5: California Department of Education proposal for ethnic studies curriculum is criticized for anti-Israel, anti-Jewish bias (JTA)

August 5: Ulster, NY man still awaiting trial after being arrested five months ago for aggravated harassment in an anti-Semitic incident with fellow employee (Daily Freeman)

August 6: Dayton gunman showed a video of Tree of Life killings to a girlfriend on their first date (JTA)

August 7: State Department official outed as white nationalist (SPLC)

August 7: Anti-Semitic and racist graffiti found on garage in Chicago neighborhood (WGTN)

August 7: Jewish advocacy groups voice concern over partisan use of charges of anti-Semitism (Washington Times)

August 8: Swastika found on dorm room of Israeli Jewish twins at University of Indianapolis (JTA)

August 8: Swastikas found painted in Long Island park (Jewish Journal)
August 9: Sarah Silverman responds to a Baptist preacher who called her a “Zionist whore” and wished her death (USA Today)

August 10: Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin ordered to pay $700,000 damages to GW student for instigating troll storm against her (Talking Points Memo)

August 11: Accused neo-Nazi arrested for plans to attack Las Vegas synagogue (Jerusalem Post)

August 11: Brooklyn man charged with hate crime after physical attack on Hasidic man (NBC New York)

August 11: Las Vegas man charged with planning to attack local synagogue (JTA)

August 12: Catholic Commentator is accused of turning a blind eye to his podcast guest’s long recrod of anti-Semitism (CAMERA)

August 12: NYC hate crime unit investigating after more Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg are attacked (CBS New York)

August 12: More than 100 tires slashed in heavily Orthodox Lakewood, NJ (The Forward)

August 12: Orthodox Jewish school for girls in is first in Brooklyn to install bullet resistant classroom doors (JTA)

August 14: California Education Board rejects new ethnic studies curriculum over anti-Semitic bias (The Forward)

August 14: Neo-nazis plaster three Seattle area syagogues with racist flyers (JTA)

August 14: “Juden” carved into door of synagogue in Venice Beach, CA (Times of Israel)

August 15: Las Vegas man arrested in anti-Semitic plots said to be affiliated with neo-nazi group (Talking Points Memo)

August 15: Hundreds of anti-Semitic flyers scattered around corner in Ridgewood neighborhood of NYC (QNS)

August 16: Congressman Lieu apologizes for using anti-Semitic trope in relation to US Ambassador to Israel (Newsweek)

August 16: Omar and Tlaib’s trip was to be organized by a group with history of controversial positions including publishing a blood libel narrative before deleting it and apologizing (JTA)

August 18: Ohio man arrested for online threat against Youngstown JCC (JTA)

August 19: Talib and Omar share cartoon by artist who participated in Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest (Newsweek)

August 20: Two Milwaukee synagogues report suspicious packages and one of them also received threatening voicemail (JTA)

August 20: Fake twitter accounts are impersonating Jews to promote anti-Semitism (Jewish Weekly)

August 20: President Trump says Jews who support Democrats show great disloyalty or ignorance (WSJ)

August 21: Trump doubles down on his disloyalty comments and makes charge against all Democratic party supports not just Jewish Democrats (JTA)

August 21: Arrest made in shooting of elderly man outside synagogue in Miami (JTA)

August 22: NAACP chapter head is fired from his state government job after anti-Semitic social media posts are revealed (The Forward)

August 22: Justice Department sent immigration judges a white nationalist blog post with anti-Semitic message (Buzzfeed News)

August 22: How some evangelical Christians embrace anti-Semitism (Washington Post)

August 22: NY Times editor apologizes for racist and anti-sSemitic tweets (The Forward)

August 22: ADL issues report on Iranian anti-Zionist, antisemitic propaganda (Jerusalem Post)

August 22: Senator Cramer of North Dakota speaks of pervasive anti-Semitism in the Democratic party but then admits that pervasive may be too strong a term (Grand Forks Herald)

August 22: White Nationalist web site publishes pictures of Brandeis students and professors (JTA)

August 23: Anti-Semitic Hitler supporter is arrested for threats against Hispanics (Times of Israel)

August 24: Nadler slams Omar and Tlaib over using cartoon drawn by a participant in Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest (Times of Israel)

August 23: Federal immigration judges receive anti-Semitic blog post from Justice Department (Washington Post)

August 23: Al-Jazeera anchor calls Jews Khazars and Palestinians the real semites (Jewish Journal)

