By Michelle Albert
The CCAR, a group that represents over 2000 Reform rabbis, decided to turn the trend of interfaith marriage to their advantage by promoting...
By Caroline Kessler
As Tu B'Shivat quickly approaches, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that some settlements will remain a part of Israel. Naturally, the New York Times...
By Caroline Kessler
I’ve realized that the world of writing about all things Jewish is small—or perhaps the powerful juggernaut that is the Internet just makes...
By Sarah Breger
What you missed this weekend while playing in the snow:
Chelsea Clinton agreed to wed a Jew. We rejoiced. We investigated the mishpacha. We...
By Sarah Breger
Last week's news of Nofrat Frenkel's arrest for wearing a Taalit at the Western Wall caused outrage among those concerned (and frustrated by)...
By Sarah Breger
Today’s the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. But 150 years later the relationship between science...
By Sarah Breger
For religiously observant employees, the decision to "rock the boat" in the workplace is a tricky one. If you keep Hallal should you...
By Maxine Springer
A new series of postage stamps celebrating four U.S. justices includes Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, two of seven Jewish justices in the...