More Five Books
Moment received an overwhelming response to our Big Question, in which we asked a group of rabbis, scholars, educators, authors and artists: What are five must-read books to be an educated Jew? We have been flooded with so many requests for more that we decided to continue the project. Every week, Moment will bring you a new set of recommendations, each from a unique perspective.
Book Review | The Passions of a Prime Minister, Revealed
What quality did people see in David Ben-Gurion that made him indispensable, when so many other qualities made him plainly impossible?
Directors and Dictators: Jewish Films at the Chicago International Film Festival
A preview of some of the films from this year’s Chicago International Film Festival.
Jerome Segal, Jewish Founder of the Bread and Roses Party, on His Presidential Run
Moment editorial fellow Lilly Gelman sat down with third-party presidential candidate Segal to discuss his history, decision to run, campaign and political philosophy.
Five Books to Be an Educated Jew: Part II
Jewish thinkers and doers—including Noah Feldman, Angela Buchdahl, Fania Oz-Salzberger and Joan Nathan—share five recommendations.
Gaga for Israeli Dance
First, there was nation-building folk dance. Then came influences from European expressionism and American modern dance. Now, Israeli dance has come into its own and is in great demand on stages around the world.
Opinion | The Surprising MbS-Netanyahu Connection
Israel has hoped throughout its history to be accepted by its neighbors, no matter how remote the prospect has seemed at times. David Ben-Gurion famously despaired of ever achieving a rapprochement with the Arabs.
Debate | Should American Jews ever criticize Israel? | Absolutely
“Not only do they have a right to critique Israel’s policies, they have a responsibility to do so”.
Five Books to Be An Educated Jew | By Author
Read the full symposium or send us your own selection of books!
Hanan Ashrawi Condemns American-Israeli Relationship
The United States has moved from exhibiting an extreme bias in favor of Israel to being complicit in Israeli crimes and a partner in the occupation, said Hanan Ashrawi Tuesday morning at the Arab Center Conference in Washington, DC.
The Five Books Project
We asked a group of rabbis, scholars, educators, writers, experts and artists to give us their recommendations. This is the first installment of an ongoing project.