Jewish Political Voices Project – Swing States and the Jewish Vote

At a time when polls dominate, project founder Nadine Epstein and director Suzanne Borden review preliminary findings from Moment’s unique Jewish Political Voices Project, which has been following real people in real time in 10 swing states. We will also hear directly from participants including former Congresswoman Shelley Berkley from Nevada, Rabbi Dan Levin from Florida, Mark Goldhaber from North Carolina and Ruth Kantrowitz from Wisconsin. Also joining us is Chicago Sun Times Washington Bureau Chief Lynn Sweet.

#ChallahConnected : The Sisterhood of Instagram’s Challah Bakers

Challah is in its moment, having unseated sourdough as the baking task of the pandemic. Challah’s “moment” has lasted centuries, but now it also helps us place ourselves in time, reminding us that it is Friday, as one unreal day flows into the next. We feel a sense of community, a reassuring rhythm as Shabbat approaches, knowing that in Jewish homes all around the world flour is being measured.