Moment Zoominar: Stolen Legacy—Nazi Theft and the Quest for Justice with Dina Gold

Stolen Legacy—Nazi Theft and Jewish Repatriation

When she was growing up in England, Moment senior editor Dina Gold used to listen to her grandmother’s stories about her glamorous life in 1920s Berlin and of her dreams of one day recovering the building which, she claimed, had been stolen from the family by the Nazis, Dina talks about her search to unearth the details of her long-dead grandmother’s claims and the legal case she launched to recover the property.

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Ira Anti-Semitism Monitor

The Unfortunate Convergence of Antisemitism and COVID-19 with Ira Forman

Ira N. Forman, Moment Institute’s Senior Fellow and former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and Nadine Epstein, Moment Editor-in-Chief, discuss the impact of the coronavirus and anti-Semitism being seen around the world.

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