Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Siegel: A Conversation on Antisemitism

Join Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Siegel for a conversations on anti-Semitism, hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation.

Deborah Lipstadt, author of Antisemitism Here and Now, is a professor at Emory University and is best known for having won a libel suit brought against her in London by David Irving, one of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers. The story of this trial was depicted in the film DENIAL with Academy Award winning actor Rachel Weisz depicting Deborah.

Robert Siegel is the former senior host of NPR’s award-winning evening newsmagazine All Things Considered.

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The Growing Threat from Domestic Antisemitism with Holly Huffnagle and Ira Forman

With the rise of multiple forms of anti-Semitism in the United States in recent years, what are the implications of this growing threat to United States Jewry and what can be done to counter this evolving menace? Holly Huffnagle, American Jewish Committee’s U.S. director for Combating Anti-Semitism is in conversation with Ira Forman, former U.S. State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and director of Moment’s Anti-Semitism Monitor.

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Are People Tired of Middle East Peace Progress?

Remember when Donald Trump first ran for office in 2016 and promised that “we’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning”? Well, it’s a matter of anyone’s political persuasion to judge just how much America has been winning in the past four years and whether there really are people out there who are sick and tired of winning.
But to paraphrase Trump’s promise, could people be sick and tired of too much Middle East peace?

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Is Singling Out Jewish Campaign Donors Anti-Semitic?

There’s a foolproof way of knowing election season is here—just wait for someone to make a Jewish money reference. The tighter the race, the more likely you are to hear something along the lines of “outside donors” or “Wall Street money,” or just the casual listing of top donors, all of whom happen to be Jewish.

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