Seven Decades of Israeli Art
To mark the 70th anniversary of Israel’s independence, Moment asks curators from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and Ben-Gurion University to choose outstanding works of art from each decade.
From The Editor | May/June 2018
On my way to the gleaming airport named after him, I wondered what David Ben-Gurion and his fellow pioneers—Israel’s greatest generation—would think of their country today.
Opinion | Natalie Portman: A Role Model for Diaspora Jews
Natalie Portman made a political statement: You, Mr. Netanyahu, she said, are not the state.
Spotlight: Beba Idelson
. After Israel’s establishment, Idelson served in the first five Knessets, where she was also the first woman to serve as deputy speaker.
Photos | The Holy Land 1000
Fifty Years Later, the Battle That Never Ended
The core idea behind that operation, and many others to follow, was the belief that we Israelis can solve our dispute with the Palestinians by first vanquishing them in the battlefield. If only we’ll be stronger militarily—if not morally—the problem will somehow solve itself. Of course, it never did.
The Epic Battle In Hollywood Over The Holy Land
In The City Where Myths Are Made, The Israeli And Palestinian Storyline Is Always In Rewrite.
Opinion | Bibi Abroad Vs. Bibi at Home
It’s been a roller-coaster two weeks for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—from the triumph of AIPAC to the discontent and rancor at home in Jerusalem.
Opinion | Should Israel Deport African Asylum Seekers? | Yes, It Should
We need to bear witness to the Talmudic dictum, “The poor people living in your own city come first.”
Opinion | Rethinking Threats to Israel
Whatever the intensity of the anti-Israel voices rising from BDS and other anti-Israel advocacy organizations, they do not threaten our country’s national security.
An Interview With Sheik Mowafaq Tafik, Spiritual Leader of the Israeli Druze
The Druze religion has one million adherents, mainly in Syria and Lebanon. There are 140,000 in Israel, most of whom live in the north.