The U.S. and the Aftermath of the Israeli Elections
In Israel, the April elections are over. President Rivlin has sworn in the 21st Knesset and given Prime Minister Netanyahu a month to form the next government of Israel.
In Israel, the April elections are over. President Rivlin has sworn in the 21st Knesset and given Prime Minister Netanyahu a month to form the next government of Israel.
From its origins with Jewish musicians in the 1970s to modern-day Jewish punk bands, the histories of Jewish culture and punk rock are deeply intertwined.
Helena survived three concentration camps and when the last one was liberated she was flown by the Red Cross to a hospital in Sweden. She was 5’4″ and weighed 52 lbs. Her roommate in the hospital, a fellow survivor, knit the sweater for her while they were there. She told me she has worn that sweater every Passover since.
We want to hear from you: What Passover foods did you eat growing up that seem to have vanished?
At 88 years old, Viorst doesn’t fail to remind us how fiercely funny she is in her appropriately titled poetry collection: Nearing 90 and Other Comedies of Late Life.
It was August 1943. Only six months earlier the Red Army had defeated the Germans at Stalingrad. That month the first and only representative of the Communist Party to be elected to the Canadian House of Commons won a predominantly Jewish, working class district in Montreal.
Just thinking about the government that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is forming fills me with a deep sense of dread.
Last Friday, as election results in Israel became clear and as final touches were being put on the U.S. Middle East peace plan, a.k.a. “the deal of the century,” a group of Jewish organizations sent a letter to President Trump essentially asking him to rein in Israel’s re-elected prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In our 2019 seder supplement, we’ve collected some of Moment’s best Passover stories—from the history of charoset to the best Passover movies.
For many young adults, going on a Taglit Birthright Israel trip is an integral part of the Jewish experience. But the trip has also proven controversial, and J Street recently announced its own free trip.