August 24: Nadler slams Omar and Tlaib over using cartoon drawn by a participant in Iranian Holocaust cartoon contest (Times of Israel)

August 24: Anti-Semitic graffiti found on Connecticut synagogue (NBC Connecticut)

August 25: American Identity Movement tries to mask its anti-Semitic and white nationalist beliefs (The Forward)

August 26: Historic NY yeshiva is target of apparent anti-Semitic graffiti (JTA)

August 25: FBI seen as stepping up its efforts against far-right extremists (Times of Israel)

August 26: Antisemitic Florida man sentenced to 15 months for death threats against Senator Sanders (The Forward)

August 27: Brooklyn hassidic man attacked with a brick (JTA)

August 27: Flyers found in San Francisco area accuse Jews of responsibility for 9/11. (JTA)

August 27: The executive board of the California Democratic party passes three pro-Israel resolutions (including a defining Zionism as Jewish right to self-determination and support for the IHRA working definition) as well as a resolution on the rights of Palestinian children (JNS)

August 27: Costco sued for clerk’s anti-Semitic remarks (APP)

August 29: Rockland County, NY, GOP committee is slammed for anti-Semitic ad (Washington Post)

August 29: Passaic, NJ, NAACP head claims Jewish media is after him and falsely calling him an anti-Semite (Jewish Journal)

August 29: Chelsea vs. Revolution match raises $4 million to oppose anti-Semitism (see also UK) (Jewish Chronicle)

August 29: Federal prosecutor in NE Ohio charges white anti-Semitic, nationalist and warns extremist “cowards” to avoid violence (The Hill)

August 29: Local man in SF north bay area is linked to anti-Semitic flyers (Jewish Weekly)

August 30: GOP congresswoman claims there are strains of anti-Semitism in Democratic party (NY360)

August 30: ADL and other Jewish organizations criticize program for featuring speaker with an anti-Semitic history (Jewish Journal)

August 31: For the second time in a few days a Brooklyn man who is identifiably Jewish is assaulted with rock (Times of Israel)

September 1: Racist and anti-Semitic graffiti found at NY beach club (New York Times)

September 1: Jewish man in Brooklyn is beaten with his own belt in front of a synagogue in suspected anti-Semitic incident (Times of Israel)

September 3: AOC says one can’t conflate criticism of the government of Israel with anti-Semitism (JNS)

September 3: Jewish man and son stapped outside of Brooklyn synagogue with box cutters (JTA)

September 4: ADL investigating anti-Semitic posters found in two communities in northern California (Mercury News)

September 4: NYC police report over half of reported hate crimes in the city this year were anti-Semitic related (CNN)

September 5: Labor Department official is reinstated after his alleged antisemitic post was actually sarcastic attack on anti-Semitic candidate (Forward)

September 5: Speaker at Tlaib and Omar press conference has traded in libels about Israelis harvesting Palestinian organs and setting loose wild boar and hyenas to attack Palestinians (Times of Israel)

September 5: Rockland County GOP chair vows video attacking Hasidic “takeover” will return (Jewish Journal)

September 5: New York City appoints a hate crimes chief to tackle anti-Semitism (JTA)

September 6: Lawyers for Jewish death row inmate accuse sentencing judge of anti-Semitism and request a new trial (Washington Post)

September 6: Burlingame High School in northern California targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti (Jewish Weekly)

September 8: Historic Massachusetts park vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (JTA)

September 10: Weaponizing of anti-Semitism is seen as an increasing problem (JTA)

September 10: After one anti-semitic incident at a North Carolina high school another students’ mother says she reported an earlier incident but the school failed to act (WCNC)

September 11: Los Angeles synagogue defaced with “Free Palestine” graffiti (Jewish Journal)

September 11: Pasaic Country Freeholder calls upon a Paterson Councilman to disavow anti-Semitism after Council spoke of a developer who tried to “Jew Us Down” in a public meeting (New Jersey Globe)

September 11: Williams College entered into an agreement with US Department of Education to treat all student groups equitably and in particular Williams Initiative for Israel (WIFI) which had benn denied registration by a student government body (Williams Record)

September 11: Ohio man convicted of anti-Semitic assault fails to surrender to prison authorities (Algemeiner)

September 12: Florida man arrested after threatening to shoot up a synagogue (JTA)

September 12: Lou Dobbs uses antisemitic meme of “tentacles” to describe George Soros’ influence (Daily Beast)

