Nancy Santanello (PA): ‘I’m Not Into Biden’
My husband and I have provided financial support to five candidates because we want them to stay
My husband and I have provided financial support to five candidates because we want them to stay
From a professional point of view, drug policy is at the top of the list.
The university context is special, because students have a status that allows the university to regulate them qua students—which is very different from the relationship between a citizen and the state.
“I’ve often had access to ‘inside worlds,’ whether it’s media or wealth or celebrity, where I’ve then taken a critical perspective.”
Felipe Goodman (52), a Democrat from Las Vegas, NV, is a Mexican immigrant. He was an assistant rabbi in Mexico
As always, Jewish voters will make sure their candidate is pro-Israel, in the broadest meaning of the term, and then they’ll move on to decide based on issues such as health care, the economy, gun control, etc., like any other voter. All candidates in both parties pass the pro-Israel test.
A preview of some of the films from this year’s Chicago International Film Festival.
As we approach the first yahrtzeit of the Pittsburgh attack, it may be worthwhile taking a moment to look at what has been done, and what still needs to be done, to make sure it is a commemoration of past evil, not a turning point in American Jewish life.
A handy guide to some of the most popular Jewish shows to stream today.
Accusations of treason, disloyalty and espionage are nothing new for the president. In the aftermath of the Ukraine call affair and the impeachment process triggered by it, Trump hurled these accusations at the whistleblower who first reported the issue, and at those who shared the information with the whistleblower.