Jewish Identity in a Post October 7 World with Sarah Hurwitz and Amy E. Schwartz

Join Sarah Hurwitz for a wide-open conversation about her Jewish journey, what she has learned from Jewish students on college campuses and what she thinks Jewish tradition can teach us in this moment.

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The New World of Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism on Campus with Sarah Breger, Sharon Nazarian and Amy E. Schwartz

Join Moment editor Sarah Breger for a conversation with Dr. Sharon Nazarian, former ADL Senior Vice President in International Affairs, and an academic at UCLA, about the impact Anti-Zionism and antisemitism is having on academia and the implications it will have for Jewish life on campus in the future.

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Moment editor Jennifer Bardi and virologist Dr. Peter J. Hoetz

The Short Leap from Anti-science to Antisemitism with Peter Hotez and Jennifer Bardi

Dr. Peter J. Hotez join us for a conversation about antiscience and antisemitism, the connections between the “health freedom” movement and the far right, the dangers vaccine scientists face, and what can be done to stop the spread of these conspiracy theories.

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A View from the Gulf States with Bahraini journalist Ahdeya Al Sayed and Nadine Epstein

Bahraini journalist Ahdeya Al Sayed, editor-in-chief of the Times of Bahrain discusses the history and importance of Bahraini-Israeli relations, antisemitism in the Arab world and how the Israel-Hamas War is viewed in various Gulf States.

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The Rise of Antisemitism since October 7th with Ira N. Forman and Sarah Breger

Join Ira N. Forman, former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism for an important conversation about the current state of antisemitism around the globe since October 7th.

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What is the U.N. doing to Fight Antisemitism? A Wide-Open Conversation with U.N. Special Advisor Alice Wairimu Nderitu and Noah Phillips

Join the undersecretary for a wide-open conversation about why she believes the United Nations should be playing a bigger role in fighting antisemitism and what that looks like; her visit to Auschwitz; and what it’s like to be a mediator.

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Asian AND Jewish: An Insider & Outsider Perspective with Maryam Chishti, Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin and Michael Krasny

Join Maryam Chishti, Co-Executive Director of The LUNAR Collective and Jacqueline Mates-Muchin, the first Chinese-American rabbi and senior rabbi at Temple Sinai in Oakland, CA, for a frank conversation with former public radio host Michael Krasny about the joys and struggles of being both Jewish and Asian.

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Antisemitism, World War II and FDR’s “Arsenal of Democracy” with Craig Nelson and Dan Raviv

Join historian Craig Nelson, author of the new book “V is for Victory: Franklin Roosevelt’s American Revolution and the Triumph of World War II,” for a conversation about how FDR’s leadership transformed the United States and helped defeat the Nazis.

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