Andrew Smith (OH): ‘Anti-Semitism Has Always Been a Unique and Pernicious Disease’

“In general, when politicians talk about anti-Semitism, they mix it up with this greater concept of overall hatred and bigotry. Anti-Semitism has always been a unique and pernicious disease. It is not the same thing as discriminating against Muslims or African Americans. It’s its own unique thing. And too often politicians conflate all of these unacceptable attitudes without singling out a hatred (toward Jews), which is and always has been a special pathology of the human condition.”

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Nina Stanley (OH): ‘The President Consorts With Anti-Semites’

“Anti-Semitism on left is about policy, it’s not racial. The far-right thinks we are a different race. In Israel, they are not treating Palestinians equally. They are second-class citizens. I’ve been there many times and it’s like South Africa under Apartheid. People who feel the Israeli government is treating people like second-class citizens are not anti-Semitic. I don’t take it personally if they hate me. I don’t support Israel (politically) right now but I still buy Israeli products and would fly El Al.”

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An image of Arizona voter Robert Schwebel

Robert Schwebel (AZ): ‘It Would Be Nice to Have a Jewish President’

“Historically, I was far more concerned about white nationalism on the right. Trump’s part of it—he’s a reflection of it. He’s brought it out into the open. But I’ve been doing reading about the divestment movement on campuses and it just doesn’t make sense to me that Israel is the country that’s attacked for human rights when there’s mass genocide going on in other parts of the world. Yet somehow Israel is the one that’s targeted both in the United Nations and with divestment. I do see that coming from the left, which is the direction I lean so it concerns me.”

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Janice Weiner (IA): ‘It’s Not Anti-Semitism to Disagree With Israeli Government Policies’

“We need a decent person, someone with integrity, who ends up in the presidency and then has the moral standing to be able to start addressing some of these issues. For me, anyone on the Democratic side would be able to accomplish that, whether they’re my favorite candidate or not. As we’re seeing in Washington every day right now, we just need different leadership at the top that tells the truth and really tries to bring some decency, caring and compassion back into our government and in our national discourse.”

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Ruth Kantrowitz (WI): ‘Bernie Sanders is a Shame as a Jew’

“I think the so-called squad is just spreading vile lies. They are working to undo the good things that Israel does and the good things that American Jews do. Representatives Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar are plain out supportive of terrorists. They don’t hide it and they’re not ashamed of it. I also think Bernie Sanders is a shame as a Jew.  I am ashamed to call him a member of the tribe. I think he is more concerned with people who want to kill his ancestors and future generations and just somehow refuses to see anything in reality.”

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A photo of Michigan voter Ariana Mentzel

Ariana Mentzel (MI): ‘I Sometimes Feel Guilty for Having Children in this Cruel World’

There’s so much for the candidates to cover, and every issue is important. I’m not so self-centered as to think that all they need to talk about is anti-Semitism. I think most candidates have addressed it with a quick answer or correspondence with organizations like the Anti-Defamation League or American Jewish Committee. Bernie Sanders has fallen short on addressing leftist anti-Semitism or really understanding why some Jews feel that there is anti-Semitism on the left.

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Josh Mandelbaum (IA): ‘Folks Are More Comfortable Now Coming Out and Spewing Things’

“I’m very concerned; the number of incidents that we’ve seen across the country is alarming. Anti-Semitism is something that many people thought was in the past or was less of an issue today. It’s been a real wake-up call. We had a community meeting at the temple after one of the attacks in New Jersey. All of the Jewish facilities around town have invested in security measures—doors are locked, people filter through just one door. We are more often hiring armed off-duty Des Moines police officers on regular Shabbats. So, yeah, I would say I’m very, very alarmed.”

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What AIPAC and Super Tuesday Taught Us About the Presidential Race

Joe Biden, the comeback grandpa, had the best Super Tuesday anyone could have imagined. In fact, he performed so well, from solid wins in southern states, to surprise victories in Massachusetts and Minnesota, and an unbelievable upset in Texas, that some are already speculating that it’s all over and Biden is on a safe path to clinch the Democratic nomination.
There’s still a long road ahead, and if anything, Biden has proven time and again that he has a rare talent for ruinous missteps. But still, he is now the frontrunner in a narrowed-down Democratic field.

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