By Jeremy Gillick
In February of 2008, the Republic of Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia. Now, as the country of two million--almost all of whom...
By Jeremy Gillick
Evidence of the approaching end-times, a society gone-psycho, or just more proof that humans are weird?
In the first tale, Haaretz reports that a...
By Jeremy Gillick
As the Israeli election enters its final stretch (polls close at 10 P.M. Israel time), with Kadima leader Tzipi Livni surprisingly ahead in...
By Jeremy Gillick
Two years ago, Ha'aretz correspondent Lily Galili profiled the right wing Israeli politician and founder of the Yisrael Beiteinu ("Israel is our Home")...
By Jeremy Gillick
Following celebrations in Kiev in honor of the 150th anniversary of Sholom Aleichem's birth, developers destroyed his house.
The great Yiddish writer would...
By Jeremy Gillick
Yes, it's true. Barack Obama has ordered Guantanamo closed. That's big news, at least symbolically. But the bigger news, the decision that could...
To read more about the alliance between Jews and Blacks, check out our January/February cover story.
Photo courtesy of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism....
By Jeremy Gillick
Bombing Gaza might not force Hamas--the Palestinian version of the Muslim Brotherhood that rules it--to moderate its hatred of Israel or its hostility...
Our new issue is out! Our cover story celebrates the inauguration of Barack Obama with an exclusive photo essay spotlighting the political alliance of Jews...
By Jeremy Gillick
Sholom Aleichem, the revered 19th century writer whose earnest, incredulous and good-natured humor came to define a century of Jewish jokes, is back....
By Jeremy Gillick
While the economic crisis may spell Birthright's demise, New Voices editor Josh Nathan-Kazis argues that the famously free trip to Israel has already...