Opinion | Would Jesus Get the Vaccine?
In March, Franklin Graham, the culture warrior evangelist and vociferous defender of former President Donald Trump, urged Christians to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The State of Antisemitism in Germany Today with Ambassador Emily Haber and Robert Siegel
Emily Haber, Germany’s Ambassador to the U.S., discusses the current forms and manifestations of antisemitism in Germany, and how it is connected to other European movements. Ambassador Haber is in conversation with Robert Siegel, Moment special literary contributor and former senior host of NPR’s All Things Considered. This program is hosted by Moment Magazine with the support of the Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation and co-presented by the German Embassy, Washington.
Watching Israel’s Political Drama Through a Jewish American Lens
Bibi could somehow peel off a couple of wavering right-wing members from the new coalition and force another round of elections. It’s extremely unlikely, but, as opposed to storming Capitol Hill, it is a legal option.
Henry Ford and Antisemitism Between World War I & World War II with Historians Pam Nadell and Daniel Greene
In the years between World War I and World War II, American society became increasingly xenophobic and prejudiced against minorities; these years also are considered the apogee of American antisemitism. One man, perhaps more than any other, played an outsized role in disseminating it. His name was Henry Ford.
What the Gaza Violence Has Taught Us so Far
It’s not about progressive circles questioning America’s unconditional support for Israel, nor is it about the far-left margins of the party that reject the mere idea of supporting Israel. It is about centrist Democrats willing to break rank and express views that—while still supportive of Israel—doubt Israel’s goals and question the tactics in the ongoing Gaza conflict.
Mayim Bialik Is Back—Though Was She Ever Really Gone?
It feels like Mayim Bialik is everywhere. She is talking about mental health on her new podcast “The Breakdown with
Why Comedians Love Jewish Mothers & More with Comedian Judy Gold
For veteran stand-up comedian Judy Gold, turning overbearing Jewish mothers into a shtick is an act of love and reverence.
Dispatch from a Mourning Israel
This dispatch comes to you from Israel, a nation still trying to overcome the loss of 45 lives during a Lag B’omer celebration on Mount Meron last Thursday.
Shavuot: And on the 50th day, God said let them eat cheesecake-ORIGINAL
The Stars of David that Aren’t
Violins decorated with mother-of-pearl six-pointed stars have gained popularity and value with claims of Jewish or Holocaust origins. What do the experts say?
J Street’s Sigh of Relief
Ever since Joe Biden took office and Democrats became the majority party in both chambers of Congress, all of the dovish lobby’s dreams seem to have come true: One by one, the administration has been rolling back Trump-era policies adopted to marginalize the Palestinians; American foreign aid money is once again flowing to Palestinian causes; Israel is being called out when it crosses the line on settlement activity, and the term “two-state solution” is back in America’s diplomatic lexicon. Not to mention the launch of a diplomatic effort aimed at reviving the Iranian nuclear deal, which Trump had dropped out of, triggering an Iranian resumption of nuclear activity.