The Soul of Israel: Lost in Translation with Daniel Gordis and Amy E. Schwartz

Join author Daniel Gordis, creator of the Israel from the Inside blog and podcast for a discussion about what non-Hebrew speakers don’t always get about what’s happening in Israel and share insights into the country’s soul and future.

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Michael Berenbaum and Marion Ein Lewin

How A Set of Twins Survived the Holocaust Together with Michael Berenbaum and Marion Ein Lewin

Join Marion Lewin and Holocaust Scholar Michael Berenbaum for a conversation about what they experienced and how they survived, a remarkable story documented in the new book Inseparable: The Hess Twins’ Holocaust Journey through Bergen-Belsen to America by Faris Cassell.

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The Importance of Storytelling in the Black and Jewish Communities with Eric K. Ward, Nadine Epstein, Adam Mansbach and Langston Collin Wilkins

A conversation about the importance of folklore in both the Black and Jewish communities, from the golem and Anansi the Spider to Hip Hop and Jewish Jokes.

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Black-Jewish Relations: Coming Together to Fight Racism and Antisemitism with Rochelle L. Ford and Nadine Epstein

Join Dr. Rochelle L. Ford, President of Dillard University in New Orleans, for a conversation about why she made the decision to revitalize the university’s National Center for Black-Jewish Relations which was first founded in 1989 and how the two communities can build relationships to fight hate.

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Coming Together for an Inspiring Moment Program with Anne Applebaum, Dorit Beinisch, Esther Safran Foer, Lauren Holtzblatt, Dara Horn, Eric K. Ward, Robert Siegel and many others

As Moment enters its 50th year, we are making the inspiring 2023 Moment Gala and Awards Benefit available to our community members. Writer Dara Horn speaks eloquently about antisemitism (after a moving introduction...

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The Israel-Hamas War: Updates and Analysis (Part 3) with Aaron David Miller and Robert Siegel

What’s going on behind the scenes in Israel, Gaza, the U.S., throughout the Middle East and the world? Is the Israel-Hamas war going to come to an end soon, and what constitutes a successful end for Israel? Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and Moment contributor Robert Siegel , return for another conversation to address these and other pressing questions.

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Susan Neiman and Robert Siegel

How the “Woke” Movement is Undermining its own Goals and Unintentionally Pushing Society to the Right with Susan Neiman and Robert Siegel

American Philosopher Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany and Moment contributor Robert Siegel, former host of NPR’s All Things Considered, discuss Neiman’s latest book Left is Not Woke and clarify the dangerous confusion surrounding the word and the movement.

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