September 12: Anti-Semitic 9/11 message painted on “the rock” at the University of Tennessee (Knox News)

September 13: State Department envoy announces new interagency process to combat anti-Semitism (Cleveland Jewish News)

September 13: Anti-Semitic flyers posted on doors of Indianapolis neighborhood (San Diego Tribune)

September 14: Westport, Connecticut legislators condemn anti-Semitic graffiti found at local high school (World Socialist Web Site)

September 15: Hofstra student describes the types of anti-Semitism she faces in dorms and in classes (Jerusalem Post)

September 15: Hand-drawn swastika found in Department of Homeland Secuirty HQ (JTA)

September 16: Three founding members of Women’s March leave organization’s board after accusations of anti-Semitism (CNN)

September 16: Manchester Reform community tells Law Commission about how they experience anti-Semitism (Jewish News)

September 16: Sheriff in Colorado community investigating an anti-Semitic Snapchat (9 News)

September 16: Suspect alleged to have shot at an elderly Jewish man outside of Miami synagogue faces hate crime charges (JTA)

September 17: Swastika graffiti found at Connecticut Middle School (CT Post)

September 17: New Jersey teen accused of swerving his car twice to hit two Jewish men (JTA)

September 17: Homeless man charged with burning down synagogue in Duluth but police so far have not classified it a hate crime (JTA)

September 17: Snapchat by high school students speaks of killing Jews (JTA)

September 18: Anti-Semitic individual who ran for US Senate is now running for local council office to “challenge Jewish power” (JTA)

September 18: Swastika hung on the dorm room of a Jewish student at Tufts University (JTA)

September 18: Hasidic man beaten and robbed in Brooklyn but so far police are not classifying it as a hate crime (JTA)

September 18: Anti-Semitic term of speech unites New Jersey’s congressional delegation and results in call for the resignation of Trenton Council members (CT Post)

September 19: Three Trenton Council members apologize for using or defending an anti-Semitic trope (Washington Post)

September 19: Another L.A. synagogue vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (KFI AM 640)

September 19: Newly appointed Women’s March board member kicked off for alleged anti-Semitic tweets (Jerusalem Post)

September 19: NYPD will increase presence in Jewish neighborhoods during High Holidays (JTA)

September 20: Former Congressman, Senate candidate claimed the Jewish Lobby controls the Republican party (Talking Points Memo)

September 20: Accused Poway speaker tells 911, “I’m defending our nation against the Jewish people, who are trying to destroy all white people” (JTA) 

September 20: New Jersey man indicted for scoping out targets for Hezbollah in the United States (JTA)

September 20: Users of Telegram chat app are compiling list of Jews who have been critical of white nationalism (JTA)

September 21: Columbia University hosts anti-Semitic Malaysian Prime Minister (Jerusalem Post) Also see Malaysia

 September 22: Demonstrators in NYC call for state of emergency over rising anti-Semitism (10 10 Wins)

September 23: Grounds of Boston area synagogue vandalized with swastika symbols (JTA)

September 24: President Trump condemns Iranian anti-Semitism at UNGA (Jewish Journal)

September 24: Racine synagogue targeted with hateful graffiti (Racine County Eye)

September 24: Another assault against a Jewish man in Brooklyn (Jerusalem Post)

September 24: Second incident of anti-Semitic flyers found on California campus this year (The California Aggie)

September 26: Montana Human Rights Network urges citizens to speak out against the anti-Semitic flyers distributed around the state capitol (abc Fox Montana)

September 26: Report finds 14% increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes in Los Angeles in 2018 (Jewish Journal)

September 26: Colorado State Student government condemns anti-Semitism after swastia incident (Jewish Journal)

September 26: ADL classifies “ok” hand signal as a hate symbol (JTA)

September 27: High school panel recounts incidents of racism of anti-Semitism at Oregon school (KATU 2)

September 28: Anti-Semitic graffiti found at Westchester, NY high school for the second time in a month (abc 7)

September 29: Ohio man is indicted on federal charges for JCC threats (JTA)

September 29: Governor Cuomo boosts state police presence around synagogues during high holidays (timesunion)

September 29: Southeast Florida County Commission passes anti-BDS resolution (JTA)

October 2: Anti-Semitic literature found at Whitefish, Montana business (8 KPAX)

October 2: Brooklyn synagogue window broken during Rosh Hashanah service (JTA)

