By Rebecca Borison
Born in Odessa in 1879, Jacob Weinberg was a talented and prolific Jewish composer, who sought to preserve and promote his Jewish heritage...
Interviews by Moment Staff
Adin Steinsaltz
Jewish peoplehood is always central. It comes before the Jewish nation or the Jewish state. We live in modern times, but...
By Lily Shoulberg
Growing up in New York City, I’ve always had plenty of Jewish friends, gone to public schools with significant Jewish populations, and, in...
By Rebecca Borison
For the past couple of months I’ve been mastering the skill of finding Jewish-related news. I follow the Jewish blogs and sites—Jewcy, Jewlicious,...
By Daniela Enriquez
Elections are around the corner and once again the question presents itself—are Jews by nature Democrats? That American Jews tend to lean left...
By Julia Glauberman
In recent weeks, TIAA-CREF, a leading financial services organization that manages nearly $500 billion in assets, has announced that it will remove Caterpillar,...
By Martin Berman-Gorvine
In this Passover season, consider the plight of Jewish women whose marriages have ended but whose (former) husbands refuse them a get (bill...