Sweater vest as contraception: the solution to the birth-control debate? At Moment's symposium on the intersection of humor and politics Sunday night, comedian and honoree...
Egyptian policy toward Israel has largely remained consistent, despite rhetoric from the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled government that indicates otherwise, a leading Middle East expert told Moment...
In our November/December issue, Clifford D. May says the Islamist movement could sabotage democratic reforms in the Arab World:
"Once the dictators fell, it became apparent...
Moment's annual Elephant in the Room Contest--designed to foster conversation about important but little-discussed topics--is taking on an issue many of us deal with but...
In our November/December issue, Moment columnist Naomi Ragen describes leaving her comfort zone and accepting an aliyah for the first time:
"I admit that at first...
Police detained six members of a women’s prayer group at Jerusalem’s Western Wall this morning, reportedly for refusing to remove their prayer shawls.
The group, Women...
Anxiety and Judaism: the two seem to go hand-in-hand. From Moses to Franz Kafka to Woody Allen, the tradition is filled with worriers and hand-wringers....
In our November/December issue, we ask our rabbis what makes someone a "real" rabbi. Here's what Rabbi Gershon Winkler of the Walking Stick Foundation in...
Israel’s Gaza strike, which killed the head of Hamas’ military wing, Ahmed Jabari, may cause a “very significant escalation and could cause a real rupture”...