Poem | The Mysteries
How to explain the poem that writes itself after the final poem, after the book has closed?
How to explain the poem that writes itself after the final poem, after the book has closed?
Is killing Jews “the right thing” to do? The Polish government seems to believe it is.
After The West Wing, Scandal, and Sports Night, Joshua Malina takes on Leopoldstadt, which is on Broadway through July. Perhaps Hollywood’s most Jew-y Jew, Malina now acts as Hermann Merz, the patriarch of the sprawling Viennese Jewish family.
Most evangelical leaders who had endorsed Trump previously have been reluctant to state a preference for 2024. Now that White has, will others follow?
Rep. Ed Stafman believes that Republicans in the Montana legislature singled him out not because he’s a Jew, but because he’s the wrong kind of Jew.
Neo-Nazis have a real problem with drag queens. Is it misplaced? Historical? Antisemitic? What does the larger “anti-grooming” crowd make of it?
In Kantika, Rebecca—who is both a dressmaker and a beauty—is interested in manipulating surfaces and self-fashioning.
The tour’s organizer claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon containing “luciferase,” which Bill Gates created by combining cryptocurrency technology with Jeffrey Epstein’s DNA to create a new species of human.
Today’s societal breakdown may seem like it’s left versus right, or secular versus religious. In reality it’s also about the role of women.
“Politicians speak of disengagement, like ‘Israel’s disengaged from Gaza.’ Well, environmentally, that’s bullshit,” says Bromberg. “It’s impossible to disengage from a shared environment.”
Because different people use it in so many different ways, we end up talking past each other, especially in conversations between those who say they support Zionism and those who say they oppose it.