October 2: ADL head chides Donald Trump Jr. for using the anti-Semitic trope— Soros puppet— to describe Adam Schiff (Twitter)

October 3: Poll in Los Angeles county finds 72% of Jews believe anti-Semitism is a serious problem (Jerusalem Post)

October 3: Report of a teen attacking a Jewish woman by pulling off her scarf and wig (JTA)

October 4: Anti-Semitic hate crimes in NYC up significantly in the period January-September 2019 (JTA)

October 4: Texas execution halted over claims judge was anti-Semitic (21 CBS DFW)

October 5: Former Fox sports reporter who was fired for comments about minorities and Boca Jews hired by Liberty University (Times of Israel)

October 6: Over 100 left-wing Jewish scholars, including Noam Chomsky and Judith Butler, condemn Trump administration for exploiting anti-Semitism (+972)

October 6: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accuses Trump of anti-Semitism for his attacks on Adam Schiff (JTA)

October 6: Robert Kraft names founding head of his Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post)

October 7: Students and StandWithUs complaint alleges anti-Semitism at UCLA (San Diego Jewish World) 

October 8: Anti-Semitic memes texted between students in northern California high school (The Mercury News)

October 8: Anti-Semitic graffiti found on Yale Law School steps sparks investigation (New York Daily News)

October 8: Group with history of anti-Semitism posts white nationalists stickers on Phoenix college campuses (Jewish News)

 October 9: Anti-Semitic material left at Holocaust Memorial in White Plains, NY (The Hill)

October 9: With support from a U.S. Embassy in Warsaw grant, Israel Embassy sponsors a hackathon at Polin Museum to develop apps to fight anti-Semitism (U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Poland) Also see Poland and Israel

October 10: Backpack set on fire on steps of a synagogue in Brooklyn on Yom Kippur (JTA)

October 10: University of Illinois apologizes for anti-Semitism by a student in diversity training (WAND 17)

October 11: Norman Finkelstein delivers antisemitic slurs at Princeton panel highlighting black-Palestinian solidarity (The Daily Princetonian)

October 11: California passes a law that provides financial support for security measures for non-profits who are the target of hate crimes (JTA)

October 12: Drawing the line between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel (The Economist) Also see also UK

October 13: Flyers with antisemitic and anti-Israel messages left on cars in NJ Township (JTA)

October 22: Anti-Israel/anti-Semitic flyers found in Staten Island community (silive) 

October 22: Police investigating after video shows man leaving dozens of anti-Semitic flyers on cars in New Jersey (NBC New York)

October 22: Townhall meeting at University of Nevada discusses swastikas found in residential hall (Nevada Sagebrush) 

October 22: Police investigating swastika on Jewish owned law firm (JTA) 

October 22: Synagogue in Washington, DC vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti (JTA)

October 23: American Jewish Committee releases poll on American Jewish attitudes toward anti-Semitism (AJC)

October 24: Majority of U.S. media coverage of anti-Semitism focuses on anti-Semitism coming from the left (The Forward)

October 24: At least 12 white supremacists have been arrested for allegedly attacking, planning to attack or threatening Jewish community institutions in year since Tree of Life shootings (JTA)

October 24: Michigan State sukkah vandalized (JTA)

October 24: Jewish activists heckle President Trump with chant of “Trump endangers Jews” at Pittsburgh ceremony attended by Trump (Jewish Chronicle)

October 25: One year after Tree of Life shooting Iowa proclaims Anti-Semitism Awareness Day (The Dispatch)

October 25: Student government at University of Illinois passes resolution denouncing Chancellor and declaring that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitic (The News-Gazette) 

October 26: Connecticut synagogue evacuated after two bomb threats (JTA)

October 27: Seattle Holocaust Center vandalized with white supremacist graffiti (JTA)

October 27: HIAS head blames Trump for continued rise of anti-Semitism (Jerusalem Post) 

October 28: Two U.S. Senators announce the formation of a Bi-partisan Senate Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism (CNN)

October 28: Pro-Palestinian students walk out of a presentation by a Holocaust survivor after they equated Israeli treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust and he refused their call to condemn the establishment of the State of Israel (JTA)

October 28: Eight Swastikas found on Smith College campus (JTA)

October 29: World Jewish Congress hosts a meeting of national and regional special envoys and coordinators for combating anti-Semitism (World Jewish Congress) 

