Jewish World

Moment‘s Israel coverage provides in-depth analysis, on-the-ground reporting, insightful interviews and more. From politics to poetry to people, Moment has everything you need to stay in the know about the state of the Jewish state.


Jo Kent Katz discusses ancestral trauma

Jo Kent Katz on the Continuing Impact of Ancestral Trauma

It takes a lot for me to trust that someone knows about, or cares about, the survival of my people. And I need to hear it, and I need to hear it several times, in order to quell the fear that I have inside of me that says that they don’t care, they don’t have our backs, and that we could all just be annihilated and that would be better according to whoever they are.

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Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

The State of Antisemitism in Germany Today with Ambassador Emily Haber and Robert Siegel

Emily Haber, Germany’s Ambassador to the U.S., discusses the current forms and manifestations of antisemitism in Germany, and how it is connected to other European movements. Ambassador Haber is in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered. This program is hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation and co-presented by the German Embassy, Washington.

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Indian Jewish Wedding

Tragedy in Chennai

While Americans are busy deciding which restaurant to eat inside at and planning parties, COVID-19 is raging at its highest levels ever worldwide. Tragedy, in particular, is unfolding day after day in India, which is struggling to vaccinate and care for its people, including its approximately 6,000 Jews. In order to bring much needed attention to this crisis, Moment is publishing a letter from Nancy Brim about how COVID-19 has affected her Jewish family living in Chennai, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

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The Rise of Antisemitism in France with French Journalist Marc Weitzmann and Robert Siegel

French journalist Marc Weitzmann, author of Hate: The Rising Tide of Anti-Semitism in France in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered, about the history and current state of anti-Semitism facing the Jews of France.

This program is hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.

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