It’s Stephen Miller Time
The pressure was building, and Donald Trump didn’t like it one bit. It was the spring of 2017, and the still-new president was growing ever angrier. “Where’s my Roy Cohn?” Trump blurted out in frustration.
The pressure was building, and Donald Trump didn’t like it one bit. It was the spring of 2017, and the still-new president was growing ever angrier. “Where’s my Roy Cohn?” Trump blurted out in frustration.
With Syria in turmoil, the Kurds in flight and its own government in prolonged limbo, the last thing Israel probably wants to worry about right now is an American impeachment process.
No less surprising than Trump’s decision to withdraw forces from Northern Syria, following a single phone call with Turkey’s Erdogan, was the new defiant energy this move injected in the Republican Party. After sticking with Trump as he struggled to explain the Ukrainian affair, members of his party suddenly found their voice.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump are using similar tactics to attack the media and question the democratic process.
Israeli Elections Round Two see Netanyahu and Blue and White Gantz going head to head, with President Trump coming into fold
While some assertions, such as “The Protocols,” declare Jews more loyal to their religious counterparts across the globe, others, such as the Dreyfus Affair, simply declare Jewish people disloyal to their country of residence or citizenship and its ideology or values. For example, according to Golinkin, Jews in Russia were accused of supporting anti-Communist efforts, while in fascist Europe, Jews were accused of promoting Communist ideals.
On Trump’s Jewish Disloyalty comments, fallout could have been avoided or mitigated, but no electoral gain for Democrats.
Democrats Go on AIPACIsrael Trip, Donald Trump and White Supremacy, Jewish Vote in 2020
The United States has moved from exhibiting an extreme bias in favor of Israel to being complicit in Israeli crimes and a partner in the occupation, said Hanan Ashrawi Tuesday morning at the Arab Center Conference in Washington, DC.
Trump administration’s Peace for Prosperity, Middle East Peace plan economic part released, Bahrain conference announced yet details and Palestinian cooperation unclear