November 4: Men dressed as Jews hand out Holocaust denial and other anti-Semitic material in a Boulder, Colorado mall (JTA)

November 4: White Supremacists plotted to blow up Colorado synagogue (New York Times)

November 4: Leak purports to record Richard Spencer engaged in vile anti-Semitic rant (Forward)

November 4: Bi-partisan legislation to address anti-Semitism and other incidents of bigotry in Saudi textbooks (Forward)

November 4: NYPD investigating four alleged anti-Semitic hate crimes in one night in Brooklyn (CBS Local New York)

November 5: Fliers called racist and anti-Semitic distributed in south Philadelphia (JTA)

November 6: NYPD says anti-Semitism driving climb in hate crimes in subway (New York Post)

November 6: George Washington University reacts to student post of an anti-Semitic rant on social media (The GW Hatchet)

November 6: Candidate for 2020 Florida state representative seat charges the incumbent with using anti-Semitic dog whistles after he charges Soros with being behind her candidacy (Orlando Weekly)

November 6: Flyers with Stars of David and swastikas found at Arizona State University at Tempe (JTA)

November 7: New Jersey Attorney General finds a school district negligent in dealing with anti-Semitic harassment of a student (AP News)

November 7: Police investigating incident at Hartford cemetery where dead chickens were placed in a Jewish grave (JTA)

November 8: Massachusetts has an anti-Semitism problem (Boston Magazine)

November 8: U.S. Senator introduces resolution to commemorate Kristallnacht and condemn anti-Semitism (JTA) 

November 8: Descendants of Nazis organize marches to condemn anti-Semitism (Times of Israel) Also see Germany

November 8: Turtles in Seattle park painted with swastikas and authorities having difficulty catching them to clean their shells (JTA)

November 8: Prosecutors seize rifle of man who advocated killing Jews (NBC News)

November 8: Secretary Pompeo visits Halle synagogue with Jewish Agency head and reaffirms battle against anti-Semitism (JTA) Also see Germany

November 10: Teen arrested in connection with attacks on Jews in Brooklyn (JTA)

November 10: Seventy-five Jewish headstones toppled in Omaha (JTA)

November 11: Academic associated with anti-Israel and racist comments about Jews is turned down by Sociology Department but still under consideration by Women Studies at Boston University (Jerusalem Post)

November 11: NYPD investigating egg attacks in Brooklyn as possible anti-Semitichate crimes (New York Daily News)

November 11: Senator Bernie Sanders addresses the nature of anti-Semitism and his Jewish background (The Hill)

November 11: NYC Subway swastika and other anti-Semitic grafitti being investigated (NYPD Hate Crimes Twitter)

November 11: Students at George Washington University react to anti-Semitic posts by classmate (GW Hatchet)

November 12: Anti-Semitism is spiking in Brooklyn and officials do not know why (JTA)

November 13: ADL to nearly double its spending on anti-hate programs in Brooklyn schools (Times of Israel)

November 13: In 2018, Jews again the target of a majority of religiously motivated hate crimes (JTA)

November 14: On the Frontlines of Progressive Anti-Semitism (New York Times)

November 14: Congressman Steve King falsely accuses Soros son of being the “whistleblower” (The Daily Beast)

November 14: NYPD arrests teen for throwing eggs at Brooklyn Jews (Forward)

November 14: University of North Carolina agrees to an anti-Semitism resolution over anti-Semitism complaint stemming from a university conference on Gaza (JTA)

November 14: Police investigating middle school in western Massachusetts over threats against Jewish students (JTA)

November 14: Defendant in a case of anti-Semiticharassment is given the option of holocaust education program (Daily Freeman)

November 14: ADL blasts Joe deGenova’s Soros/anti-Semiticconspiracy theory delivered on Fox News (The Daily Beast)

November 15: Event for wounded IDF veterans sponsored by Chabad and other Jewish organizations is forced to move event after SJP students take over their meeting room (State Press)

 November 15: U.S. Education Department is investigating anti-Semitism at NYU (Fox News)

November 15: Per Pew Research over one third of Christians have heard their clergy speak out about Jews, twenty percent have heard clergy say good things about Jews and nine percent have heard clergy say negative things about Jews (Times of Israel)

November 17: Conservative media personality, Ben Shapiro, calls out anti-Semitism and racism in the alt-right group led by Nick Fuentes (The Hill)

November 17: NJ man accused of ordering vandalism of two synagogues using neo-Nazi network (JTA)

