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Father’s Day Gift Package
Give the gift of laughter to the fathers and grandfathers in your life!
- 1. “HAVE I GOT A CARTOON FOR YOU! The Moment Magazine Book of Jewish Cartoons “
- 2. Moment‘s beloved jokes issue, featuring some of the best Jewish jokes of all time!
- 3. Print subscription to Moment
- 4. All-access digital (unlimited web access + digital edition)
- 5. Plus a Moment Wisdom Series Bookmark with a quote from Moment cofounder Elie Wiesel
All for $36
HAVE I GOT A CARTOON FOR YOU! The Moment Magazine Book of Jewish Cartoons is an award-winning collection of Jewish cartoons edited by former New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff. The book features a foreword by New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast.
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Moment co-founder Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) was the author of Night, survivor of Auschwitz and a powerful, enduring voice of the Holocaust. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, he was a hero of human rights, professor and author of more than 50 books. In this striking volume, Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein shares her memories of Wiesel and brings together 36 reflections from friends, colleagues and others who knew him—including his son Elisha Wiesel, Michael Berenbaum, Wolf Blitzer, Father Patrick Desbois, Ben Kingsley, Ronald S. Lauder, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Kati Marton, Itzhak Perlman, Natan Sharansky, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Oprah Winfrey and Ruth Wisse. The foreword is by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and the afterword is by Ted Koppel. Epstein also presents readers with a visual history of Wiesel’s life, provides lively conversations with teenagers about Night and offers discussion questions. The book includes more than 100 photographs. ·(MomentBooks)
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Gift of Laughter
- Copy of "HAVE I GOT A CARTOON FOR YOU! The Moment Magazine Book of Jewish Cartoons, an award-winning collection of Jewish cartoons edited by former New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff. The book features a foreword by New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast.
- A print and digital subscription to Moment Magazine:
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