Ask The Rabbis | Does Jewish Law Forbid Racism?
Moment’s Ask The Rabbis asks where the Jewish religion, tradition and text stand on racism
Moment’s Ask The Rabbis asks where the Jewish religion, tradition and text stand on racism
Marge Piercy doesn’t live that far off the beaten track—it’s only Cape Cod, after all—but it feels remote, especially in the off-season. The poet, novelist and longtime feminist activist, who’s now 83, has lived in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, since the 1970s.
The term, historically used to describe an adherent to the ideology of white supremacy, is now thrown around so often that it no longer is always clear what it means. That’s a dangerous trend.
Summer Salad Recipes, Fatoush salad, Charred Eggplant salad, Moroccan carrot, matbucha
Rudolph “Rudi” Gernreich was one of the most prominent fashion designers of the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s. His revolutionary designs and avant-garde collections embodied his vision of fashion as a liberating force that defied conventional ideas of beauty, identity and gender. “Fearless Fashion: Rudi Gernreich,” on view through September 1 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, is the first exhibition to focus on the social and cultural impact of the influential designer’s body of work.
Abraham Joshua Heschel once towered as America’s foremost Jewish public intellectual. In this hour, he might well be the thinker of the hour.
Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time Robert Siegel Review
A review of The World of Aufbau Book by Peter Schrag, written by Jenna Weismann Joselit
Bob Dylan friend Louie Kemp tells of their experiences going to Jewish Herzl camp as kids.
Louie Kemp, Bob Dylan’s lifelong friend and manager of Dylan’s 1975 Rolling Thunder tour, tells about meeting Dylan at camp, their adventures over the years and Dylan’s relationship with Judaism.
The party of Trump is a far cry from the party of Reagan. The concern of the Trump base with immigration, like the language of “America First” or the use of tropes favored by white nationalists are not issues that attract American Jews. It is early days, but I suspect the GOP’s hopes will be dashed once again.