The Only Miracle
by Debra Ginsberg
Daniel was surprisingly hungry. He’d eaten a decent lunch—a sandwich with pickles and a side of slaw—and planned only a light...
Hanukkah Lights // Anne Burt
For The Ghosts
by Anne Burt
My 13-year-old, as usual, is not eating her bowl of dry Honey Nut Cheerios. Her thumbs trawl across her iPhone even...
Ask the Rabbis // Arrogance
Are there aspects of Judaism that encourage arrogance—or that help guard against it?
A Milestone at the Western Wall
by Marilyn Cooper
Mar Cheshvan’s Rosh Hodesh, the monthly holiday celebrating the new moon, is traditionally associated with bitterness because Cheshvan contains no holidays. But now...
What Makes Us Happy? A Symposium
The search for happiness is as old as humanity itself. In Jewish culture, the subject of happiness surfaces in biblical psalms, rabbinic commentary, Talmudic pilpul...
A Jewish State? Einstein and Opponents in 1944
by Harold Ticktin
I recently plucked a yellowed 95-cent paperback from my burgeoning backlog--one called The Jews Among the Nations, published in 1967 by Erich Kahler,...
A Question Revisited: Are The Old Synagogues of Eastern Europe Worth Saving?
by Phyllis Myers
I traveled to Poland in October 1989 as Central and Eastern Europe was emerging from a half-century of Nazi occupation and Communist rule....
Remembering Lipman Pike
by Richard Michelson
The Answer is Lipman Pike.
The category is Jewish baseball stars. Which of these is the correct Jeopardy! question?
Which player hit 6 home runs...
Book Review: David, The Divided Heart
by Linda Tucker
David: The Divided Heart
David Wolpe
Yale University Press
September 16, 2014, 184 pp, $25.00
A man of contradictions is the Biblical David–on the one hand revered...
Statement from Moment Magazine on the passing of Moment Founder Leonard Fein
We are sad to announce that Moment co-founder and founding editor Leonard Fein has passed away.
How Has Jewish Thought Influenced Science?
How has Jewish thinking influenced science? Moment poses the question to scientists and scholars Yehuda Bauer, Jonathan Ben-Dov, Edward Bormashenko, Jeremy Brown, Allison Coudert, Noah Efron, Shmuel Feiner, Gad Freudenthal, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, Susan Greenfield, Menachem Kellner, Daniel Matt, Judea Pearl, Jonathan Sacks, Gerald Schroeder, Howard Smith, Hermona Soreq, Moshe Tendler and Yossi Vardi.
Will the Real Bagel Please Roll Over?
by Ellen Sue Spicer-Jacobson
One of my fondest childhood memories is going with my father and siblings to Kramer’s Bakery in Trenton, NJ on a Saturday...