Book Review | Greed, Drugs and Philanthropy

In this time of corrective unnamings—to remove traces of admiration or gratitude for the morally reevaluated—the names of unrepentant slaveholders, Confederate generals, contemporary sexual predators and other assorted wrongdoers have been erased or proposed for erasure from college dorms, military bases, city streets and more.

J Street conference

J Street’s Sigh of Relief

Ever since Joe Biden took office and Democrats became the majority party in both chambers of Congress, all of the dovish lobby’s dreams seem to have come true: One by one, the administration has been rolling back Trump-era policies adopted to marginalize the Palestinians; American foreign aid money is once again flowing to Palestinian causes; Israel is being called out when it crosses the line on settlement activity, and the term “two-state solution” is back in America’s diplomatic lexicon. Not to mention the launch of a diplomatic effort aimed at reviving the Iranian nuclear deal, which Trump had dropped out of, triggering an Iranian resumption of nuclear activity.

Biden and Netanyahu are shown shaking hands as Trump looks on.

Adjusting to a New Political World

For some, the transition was swift and painless.

On the streets next to Capitol Hill, DC residents broke out into spontaneous dancing, as soon as police lifted the barricades next to their homes at the end of Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony.  

Across the country, cheerful Americans posted photos online of champagne bottles popping open, sharing toasts with friends, and showing off Biden-Harris posters and inauguration memorabilia. (There were also the Bernie Sanders memes, but that’s another story.)

For others, however, transitioning to Joe Biden’s America was harder.

Robert Siegel

Robert Siegel on U.S. Capitol Riots: ‘It’s Like Nothing I’ve Seen Before’

Robert Siegel, former host of NPR’s All Things Considered and Moment’s special literary contributor shares his thoughts about the mob events at the U.S. Capitol and how these past few years remind him of the turmoil of 1968. He also reflects on the history of American rebellions and the challenges that lie ahead for the Biden administration. Siegel is in conversation with Moment’s opinion and book editor Amy E. Schwartz.