From Yiddish to Hebrew to English, Moment’s Jewish Word sheds light on the origins, evolution and impact of words and phrases that have entered today’s discourse and popular culture.LATEST JEWISH WORD Ask the Rabbis | Are There War Crimes According to Jewish Thought, And If So, What Are They? Jewish Word | The Mizrahi Mosaic Jewish Word | The Jewfro Grows Up and Out ALL JEWISH WORD Jewish Word | Is ‘Good for the Jews’…Good for the Jews? Jewish Word | Mazel Tov! A Toast to Astrology? Jewish Word | ‘Momala’ of the Year Ask the Rabbis | How Do We Balance Civility With Disapproval For Others’ Politics? Jewish Word | Verklempt: The Yiddish Word that Wasn’t Jewish Word | Doikayt: The Jewish Left Is Here Jewish Word | Amalek, Then and Now Jewish Word | The Twisted Path of the Word ‘Genocide’ Jewish Word | Not That Kind of Rabbi Jewish Word | Beware the Fires of Moloch The State of the Jewish State Jewish Word | Israel: What’s in a Name? The Meaning of ‘Semicha’ Jewish Word | ‘Almah’ Grows Up Special Edition | The Making of a Jewish Word Jewish Word | Why We Say ‘Next Year in Jerusalem’ Jewish Word | Shmita: A Sabbath for the Land—and Ourselves Jewish Word | The Hairsplitting Complexity of ‘Talmudic’ Jewish Word // Dybbuk Jewish Word | The Joyful Power of Hallelujah Jewish Word | What Is Cancel Culture—and What Does Judaism Say About It? Jewish Word | Pikuach Nefesh Can I Get An Amen? Jewish Word | The Mourner’s Kaddish Jewish Word | Jews of Color Jewish Word | When the Past Is Present and the Present Is Past Jewish Word | Challah Jewish Word | Emet Jewish Word | Bark Mitzvah Jewish Word | The Wandering Jew Jewish Word | Is Everyone a White Supremacist? Jewish Word | Israeli Elections Slogans Get Personal Jewish Word | Shamash Jewish Word | Fake Jews Jewish Word | Maven Jewish Word | When a Knish Is More Than a Knish A Short History of Little Words Jewish Word | Golem The Semantics of Antisemitism Is Normalization Normal? Ask The Rabbis // How Do We Balance Civility With Disapproval For Others’ Politics? Jewish Word // Blood libel Jewish Word // Blitspost (Email), tekstl (text), zikhele (selfie) & more Jewish Word // Yiches Jewish Word // Bible Jewish Word // BDS Jewish Word // Baal Teshuvah Jewish Word // Gentile Jewish Word // Glitch Jewish Word // Judeans Jewish Word // “Zaftig” Jewish Word // “NJB” Jewish Word // Kinehora Jewish Word // Haredi Jewish Word // Philistine Jewish Word / Sechel Jewish Word | Beshert Jewish Word | Yerida Jewish Word | Ghetto Jewish Word | Moser Jewish Word | Tsuris Jewish Word // Dybbuk Jewish Word | The God Gene Jewish Word | The Rabbinic Way of Fiction Jewish Word | A Word Fit for a King Jewish Word | Proud and Prickly with a Soft Heart Jewish Word | The Many Meanings of Passover A Lesson in Sexy and Sexist Hebrew Slang OTHER DEPARTMENTS BIG QUESTIONS READ MORE → TALK OF THE TABLE READ MORE → ASK THE RABBIS READ MORE → VISUAL MOMENT READ MORE →