1. What is a Haggadah?
The Haggadah is the book used to guide people through the story of Passover; it is used during the Passover Seder. The word Haggadah means “telling” in Hebrew since its purpose is to convey the Exodus story, as well as guide the reader through the proper steps of the seder meal.

2. What’s Inside the Haggadah?
The Haggadah contains a 15-step process to conduct the seder. [If you would like to view all 15 steps, click here.]
These 15 steps include various blessings, such as blessings over the wine and blessings over the Matzah; telling the Exodus story, such as discussing the 10 plagues and the 4 Questions—read by the youngest seder attendee; and songs about liberation, such as “Dayenu” and “Chad Gadya.”