Opinion // An Israeli in Paris
“So, you’re probably not coming…” my daughter said with a mixture of fear and resignation…
“So, you’re probably not coming…” my daughter said with a mixture of fear and resignation…
In the early 20th century, Jews continued to use “goy” when speaking among themselves, but “gentile” became the word of choice in public discourse.
The recent English-language publication of Yitzhak Gormezano Goren’s Alexandrian Summer, writes Juliana Maio, attests to the fact that the story of the Jews of the Arab world, long neglected, is ready to be heard.
Lev returns from the park eager for breakfast. He pulls his chair across the tired linoleum and calls out, “Won’t you join me? Your show can wait.” He hates the way he sounds, like a grown man coaxing a cat from a tree…
What is our responsibility as Jews toward Syrian refugees?
Ethiopian food, famous for its spicy stews and the spongy flatbread called injera, burst onto the international food scene—especially in the United States—in the 1970s and 1980s, when thousands of Ethiopians fled political turmoil in their home country.
Today there are myriad ways to support Israel. Here are ten ways to get started.
A Moment Symposium // Interviews With Assaf Benmelech, Aaron Leibowitz, Rachel Levmore, Shlomo Riskin, Bambi Sheleg, David Stav, Adin Steinsaltz, Yedidia Stern, Diana Villa, Avi Weiss, Moshe Weiss, Dov Zakheim. Plus a comment by Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau
Mina Yuditskaya Berliner, a retired teacher of German, could be forgiven for feeling surprised when one of her former students invited her for tea after almost half a century. Berliner, now 94, hadn’t seen him since she made aliyah to Israel from the USSR in 1973. But in 2005, the former student came to Israel to visit—an official visit, no less, the first ever made by a Soviet or Russian leader.
Warren Richey, a staff writer for The Christian Science Monitor, explored this sophisticated recruitment machine in a recent seven-part series called “ISIS In America.” Moment speaks with Richey about how ISIS reels in Western teens and what can be done.
Australian-born, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and former journalist Geraldine Brooks has made her mark with daring fictional reimaginings of some of the most iconic figures in history and literature. A convert to Judaism, Brooks delved into Jewish history in her 2008 novel, People of the Book, which recounts the journey of the Sarajevo Haggadah through centuries of war and strife.