Is Free Speech Under Fire on Campus?

Over the past few months, a series of student protests has erupted across the United States on campuses such as Amherst, Dartmouth, Ithaca, the University of Missouri and Yale. While the specific spark of each protest has differed, their substance has been of like mind: Students are contending that their administrations have neglected an obligation to address bigotry, discrimination and intolerance, and specifically racism.

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Synagogues to Scale: “Modeling the Synagogue” at Yeshiva University Museum

When New York’s Yeshiva University Museum first opened its doors in April 1973, its core collection consisted of a series of ceremonial objects recovered from Nazi Europe and a striking collection of ten accurately rendered, intricately detailed scale models of historic synagogues. Now, for the first time in nearly three decades, all ten models are once more on display.

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