November 17: Syracuse University suspends fraternity life after a string of racist and anti-Semitic incidents (New York Post)

November 18: Conservative group cuts ties with Michelle Malkin over her support for anti-Semitic internet personality, Nick Fuentes (The Daily Beast)

November 18: Georgia church vandalized with anti-Jewish message (JTA) 

November 18: Phone line and voicemail of Israeli-themed restaurant in Oregon is hacked with anti-Semitic message (Times of Israel) 

November 18: The hard left in US and Europe are hurting the Palestinian cause by engaging in anti-Semitism when it comes to Israel (Foreign Policy) Also see European Union

November 19: Student Association Senate at GW University passes resolution calling on administration to prevent anti-Semitism and supports definition of anti-Semitism but removes some references to anti-Semitism associated with Israel (GW Hatchet

November 19: Both parties use fear of anti-Semitism to woo Jewish voters (Haaretz)

November 19: Youth Hockey club accuse opponents of using anti-Semitic slurs (CBS Local New York) 

November 19: Trump aide, Stephen Miller, promoted white nationalist content to Breitbart when he was on staff of Senator Jeff Sessions (Mercury News) 

November 19: Vassar President criticizes SJP for disrupting event with IDF veteran and calls out “from the river to the sea” chant as anti-Semitic (JNS) 

November 19: CA Democratic party votes down anti-Israel resolution that called for “right of return” and passes resolutions against BDS and anti-Semitism (Jewish News of Northern California)

November 19: Syracuse University professor receives anti-Semitic email (Local Syr)

November 20: Jewish Democrats (JDCA) releases video linking Trump with anti-Semitism (JTA) 

November 21: Former NSC staffer, Fiona Hill, blasts Soros conspiracy charges as anti-Semitic and comparable to the Protocols (Huffington Post) 

November 21: Over 100 Democratic congressmen, civil rights and Jewish organizations call on Stephen Miller to be dismissed over his connections with white nationalist journalism (Forbes)

November 22: Protestor interrupts program with IDF veteran at University of Florida by shouting about war criminals and nazis (ABC 20 WCJB)  

November 23: Sasha Baron Cohen slams Facebook for not fact checking political ads and the social media giant would have let Hitler post anti-Semitic ads in the 1930s (Economic Times)

November 24: Hasidic man sucker punched in Brooklyn (JTA)

November 24: Oberlin College students erect memorial to Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists killed by “Zionist Settler Colonialism” (Algemeiner) 

November 24: Groups representing three streams of Judaism call on White House to fire Stephen Miller for white supremacist views (JTA)

November 25: Alt-right, anti-Semitic group lead by Nic Fuentes, is rattling more conservative Republicans (Haaretz)

November 25: Amid rise in anti-Semitism NY state enacts law to mandate police be trained in recognizing hate crime (JTA) 

November 25: Columbia Student Council approves holding referendum on Israel divestment (JTA) 

November 25: ADL requests social media companies shut down 10 hate sites (Algemeiner) 

November 27: Pastor known for his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories says attempt to impeach Trump is a Jewish coup (JTA)

November 28: Two identifiably Jewish boys attacked by gang of five in Crown Heights (JTA)

December 2: After Bernie Sanders says Israel is an enormous achievement and a home for the Jewish people his surrogate Linda Sasour says support for the state of Israel is unacceptable in the progressive movement (JTA)

December 2: Sixth & i synagogue in Washington, DC is vandalized with anti-Semitic grafitti (Moment) 

December 3: Brown University Committee urges divesting companies facilitating human rights abuses against Palestinians (JTA)

December 3: Fox called out for not dealing with the anti-Semitism of guests who spin anti-Semitic Soros-related conspiracy theories (Washington Post)

December 4: Anti-Semite and Holocaust denier again runs for Illinois congressional seat (Times of Israel)

December 4: Three teens throw rocks at Jewish elementary school bus (JTA)

December 4: Student leaders at Arizona State University condemn anti-Semitism, express solidarity with Jewish students after Hillel sponsored event forced to leave its meeting room and anti-Semitic flyers found on campus (Algemeiner)

December 5: Pro-Israel Democratic group criticizes Bernie Sanders for not disassociating from Linda Sarsour (Algemeiner)

December 5: NY Attorney General files suit alleging anti-Semitism against some upstate local governments and their attempt to stop Chasidic housing projects (Jewish Week)

