Jewish Word // Yiches
When Academy Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow appeared on NBC’s hit show “Who Do You Think You Are?” she was delighted to discover that her paternal great-great-great grandfather, Tzvi Hirsch, was a prominent rabbi, kabbalist and purported miracle-worker in Novogrod, Poland…
Elisha Wiesel Remembers His Father
“Whenever I want to hear my father’s voice, I can pick up a book from my bedside and I can hear him speak.”
Israel: A Mosaic of Ethnic Cuisines
Israel’s vibrant food scene has made this small Mediterranean country one of the most exciting culinary destinations in the world…
Shadows in the Golden Land
Myanmar has finally emerged from decades of military dictatorship. But its new democratic government has yet to confront the persecution of the country’s Muslim minority.
Venice, the Jews and Europe: 1516-2016
On March 29, 1516, the Venetian Senate, under the leadership of Doge Leonardo Loredan, decreed that “Jews must all live together” in a guarded and enclosed area of the city…
Book Review // Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer
Review by Geraldine Brooks // The greater part, the best part, the sometimes brilliant part of Jonathan Safran Foer’s new novel Here I Am takes place in this moment between that crunch of impact and inevitable fragmentation. What’s at stake is a marriage. The crunch of impact is the moment when a wife finds her husband’s secret second cellphone and reads the graphic sexual messages it contains…
Opinion // Hillary the Hawk
Clinton’s foreign policy may surprise her opponents—and her supporters.
Opinion // Israel Is Sitting This One Out
Even Bibi Netanyahu has gone quiet on this year’s U.S. presidential election.
Opinion // I’m Just Saying No To Hillary Clinton
Why Donald Trump is the best option for Israel—and America.
Opinion// Left or Right? Neither Side Feels Safe
What are Jews to do in an election season that features Trump, BDS and BLM?
From the Editor // Nadine Epstein
This summer we lost Elie Wiesel, a great and kind man who was an inspiration to me. Moment has now lost both of its founders, and I, two friends. Without Elie and Leibel—Leonard Fein—it is more important than ever that Moment continue its work and carry on their legacies.