Growing Up Funny with Jewish Comedian Rachel Creeger and Author Michael Krasny

London-based comedian Rachel Creeger, cohost of the podcast, “Jew Talkin’ To Me?”, talks about growing up in a traditional home and listening to the men in the family tell jokes on Shabbat and how it feels to now be the only Orthodox Jewish woman on the British comedy circuit. Rachel is in conversation with Michael Krasny, retired public radio host of KQED Forum and the author of Let There Be Laughter: A Treasury of Great Jewish Humor and What It All Means.

Both Rachel and Michael are part of the Moment Symposium “What is Your Favorite Jewish Joke – And Why?”

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Moment Zoominar: Jews, Music and the American Dream with Musicians Ben Sidran and Joe Alterman

Jews, Music and the American Dream with Musicians Ben Sidran and Joe Alterman

Jews have always been at the forefront of American popular music. Musician and music producer Ben Sidran, author of There Was A Fire: Jews, Music and the American Dream talks about: Who is a Jew in America? What is Jewish about popular music in America? What’s the prognosis for the future? Ben is in conversation with pianist Joe Alterman, executive director of Neranenah Concert & Culture Series, which celebrates Jewish contributions to music and the arts.

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Why we still write Holocaust fiction with Authors Ruby Namdar, Ruth Franklin and Nadine Epstein

Authors Ruby Namdar (The Ruined House), Ruth Franklin (A Thousand Darknesses: Lies and Truth in Holocaust Fiction) and Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein (Elie Wiesel: An Extraordinary Life) discuss the enduring power–and perils–of Holocaust fiction.

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The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter with Historian Kai Bird and Journalist Dan Raviv

President Carter, who was considered both an outsider and an outlier, dealt with many issues the United States is still dealing with today: healthcare, racism, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and biographer Kai Bird is in conversation about his new book The Outlier: The Unfinished Presidency of Jimmy Carter with former CBS News correspondent Dan Raviv

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Dina Porat and Mark Weitzman

How Should We Define Antisemitism—and Who Should Define It? with Dina Porat and Mark Weitzman

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism has been endorsed by 30 countries and hundreds of organizations worldwide yet remains the subject of fierce debate. Dina Porat, head of the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University and Mark Weitzman, director of government affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, are in conversation with Ira Forman, Moment Institute Senior Fellow and former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, about what’s behind the debate and what’s at stake. Malcolm Hoenlein, vice chair and William Daroff, CEO, of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations also participate.

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Nahum Barnea

An Interview with Nahum Barnea

In an exclusive interview with Moment senior editor George E. Johnson, Israel Prize-winning journalist Nahum Barnea offers fresh insights on how Naftali Bennett, Israel’s new Prime Minister, will govern and why it may be different in both method and substance from his predecessor and from what people may have assumed based on policy positions and priorities Bennett has espoused as a member of Benjamin Netanyahu’s inner circle. Barnea focuses on how President Biden’s long experience and record in Middle East politics presents opportunities for Israel in the years ahead regarding the region and Iran in particular, and why Bennett will depart from Netanyahu’s approach to seeking allies among Americans in general and among American Jews.

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Women Resistance Fighters

Women Resistance Fighters during the Holocaust with Author Judy Batalion, Filmmaker Aviva Kempner and Psychologist Eva Fogelman

Judy Batalion, author of The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos discusses the young women who found different ways of fighting back against the Nazis, with filmmaker Aviva Kempner, who produced and conceived of the film Partisans of Vilna: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance during World War II. The program is moderated by psychologist Dr. Eva Fogelman, a pioneer in the treatment of psychological effects of the Holocaust on survivors and their descendants and author of Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust.

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Dan and Jonathan Glickman Dan Glickman Zoominar image

Laughing at Myself with Father and Son Duo – former Congressman Dan Glickman and Hollywood producer Jonathan Glickman

Dan Glickman has done it all – from serving in the U.S. House of Representative to becoming the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to serving as Chairman of the Motion Picture Association. In his new book, Laughing at Myself: My Education in Congress, on the Farm, and at the Movies, Dan shares how a Jewish midwestern kid with Russian and Eastern European immigrant grandparents made his way from Kansas to Washington, DC and Hollywood and survived to tell the story. Glickman is interviewed by his son, Hollywood producer and former president of MGM Motion Picture Group, Jonathan Glickman. Held in celebration of Father’s Day.

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To All Who Call in Truth with Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren and Journalist A.J. Jacobs

Former Israeli ambassador to the United States, former Knesset member, historian and prolific author Michael Oren discusses his latest novel, To All Who Call in Truth, a story about passion, betrayal, adolescence, and murder, drawing on his own experiences as a teenager growing up in New Jersey in the early 1970s. He also talks about current events in Israel. Michael is in conversation with journalist and bestselling New York Times author A.J. Jacobs.

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Jewish Pioneers in Television: The Next Generation with TV Historians Walter J. Podrazik and Harry Castleman

TV became the preeminent communication force in society from the 1960s onward, with Jews at the creative and business forefront. Walter J. Podrazik and Harry Castleman continue their entertaining survey of the medium’s history with a focus on influential figures such as Fred Silverman, Brandon Tartikoff, Barry Diller and Sumner Redstone and the groundbreaking shows they brought to the screen such as Seinfeld, Happy Days, Charlie’s Angels, Hill Street Blues, The Cosby Show, The Simpsons and The Big Bang Theory plus made-for-TV movies and miniseries such as Roots. Their achievements paved the way for the growth of cable, and eventually streaming.

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Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

The State of Antisemitism in Germany Today with Ambassador Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

Emily Haber, Germany’s Ambassador to the U.S., discusses the current forms and manifestations of antisemitism in Germany, and how it is connected to other European movements. Ambassador Haber is in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered. This program is hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation and co-presented by the German Embassy, Washington.

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What’s Next for Israel & Gaza with Middle East Analyst Aaron David Miller and Moment’s Nathan Guttman

A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is in place, but tensions remain high. What made this outbreak of war different? Will the violence and unrest impact the Abraham Accords—and the region? What can be done, if anything, to end the cycle of violence? Middle East analyst and negotiator Aaron David Miller is interviewed by journalist Nathan Guttman.

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