December 6: Bucks County, Pennsylvania man arrested after sending anti-Semitic texts and video to Jewish man on Thanksgiving (Philly Voice) 

December 6: The “groypers army” is an openly racist and anti-Semitic group which attacks establishment conservatives over Jews and Israel in order to mainstream their ideology in the conservative movement (JTA)

December 7: Bernie Sanders staffer is off campaign after social media posts referring to “Jew Money” and homophobic remarks are discovered (The Hill)

December 7: President Trump slams Jews who don’t love Israel enough (JTA)

December 9: Rep. Staube is accused of anti-Semitism as he frequently uses the term “New York” lawyer in questioning Democratic counsel in impeachment hearings (heavy) 

December 9: Ron Lauder is set to fund $25 million effort to fight anti-Semitism in U.S. politics (JTA)

December 10: Ron Lauder pledges $25 million to fight anti-Semitism in American politics (New York Times) 

December 10: Two Jewish congressmen call upon White House to ban news outlet that called impeachment a “Jew coup” (JTA)

December 10: Rabbi filmed threats against him at Long Island Costco and aggressor is arrested (JTA) 

December 10: Queens man arrested after antisemtic rant and physical threats at Costco (New York Post) 

December 10: Democratic congressman writes that President Trump must be held accountable for embracing anti-Semitism (The Forward)

Deceember 10: Joe diGenovas returns to Fox as a guest one month after his charge that George Soros controls the State Department resulted in protests from Jewish groups (The Daily Beast) 

December 11: Trump signs an Executive Order against anti-Semitism on college campuses and generates concerns among some over free speech restrictions (NPR)

December 11: Attacks on Soros linked to Impeachment debate raise questions about anti-Semitism (New York Times)

December 11: Jersey City shooting suspect is linked to Black Hebrew Israelite group and to anti-Semitic posts 

December 11: In wake of Jersey City shooting and Trump’s Executive Order on anti-Semitism on campus American Jews are divided and terrified (The Atlantic)

December 12: Jersey City attack now being investigated as anti-Semitic, domestic terrorism (Washington Post)

December 12: Princeton student called a poor choice for student government because he served in the IDF (JTA) 

December 13: Catholic Bishops condemn anti-Semitism after Jersey City attack (Catholic News Agency) 

December 13: Robert Jeffrees a pastor who said Jews and other non-Christians were doomed to hell is introduced by President Trump at White House Hanukkah party (JTA)

December 15: Beverly Hills synagogue vandalized on Shabbat (JTA) 

December 16: Jewish students trying to enter Indiana University fraternity party are met with anti-Semitic slurs and physical assault (JTA)

December 17: Anti-Semitic graffiti found outside American Jewish University in LA (Jewish Journal) 

December 17: Israeli-Jewish woman attacked on NYC subway (Jewish Journal)

December 17: Jersey City Mayor calls for resignation of Board of Education Trustee after she calls Jews brutes and suggests people should look into the message the Jersey City terrorists were sending when they killed Jews at the Kosher grocery (Jewish Journal)

December 17: Jersey City shooter believed in anti-Semitic Khazar theory of white Jewish origins (The Forward)

December 17: Three Los Angeles schools targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti (LA ist) 

December 17: Rise in anti-Semitic incidents go beyond recent violent attacks (Wall Street Journal) 

December 18: Vice President Biden vows to fight anti-Semitism (Medium)

December 18: Pennsylvania man arrested in Hawaii in connection with Beverly Hills synagogue vandalism (LA Times) 

December 18: U.S. Special Envoy on Anti-Semitism calls President Trump the most philosemitic president and defends him against charges he says things that are offensive to Jews (Jerusalem Post)

December 18: Charges that school administration at the elite K-12 school, Fieldston, ignore and downplay anti-Semitic incidents (Tablet) 

December 19: In the wake of incidents of anti-Semitism NY state to spend $10 million to protect religous institutions (JTA)

December 19: Joe Biden accuses Trump of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism (JTA)

December 19: Joe Biden accuses Trump of stoking anti-Semitism (Times of Israel) 

December 19: The anti-Semitic conspiracy theory associated with impeachment (Times of Israel) 

December 20: Complaint filed with Department of Education against Columbia University for allowing discrimination against Jewish and Israeli students (Algemeiner)

December 20: An evaluation of the impact on anti-Semitism of the Trump Executive Order on enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (JTA) 

