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Musical Memories of Elie Wiesel

Some of Elie’s friends and former students join in conversation and song to mark what would have been his 92nd birthday.

Featuring: Rabbi Ariel Burger, author, Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s Classroom; Nadine Epstein, editor-in-chief, Moment Magazine; Cantor Deborah Katchko-Gray, Congregation Shir Shalom, Connecticut; Matthew Lazar, founder & director, Zamir Choral Foundation; Cantor Joseph Malovany, Fifth Avenue Synagogue, New York

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A Wide-Open Conversation with Author and Linguist Deborah Tannen

Deborah Tannen, New York Times bestselling author of You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation and Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, discuss Deborah’s just-published book Finding My Father: His Century-Long Journey from World War I Warsaw and My Quest to Follow.

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What’s in a Date? On the Meaning of Tisha B’Av

This year some Jews will use Tisha B’Av as a day to reflect upon the trauma of the ongoing pandemic. When cities across the world shut down this spring, the reality of social distancing and quarantine, accompanied by images of abandoned roads, empty subways and desolate public spaces, evoked the opening lines of the book of Lamentations, traditionally chanted on Tisha B’Av in many communities.

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Is Singling Out Jewish Campaign Donors Anti-Semitic?

There’s a foolproof way of knowing election season is here—just wait for someone to make a Jewish money reference. The tighter the race, the more likely you are to hear something along the lines of “outside donors” or “Wall Street money,” or just the casual listing of top donors, all of whom happen to be Jewish.

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