Book Review | From Half a Line to Hebrew Heroine
Feldman not only recovers these female characters but brings together the traditional rabbinic commentaries on these marginal or marginalized women.
Feldman not only recovers these female characters but brings together the traditional rabbinic commentaries on these marginal or marginalized women.
One thing most people don’t want explained are jokes. BUT, if a joke is already bona fide boffo funny, an explanation might help us appreciate it even more.
AI is the brainchild of cognitive scientists, computer programmers and physicists; it raises problems for politicians, journalists and philosophers; and it’s alive in the imaginations of artists, cartoonists and science fiction writers. We’ve asked people from all these fields how best to approach this astounding moment in human history.
With no judicial oversight, this self-serving government can use its powers to fire and appoint anyone it wants, to use public resources for pet projects and to otherwise abuse its power.
Artificial intelligence has been around ever since we plucked the fruit off the branch of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and came away with clarity around neither.
This May, climate action organization Dayenu released “Rising Tides, Rising Voices: Songs for the Jewish Climate Movement,” a digital songbook, which brings together a diverse set of songs—Jewish and secular, English and Hebrew, chanted and sung—for Jewish climate activism.
After Italian philosopher Umberto Eco published his first novel, The Name of the Rose (1980), to worldwide critical acclaim and instant bestsellerdom, scores of major humanities scholars started thinking about fiction as a possible genre for them too.
How to explain the poem that writes itself after the final poem, after the book has closed?
Is killing Jews “the right thing” to do? The Polish government seems to believe it is.
After The West Wing, Scandal, and Sports Night, Joshua Malina takes on Leopoldstadt, which is on Broadway through July. Perhaps Hollywood’s most Jew-y Jew, Malina now acts as Hermann Merz, the patriarch of the sprawling Viennese Jewish family.
Most evangelical leaders who had endorsed Trump previously have been reluctant to state a preference for 2024. Now that White has, will others follow?
Rep. Ed Stafman believes that Republicans in the Montana legislature singled him out not because he’s a Jew, but because he’s the wrong kind of Jew.