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Foreign Affairs

An Inside Look at What’s Happening in the Palestinian Authority Today: A Wide-Ranging Conversation with Ghaith al-Omari and Nadine Epstein

What are the repercussions of the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel and the resulting Israel-Hamas war for the Palestinian Authority? How are PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Party dealing with issues from settler violence to pro Hamas demonstrations, and a populace that only gets its news from Al Jazeera and doesn’t know what really happened on October 7? Why do ties between Israeli and Palestinian security forces remain strong? Will the crisis push the dysfunctional PA to reform? How are Palestinians within Israel reacting? And who should oversee Gaza after the war? Join Ghaith al-Omari

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Danger on Israel’s Northern Border: Hezbollah and the Failed State of Lebanon with Hanin Ghaddar and Nadine Epstein

Join former Lebanese journalist Hanin Ghaddar, Friedmann Senior Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy in the Linda and Tony Rubin Program on Arab Politics, for a deep dive into the inner workings of Hezbollah, including its leaders and weapons arsenal, its domination of the Lebanese government and economy, Iran’s role, and what we can expect. In conversation with Moment editor Nadine Epstein.

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South Africa: Triumphs and Troubles Since the End of Apartheid with Eve Fairbanks, Steve Friedman and Glenn Frankel

What really happens when a country resolves to end white supremacy? Eve Fairbanks, former Daniel Pearl Investigative Journalism Initiative Fellow and author of the new book, The Inheritors: An Intimate Portrait of South Africa’s Racial Reckoning and Steve Friedman, political scientist at the University of Johannesburg and author of Race, Class and Power: Harold Wolpe and the Radical Critique of Apartheid, speak about the tumultuous three decades since the end of Apartheid, the role Jews played in ending Apartheid and the nation’s triumphs and ongoing troubles. In conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Frankel, author of Rivonia’s Children: Three Families and the Cost of Conscience in White South Africa.

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The Jews of Iran: Antisemitism and the Great Exodus with Roya Hakakian and Sarah Breger

While Jews have lived in Iran for centuries, today’s Jewish community numbers around 10,000, down from 100,000 Jews prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Roya Hakakian, author of Journey from the Land of No: A Girlhood Caught in Revolutionary Iran and A Beginner’s Guide to America: For the Immigrant and the Curious, shares what life was like prior to the revolution, the antisemitism that caused most Jews to flee and what life is like now for the Iranian Jewish community. Hakakian is in conversation with Moment editor Sarah Breger.

This program is part of a Moment series on antisemitism supported by the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.

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Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

The State of Antisemitism in Germany Today with Ambassador Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

Emily Haber, Germany’s Ambassador to the U.S., discusses the current forms and manifestations of antisemitism in Germany, and how it is connected to other European movements. Ambassador Haber is in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered. This program is hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation and co-presented by the German Embassy, Washington.

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