Not With a Bang but
With a Whimper
(My mother died & the world did not end)
How I wish it were
apocalyptically dramatic—
the end of the world
burning books...
Jewish Routes | Washington, DC
In Celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month
Jews have had a major presence in Washington, DC, ever since young land speculator Isaac Polock arrived in 1795...
Book Review / Menachem Begin: A Life
Martin Indyk reviews “Menachem Begin: A Life,” by Avi Shilon
The Story of Sergey Brin
It takes a bit of searching to find Sergey Brin’s office at the Googleplex. Tucked away in a corner of Building #43 on this sprawling...
Funnyman Carl Reiner
The legendary Reiner riffs on his best pal Mel Brooks, talks comedy, reveals his favorite TV show and recites his most-loved Yiddish curses.
From the Editor
The Jewish people are time-tested “experts” when it comes to prejudice. Over millennia, we have experienced its many manifestations, from
Passover Quiz | Test Your Haggadah IQ
Test your knowledge of Passover trivia, from oldest known complete Haggadah manuscript to Barack Obama’s White House seder.
Wine: Ambrosia of the Jews
The Torah is full of oenophiles: One of Noah’s first actions after emerging from the ark is to plant a vineyard, and the Five Books...
Einstein and His God
At home in Berlin in April 1929, Albert Einstein received an urgent telegram from Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein of New York: “Do you believe in...
Israeli Soccer Player and Pianist to Perform in Venezuela
By Ilona Oltuski
Pianist Elisha Abas – Scriabin in the Genes
The ante has just been upped: at the personal request of powerhouse conductor, Gustavo Dudamel, pianist...
From the Moment Bookshelf: Books in Brief
Books in Brief: Senior editor Eileen Lavine reviews new and forthcoming titles
A Grain of Truth by Zygmunt Miloszewski (translated from the Polish) is an unusual crime story...