At the University of Maryland, Critics Boycott Israel Fest
Tempestuous wind wasn’t the only thing challenging the University of Maryland’s Israel Fest on April 19.
Tempestuous wind wasn’t the only thing challenging the University of Maryland’s Israel Fest on April 19.
On April 10 I attended the opening ceremony for Lest We Forget, a photo exhibition of Holocaust survivors at the Reflecting Pool by the foot of the Lincoln Memorial.
Freilich speaks with Moment about the threat of the Iranian-Hezbollah-Syrian axis, whether Israel is too dependent on the United States and why Israel cannot let Iran establish a permanent military presence on its border.
Natalie Portman made a political statement: You, Mr. Netanyahu, she said, are not the state.
Narrated by Aaron, a wisecracking 500-year-old African Gray parrot with a penchant for Yiddish puns, the book follows Moishe, a 14-year-old who yearns for adventure after discovering his father’s book of maps.
While the average American enjoys about 88 gallons of water every day, in Cape Town, the daily limit per person is 13.2 gallons—that is, if it wants to avoid “Day Zero,” when the taps run dry.
. After Israel’s establishment, Idelson served in the first five Knessets, where she was also the first woman to serve as deputy speaker.
Supermans religion has never been explicitly acknowledged, and he is not commonly associated with his Jewish roots.
When Moshe Ha Elion sings, his clear, strong voice intones the rise and fall of a life lost too soon.
Twenty-first century Ukraine, as Marci Shore notes in her extraordinarily deft, astute, and riveting new account of the dramatic 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, The Ukrainian Night, was too “heir to the grandeur” of the intentions of Nazism and Communism.