Sandra Lawson (NC): ‘If It Stops Being on the News, People Will Stop Caring’

Rabbi Sandra Lawson serves as Jewish educator and associate chaplain for Jewish life at Elon University near Burlington, North Carolina. Since September, Lawson has been a participant in our Jewish Political Voices Project, where Moment is exploring the views of American Jewish voters in the months leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Moment contributor Dan Freedman spoke with Lawson about the recent events surrounding the murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed. 

Jewish Mothers Know Best

That’s why on this past Mother’s Day, we wanted to honor those Jewish moms who work hard to make sure we eat enough, call enough and know how much they care. We asked you, our readers to share some advice and tidbits your Jewish moms gave you and collected the responses in this “Jewish Mothers Know Best” (belated) Mother’s Day special. Some of the advice seems facetious, many of it is expectedly sensible and it all comes from a place of love.