Are You There God? It's Me, Moment
Are You There God? It’s Me, Moment
Speaking Volumes | Crying for Jean Valjean
I read Les Misérables when I was 25, studying at the London School of Economics. I was searching for my path. I’d spent several years as a journalist and was considering trying to make a go of it as a foreign correspondent.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin: Two Bat Mitzvahs, 60 Years Apart
That Great Big Jewish Alaska
What We’re Reading–The Musical Edition
From the Editor
Book Reviews
Kosher Nation: Why More and More of America’s Food Answers to a Higher Authority
reviewed by Robin Aronson
10 Commandments 2.0
These ancient laws, long central to our way of life, have become a divisive symbol. Do they still matter? Or is it time for an upgrade? A range of American thinkers speak up, and be warned—they don’t agree on much. (See related stories on pages 21 and 24.)
The Other Rosenbergs
They had the wrong name at the wrong time in the wrong place. Moment investigates discrimination against Jews who worked for the U.S. Army Signal Corps at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey in the wake of Julius Rosenberg’s arrest.