The Allure and Danger of the Strongman with Kati Marton and Jennifer Bardi
Hungarian-born author and journalist Kati Marton will discuss the enduring appeal of the strongman-style leadership and the dangers it entails.
Hungarian-born author and journalist Kati Marton will discuss the enduring appeal of the strongman-style leadership and the dangers it entails.
Join Joel Chasnoff and Benji Lovitt, co-authors of the book Israel 201: Your Next Level Guide to the Magic and Mystery and Chaos of Life in the Holy Land for a conversation about everyday Israel and the stories you won’t hear on the news.
Dr. Peter J. Hotez join us for a conversation about antiscience and antisemitism, the connections between the “health freedom” movement and the far right, the dangers vaccine scientists face, and what can be done to stop the spread of these conspiracy theories.
Join Ira N. Forman, former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism for an important conversation about the current state of antisemitism around the globe since October 7th.
Join Suleiman, a retired Harvard professor and author of the new memoir Daughter of History: Traces of an Immigrant Girlhood and Moment Book and Opinion editor Amy E. Schwartz for a conversation about growing up with dueling identities as well as the significance of everyday objects and how they evoke memories of our past.
When I started hosting weekly zoominars for Moment at the start of the pandemic, I never could have imagined that it would bring my husband, Joe, closer to his birth mother.
With Super Tuesday behind us and the field now narrowed to former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, we asked participants in the Jewish Political Voices Project who they now support for the Democratic nomination and their thoughts on the race thus far.
As we head into Super Tuesday, we asked participants in the Jewish Political Voices Project whether they have changed their candidate choices following the first three contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.
The first known bark mitzvah took place in 1958 in Beverly Hills, California.
Immediately following each presidential debate, we will survey the 30 participants in our Jewish Political Voices Project to get their reaction to the candidates’ performances and the debate’s impact on the campaign.