Ask the Rabbis // Proselytizing?
Should Jews advocate for their religious choices in conversation with Jews who have chosen differently?
Should Jews advocate for their religious choices in conversation with Jews who have chosen differently?
Is there a “Jewish” way to parent?
What is our responsibility as Jews toward Syrian refugees?
Should rabbis talk to their congregants about BDS?
Is whistleblowing a Jewish obligation?
Is it permitted to invite a non-Jew to your Seder? And is it a good idea?
How do you decide when a candidate for conversion is ready to become Jewish?
Are there aspects of Judaism that encourage arrogance—or that help guard against it?
“In contrast with other views, we are not born sinners, but by virtue of the human condition and our free will, we are bound to act sinfully from time to time.”
We ask our rabbis, “Should Jews be for or against the right to bear arms?”
INDEPENDENT: Addiction is highlighted in the Torah’s account of the Revelation at Mount Sinai, where the One Who Spoke and the World Came into Being instructed us not to get so caught up in our subjective assumptions about God that we would carve out and worship an image reflecting those assumptions.