The Superhero Haggadah: When Monoculture Meets Mono-Judaism
David Duke Abroad
David Duke established another life for himself in Austria—and remained undisturbed in his Alpine paradise.
Pandemic Strips Some Israeli Citizens Living Abroad of Their Right to Vote
Ask the Rabbis | Post-Pandemic, What Elements of Virtual Judaism Will We Keep?
In 2018, as synagogues pondered livestreaming some services for the convenience of infirm relatives, we asked the rabbis to contemplate what was surely a distant, speculative future: “What role should virtual presence play in Jewish ritual and community?”
Queen Esther Goes to Hollywood
In 2021, the Pandemic Has Spawned Anti-Semitism Around the Globe
As the world came to grips with the seriousness of the pandemic last spring, conspiracies arose linking COVID-19 and anti-Semitism.
Houston’s United Orthodox Synagogues Triumphs with Community-Based Vaccination Effort
L’Dor v’Dor: Janice Rothschild Blumberg on why Jon Ossoff Was Sworn In On Her Husband’s Bible
Counting the Dead
Instead of counting sheep when i have difficulty sleeping, it’s become my habit to count and name the dead.
Jewish White House Advisers You May Not Know About
Jews in the White House? Who knew!
Jewish Word | Pikuach Nefesh
In Chaim Potok’s 1969 novel The Promise, sequel to the better-known The Chosen, there’s a scene that piercingly illustrates the Jewish legal emphasis on saving a life.