Wisdom Project | Ann Jaffe, 91
Born in Poland in 1931, Ann Jaffe and her family survived the Holocaust and emigrated to the United States, where Jaffe became a determined Holocaust educator.
Lessons from Ilhan Omar’s Removal from the Foreign Affairs Committee
The vote was further proof that the question isn’t where to draw the line between criticism of Israel and antisemitism. It’s all about politics.
Meet the Five New Jewish House Members
Forget about the ‘Jew-ish’ guy. These five new members of Congress have real lives worth noting.
Antisemitism Monitor 2023
Escaping Auschwitz with Jonathan Freedland and Dan Raviv
Guardian journalist Jonathan Freedland, author of The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World joins former CBS News correspondent and Moment contributor Dan Raviv for a conversation about the heroic efforts of Vrba and why his report did not achieve its goal—of ending the Nazi slaughter of the Jews.
Ten Jewish TikTokers
As on other social media apps, there are plenty of prominent Jewish TikTokers who have built platforms for themselves on the ever-growing app.
Abortion Rights: Where Jewish Ultra-Orthodox and Christian Conservatives Meet
Moment Institute Fellow Nathan Guttman examines the beliefs and practices of the Haredim, specifically in regards to abortion rights.
Visual Moment | Tales of Rifles and Resistance
These are the words of Faye Schulman, who, at age 16 during World War II, fled to the forests outside her hometown of Lenin, Poland, after witnessing her entire family being executed by the Nazis.
Talk of the Table | Waste with Taste: Peels, Stems, Tops and More
Recipes designed to minimize waste have been part of Jewish culture for generations.
The Educational Legacy of Julius Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington with Dorothy Canter, Marian and Valerie Coleman, Stephanie Deutsch, Andrew Feiler and Aviva Kempner
A discussion about Julius Rosenwald and Booker T. Washington’s historic partnership, the impact the Rosenwald schools had on the African American community and the importance of remembering and preserving their legacy.