The Epic Battle In Hollywood Over The Holy Land
In The City Where Myths Are Made, The Israeli And Palestinian Storyline Is Always In Rewrite.
In The City Where Myths Are Made, The Israeli And Palestinian Storyline Is Always In Rewrite.
It’s been a roller-coaster two weeks for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—from the triumph of AIPAC to the discontent and rancor at home in Jerusalem.
We need to bear witness to the Talmudic dictum, “The poor people living in your own city come first.”
Whatever the intensity of the anti-Israel voices rising from BDS and other anti-Israel advocacy organizations, they do not threaten our country’s national security.
The Druze religion has one million adherents, mainly in Syria and Lebanon. There are 140,000 in Israel, most of whom live in the north.
Updates on Israel’s progress in the Winter Olympics.
On Saturday an Iranian drone entered Israeli airspace and was shot down by an Israeli helicopter a minute and a half later.
Ten years ago, only around 6 percent of Israeli Jews self-identified as Reform or Conservative. Today, that number has grown to 11 percent.
The year 2017 was another rocky one in the relationship between Israel and many American Jews, punctuated by conflict over matters once considered common ground. Some controversies—including a backlash over comments about American Jews’ military service by Israeli deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely—suggest a level of misunderstanding that could end up harming both sides.
Although she was a trailblazer, second-wave feminists in the 1960s disliked her, and she returned their ire, describing them as “crazy women who burn their bras and…hate men.” Meir resented attempts to turn her into a feminist icon.
What is the role of Jewish law in the life of a Jewish state? The question might seem abstract, but the Knesset has been debating it heatedly for months, often in discussions that deteriorate into shouting matches.
“Let’s be honest about what occurred: This was a political decision.”