December 20: Twenty-five Jewish members of Congress send letter to President Trump asking him to fire Stephen Miller and stating that charges that criticism of Miller are anti-Semitic are simply false (Scribd) 

December 22: Stephen Miller asserts that there is a deep vein of anti-Semitism running through the Democratic party in the wake of calls for Miller to be fired for his white nationalist views (Daily Mail)

December 20: Man breaks into Yeshiva University dormitory and lights three fires while students are asleep (CNN)

December 21: San Diego State University (SDSU) proposes to invite speakers, including spokesperson for Nation of Islam, with anti-Semitic backgrounds to planned slavery reparations summit (Times of San Diego) 

December 23: SDSU decides not to invite anti-Semitic speakers to summit on reparations (San Diego Union Tirbune)

December 24: Rudy Giuliani says he is more of a Jew then George Soros (New York Times)

December 23: Former TV weather anchor in Milwaukee charges anti-Semitism against station in a federal suit (Milwaukee Jewish Sentinel)

December 24: Rudy Giuliani doubles down on his Soros conspiracy charges (HuffPost) 

December 25: Ann Arbor synagogue sues anti-Israel protestors and city for allowing harassing protest outside synagogue every week during Shabbat (Washington Post)

December 26: Man arrested for an altercation at Teaneck, NJ bagel shop after using anti-Semitic slurs (Times of Israel)

December 26: anti-Semitic signs posted in Vermont for the second time in a month (San Fransisco Chronicle)

December 26:  At least three separate incidents of physical assaults against Jews in NYC over the course of a few days (Talking Points Memo)

December 27: Woman is fourth physical assault this week on Jews of NYC (JTA)

December 27: Two years after retweeting an anti-Semitic article, Valerie Plame is attending services at a Sante Fe synagogue (JTA) 

December 27: A man walked into Chabad Headquarters in Brooklyn and threatens to shoot up the place, a few hours after three Jewish women were harassed and slapped a few blocks away (JTA)

December 27: NYC steps up police patrols in three Brooklyn neighborhoods as well as for other Jewish sites in the city after eight anti-Semitic incidents in two weeks (New York Times)

December 27: Columbia University student files first anti-Semitism complaint since Trump’s executive order (Business & Politics Review) 

December 28: Five wounded in stabbing at Hanukkah party at rabbi’s home in Monsey, NY (New York Times)

December 29: Guardian Angels to begin patrols in Brooklyn neighborhoods to protect Jewish Community (JTA)

December 29: Governor Cuomo calls attack on the home of Monsey rabbi an act of domestic terrorism (JTA)

December 30: Law Enforcement believes suspect in Monsey attack may have beaten and stabbed a Jewish man in November in Monsey (Algemeiner)

December 30: Al Sharpton gathers black leaders to condemn attacks on Jews in the NY metropolitan area (JTA) 

December 30: Suspect in Monsey attack had journals that referenced Hitler (JTA)

December 30: New York City launches three initiatives to combat anti-Semitism (JTA)

December 30: Presiding Bishop of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) speaks out against anti-Semitism (Living Lutheran) 

December 30: UJA Federation New York launches new security initiative, Community Security Initiative, to protect Jewish community and hires Mitchell Silber as Executive Director (UJA Federation New York) 

December 31: Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, calls for quadrupling of funding for security grants for non-profits in the wake of Monsey terrorism (JTA)

December 31: Anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim flyers found on cars in DeKalb County Georgia, home to a significant Jewish population (JTA) 

December 31: What’s behind the new wave of U.S. anti-Semitism? (The Daily Beast) 

December 31: Some progressive Jewish groups, including Jews for Racial and Economic Justice and Jewish Voice for Peace, push back against Mayor De Blasio’s plan to increase police presence in neighborhoods with large Jewish and minority populations (The Guardian) 

December 31: Video of another attack on a Hasidic youth in Brooklyn emerges (Times of Israel)

December 31: Jewish groups to hold solidarity march on Sunday, January 5 to demonstrate solidarity in the wake of anti-Semitic attacks (JTA)


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.

Vatican City

March 4: Vatican will open archive to papers on Pope Pius XII who has been charged as not doing enough to save European Jews during WWII (JTA)

March 8: Pope Francis condemns “depraved hatred” behind wave of anti-Semitism (Times of Israel)

November 13: Pope Francis says anti-Semitism is neither human nor Christian (CNN)


No incidents yet reported for 2019. View last year’s list here.

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