There's an interesting conversation happening over on one of my favorite websites, the inimitable RapGenius. (Haven't heard of it? Don't worry, the New York Times...
President Barack Obama is looking to regain momentum against Republican nominee Mitt Romney at tonight’s debate, but a leading expert says that on Israel, at...
By Daphna Berman
Some 1,500 pastors are expected to publicly endorse political candidates and openly violate IRS law this coming weekend as part of Pulpit Freedom...
by Natalie Buchbinder
It's tough to make a horrific event that happened over 70 years ago relevant to young people.
It's the struggle that Holocaust museums and...
By Sarah Breger
The contentious debate over Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his actions during the Holocaust is ongoing. There are those who argue that FDR was...
More than three quarters of Jewish Israelis are dissatisfied with government policies on religion, while 67% believe that the country’s ultra-Orthodox are driving a wedge...
National Shtetl Radio? That's the lineage that David Brooks imagined for himself and Robert Siegel--newly discovered by Moment to have genetic ties that might make...
By Martin Berman-Gorvine
Contemporary poetry on Jewish religious subjects is rare in America outside the pages of specialized Jewish publications. Thus, Peg Duthie’s delightful new collection...
New research has unearthed conversations among German POWs during World War II--recorded by British intelligence--that reveals the extent to which some German soldiers knew about...