Jewish World

Moment‘s Israel coverage provides in-depth analysis, on-the-ground reporting, insightful interviews and more. From politics to poetry to people, Moment has everything you need to stay in the know about the state of the Jewish state.


Death in the Jewish Tradition

Throughout the ages, the Jewish people have developed customs, rituals and observances to guide us and provide comfort when a loved one dies. Moment Senior Editor Francie Weinman Schwartz, coauthor of The Jewish Moral Virtues with Eugene B. Borowitz, has prepared this compendium to help you make decisions in advance and know what to do when the time comes. Due to safety concerns brought about by the current public health crisis, we’ve also included new traditions to consider.

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Elie Wiesel

The Teachings of Elie Wiesel Remembered with Elisha Wiesel

Elisha Wiesel joins us on the fourth anniversary of his father’s passing to share stories and reflections on the lessons he learned from his dad, Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel. Elisha is in conversation with Nadine Epstein, Moment editor-in-chief and editor of Elie Wiesel: An Extraordinary Life & Legacy. Moment is pleased to host this special zoominar to honor the memory of Elie Wiesel who co-founded the magazine 45 years ago with writer Leonard Fein.

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Jewish Word | When the Past Is Present and the Present Is Past

We Jews are obsessed with history. From ancient to modern times, from the Flood to the Exodus to the destruction of the Temples and the exiles, from the Middle Ages to the Inquisition and the pogroms to the Holocaust to the establishment of the State of Israel, we recall and retell our history.

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